Click on a day for specific listings and a related image.

  • Article: “After Cuba,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Russell, Bertrand 1955-1967: Box #337 Folder #337.7]
  • Bulletin Article: “Genetic Effects”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box # 6.008 Folder #8.412]
  • Bulletin, “Medical Association for the Prevention of War.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Fe-Me), Box #4.012, Folder #12.9] 
  • Final working story list for “Rehovoth.” [Letter from Katchalski to LP March 3, 1963]  [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Organizational Correspondence (Wa-Wo)), #441.4]
  • Handwritten note: "Parke Davis, 300 share, dated Sept 21 1954, given to Peter Pauling, June 1963." [Filed under LP Safe Contents, Drawer 2, Folder 2.016]
  • Lecture Program for the Symposium on “New Perspectives in Biology” by the Weizmann Institute of Science, June 10th-17th.  [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Organizational Correspondence (Wa-Wo)), #441.4]
  • Magazine Article: “Do Atoms Think About Themselves?”, Progressive World. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box # 6.008 Folder #8.410]
  • Magazine Article: “Society and the Scientist”, Chemistry in Canada. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box # 6.008 Folder #8.408]
  • Magazine Article: “ils vivent dans l’Université aux 17 prix Nobel,” by Danielle Hunebelle, Réalités:La Science (France), No. 209, (June 1963): 89-91. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Newspaper Clippings, Magazine and Journal Articles related to LP, 1963: Box #1963n, Folder #1963n.13]
  • Magazine: Harper’s Magazine, June, 1963. [Filed under LP Biographical: Material from LP’s Desk at C.I.T., 1958-1964 Box #1.034, Folder #34.8]
  • Newsletter Article: “Pauling in Minneapolis”, SSRS Newsletter.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box # 6.008 Folder #8.409]
  • Newsletter, “Protestant Churches in Czechoslovakia.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Issues of International Diplomacy and Human Rights, Cu-Ir), Box #6.014, Folder #14.2] 
  • Newspaper: AFSC Reporter Vol. 3, Issue No. 6[Filed under LP Biographical: Material from LP’s Desk at C.I.T., 1958-1964 Box #1.034, Folder #34.8]
  • Publication: “Radiation and Childhood Cancer,” Nuclear Information. [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: The Biological Effects of Radiation 1963-1969, 1984-1991: Box #7.017, Folder #17.2]
  • Report, “A Report on the 1963 Open Letter For Ending The War and Making Peace in South Vietnam.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Vietnam Peace Research and Activism Materials, 1962-1972), Box #6.006, Folder #6.2] 

June 1
  • Invoice from Boyle Lumbar Co. to LP RE: Total of $27.07.   [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.061, Folder #61.1]
  • Letter from Jerome F. Hamlin, Yale University, to LP RE: Describes a student peace organization at Yale called Alternative.  Invites LP to give a lecture for Alternative at Yale in September.  Encloses Alternative’s statement of purpose. [Filed under LP Correspondence:(H: Correspondence, 1963), #169.1]
  • Newsletter, “SANE World.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Publications by and about SANE, 1960-1964), Box #4.005, Folder #5.31] 
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Electron transfer, p. 71. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 24R] 

June 2
  • Letter from Dr. Howard Levant, Convocations Committee, Morningside College, to LP RE: Asks if the idea of speaking at the college interests him. Asks for recommendations of other people in his field who might be useful if he cannot attend. [Letter from LP to Levant June 9, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1963), #259.2]
  • Letter from Philip L. Gordon to LP RE: Discusses issues of biochemistry and DNA.  Requests LP opinion on whether his thinking on the subjects is correct. [Letter from LP to Gordon July 8, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (G: Correspondence), #142.2]
  • Letter from William H. Wood, University of California, to LP RE: Wood questions LP about a comment he made about the way oxygen attaches to iron in heme. [Letter from Wood to LP August 12, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Correspondence, 1936-1970), #421.21] 
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Electron transfer, p. 72. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 24R] 

June 3

June 4

June 5

June 6
  • Letter from Aaron Ganz, Research Career Award Committee, National Institute of General Sciences, to LP RE: Informs him that he was referenced by Barbra Low. Asks for his comments and evaluation to Low. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Individual Correspondence),  #218.3]
  • Letter from Francis Hoague, MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless, to J. P. Tonkoff RE: Discusses the role each man played in LP’s trial and disputes facts involving expenses.  Requests that Tonkoff leave the LP case and allow Eleanor Piel to take over. [Letter from Hoague to Tonkoff, May 31, 1963, Letter from Hoague to Tonkoff, June 13, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. News Syndicate Co., Inc., 1961-1966, 1971: Box #3.020, Folder # 20.3]
  • Letter from J.I. Fernandez-Alonso to LP RE: Thanks LP for his letter and states that he also received LP’s paper on the electroneutrality principle. Also makes reference to the jointly published paper on phosphorus pentachloride and states that he would prefer that it be published as soon as possible. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence), #14.2]  
  • Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to Brother Columba Curran, Notre Dame University, bc. LP, RE: Thanks Curran for his June 5, 1963 letter and discusses arrangements for a meeting in St. Louis.  Attached to Letter from Green to LP, June 6, 1963. [Letter from Curran to Green, June 5, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5]
  • Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to LP RE: Discusses LP’s possible trip to St. Louis for a meeting with Brother Columba Curran and notes enclosed letters to Curran.  Also mentions Green’s motion for a summary judgment.  Attached to letters from Green to Curran date June 5, 1963 and June 6, 1963. [Letter from LP to Green, June 6, 1963, Letter from LP to Green, June 11, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5]
  • Letter from LP [Signed by Helen Gilrane] to Professor I.A. Folling, RE: Congratulating him on his honorary membership to the American Association on Mental Deficiency. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Correspondence) #129.7]         
  • Letter from LP to Dr. R.C. Carlston, Program Chairman, Aerojet Branch RESA, Aerojet-General Corporation, RE: States that he is unable to commit to speak before the Aerojet Branch at Azusa. [Letter from Carlston to LP June 3, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence), #14.2]  
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Robert D. Vold, University of Southern California, RE: Accepts the invitation to spend a day at the Conference on Colloid and Macromolecular Chemistry. [Letter from Vold to LP May 31, 196363, June 10, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Organizational Correspondence Un-Un) #420.5] 
  • Letter from LP to Hans-Juergen Wink RE: LP replies to a note from Wink about the publication, “Sunrise.” [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1963-1965), #446.1]       
  • Letter from LP to Howard Levant, Dept. Of English, Levant University, RE: Informs that he cannot currently make any appointments. Suggest that he write him again in a few months, and he may be able to lecture at the school next spring. [Letter from Levant to LP June 2, 1963 [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1963), #259.2]
  • Letter from LP to John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, RE: Discusses the New York Daily News case.  Mentions being in Pasadena or Monterey County for the summer. [Letter from Green to LP, May 9, 1963, Letter from Green to LP, June 6, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5]
  • Letter from LP to Michael Levi Matar, Counsellor at Law, RE: Discusses the settlement in the LP v. Hearst Corporation trial as well as the LP v. Daily News case. [Letter from Matar to LP, June 3, 1963, Letter from LP to Matar, June 10, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. National Review, Buckley, et al., 1961-1969: Box #3.016, Folder #16.1]
  • Letter from LP to Professor Mason, Executive Head and Professor of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, RE: Says he is pleased that Mason would write to him about Professor Boudart. LP says that he remembers his papers vaguely, however remembers that he had a favorable impression of them. Says that his memory is so dim of his work and on meeting him that LP wouldn’t be able to give a significant comment of the matter. [Letter from Mason to LP June 3, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (B: Correspondence), #40.2]  
  • Letter from LP to Thomas H. Dukes RE: Shares his interest in his article involving the molecular basis of sickle-cell anemia and other hemoglobinemias. Corrects his references and cites he must not be familiar with the literature in this field. [Letter from Jukes to LP June 13, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (J: Individual Correspondence),  #190.9]
  • Letter from LP to Wolf-G. Umlandt RE: LP encloses a paper about the genetic effects of fallout for Umlandt. [Letter from Umlandt to LP June 22, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Correspondence, 1936-1970) #421.21]  
  • Letter from Olaf Helmer to LP RE: Helmer invites LP to participate in a project which is concerned with the development of better techniques for assessing the direction of long range scientific and technological tents and their probable effects on society.  The Rand Corporation is also working on this project .  If LP chooses to participate, Helmer asks him to fill out the enclosed questionnaire. [Letter from LP to Helmer June 11, 1963]  [Filed under LP Correspondence: R: Correspondence, 1960-1963: Box #342 Folder #342.4]               
  • Letter from Shirley Bird, the Texas Union, University of Texas, to LP RE: Bird asks LP if he will speak at a lecture series at the University of Texas during the 1963-1964 academic year. [Letter from LP to Bird July 1, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Correspondence, 1936-1970) #421.21] 
  • Letter from the Universities Committee to LP RE: Thanks LP for his contribution towards the Test-Ban Ad. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Correspondence, 1936-1970), #421.21]  
  • Memo from LP [Signed by Helen Gilrane] to Dr. Catchpool, Earl Salo, Dr. R. Causey, RE: States that Salo will start work on June 17th. He will spend his time making conductivity measurements, under the supervision of Catchpool and Causey. Also informs Catchpool, that Causey’s aid will be minimal; he will be focusing his time on the interpretation of the measurements in terms of chemical equilibrium.   [LP Correspondence: Box #62, Folder #62.5, Catchpool, John Francis, 1963.]
  • Note from Miss Yuet-May Huang, New Asia College, to LP RE: Thanks LP for his advice. Informs that she has decided to take advanced studies in September. Expresses appreciation for receiving a copy of LP’s, The Nature of the Chemical Bond. [Filed under LP Correspondence:(H: Correspondence, 1963) #169.1]       
  • Receipt from First Western Bank to LP RE: “Receipt Portion.”  For a deposit. $768.74.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]

June 7

June 8
  • Letter from Hang-sang Wu, Taipei Medical College, to LP RE: Wu requests that LP look over his answer to an example problem from LP’s General Chemistry book and see where he is going wrong. [Inter-office memo from Gus to LP June 12, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1963-1965) #446.1] 
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: NH3 etc by Simple Method, p. 73-74. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 24R]                       

June 9
  • Check from AHP to H.B. Bennett Travel Agency RE: $14.18.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP June 18, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Newspaper Clipping: Letters to the Editor “American Heritage”.  The Justice, June 9, 1963.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: Academic Freedom - Other Specific Incidents, 1948-1975: Box #2.038, Folder # 38.12]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to Mankind,” quote by President John F. Kennedy, The New York Times, June 9, 1963. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Newspaper Clippings, Magazine and Journal Articles related to LP, 1963: Box #1963n, Folder #1963n.12]

June 10
  • Article: “The Big Idea: ‘Look After Germany First’” in June 10, 1963 issue of Newsweek. [Fourth paragraph on page 51 circled] [Filed under LP Biographical: Material from LP’s Desk at C.I.T., 1958-1964 Box #1.034, Folder #34.3]
  • Check from AHP to Athenaeum RE: $5.00.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to Brown and Welin RE: $5.20.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to Driftwood Dairy RE: $5.79.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP June 18, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to F.C.L. RE: $10.00.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to Mira Loma Mutual Water Co. RE: $21.42.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP June 18, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to Pacific Telephone RE: $40.72.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to SOCO Western RE: $30.76.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP June 18, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to San Luis Butane Distributors RE: $5.44.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP June 18, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to Santa Anita Pool Service RE: $34.50.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to Texaco RE: $10.04.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to the Academy of Political Science RE: $6.00.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to the Southern California Gas Company RE: $12.80.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to the Southern California Refuse RE: $12.00.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from LP to United Nations RE: $5.20.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Letter from Dr. Robert D. Vold, University of Southern California, to LP RE: Vold thanks LP for accepting the invitation to spend a day a the Conference on Colloid and Macromolecular Chemistry. [Letter from LP to Vold June 4, 196363 and letter from Vold to LP June 17, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Organizational Correspondence Un-Un) #420.5] 
  • Letter from Hans E. Bejach, Rudolf Virchow Medical Society to LP RE: Asks LP to please send in his manuscript by July 1, 1963 for publication. They would regret if his presentation could not be published in their Proceedings. [Letter from LP to Bejach June 12, 1963] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1963), Box #1963a, Folder #1963a.18] 
  • Letter from LP to Michael Levi Matar, Counsellor at Law, RE: Notes the enclosure of an article in the National Review regarding the case against the National Review. [Letter from Matar to LP, June 6, 1963, Letter from LP to Matar, June 14, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. National Review, Buckley, et al., 1961-1969: Box #3.016, Folder #16.1]
  • Letter from M.S. Arnoni to Mr. Robert W. Gilmore, Executive Director, Turn Toward Peace, RE: Thanking Gilmore for his letter. States that the request of the International Liaison Committee to print the report on the eleven delegates in the Oxford Conference to be unreasonable. [Letter from Gilmore to Arnoni May 29, 1963, Letter from LP to Arnoni June 3, 1963]  [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M.S. Arnoni), #6.15]    
  • Letter from Warren Weaver to LP RE: Apologizes but is not able to provide LP with the grant he requested because it is outside the policy of the Sloan Foundation. [Letter from LP to Weaver June 4, 1963] [Filed under LP Science: (Rockefeller Foundation, 1943-1983), Box #14.039, Folder #39.6] 
  • Receipt from Walty Pump Co. to LP RE: Total of $102.96.   [Note June 24, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.061, Folder #61.1]
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Electronegativity of Carbon as Function of s in Orbital, p. 74-76. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 24R] 

June 11

June 12
  • Check from AHP to Satoko Sugita RE: $47.25.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]                       
  • Check from LP to Boyle Lumber Company RE: $9.96.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from LP to California Institute of Technology RE: $16.80.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP June 18, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Inter-office memo from Gus to LP RE: Gus explains the discrepancy between LP and Hang-sang Wu’s answers to an example problem in LP’s General Chemistry book. [Letter from Wu to LP June 8, 196363, Letter from LP to Wu June 18, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1963-1965) #446.1]
  • Letter from Eltore Nasturzio to LP RE: Written in Italian. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1963), #288.7] 
  • Letter from G. M. Canetta to Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, cc: LP, RE: Encloses seven copies of a proposal for the extension of Contract No. Nonr-220(33) for the period September 1, 1963 through August 31, 1964 for $20,000, under the continued direction of LP. [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Memoranda, Notes and Assorted Materials re: “The Structure of Metals and Intermetallic Compounds”, Contract Nonr 220(33) (Chemistry 43), 1958-1963), Box #14.035, Folder #35.1] 
  • Letter from Henry Paul, Charles R. Drew Medical Society, to LP. RE: Invites him to speak at the Scientific Assembly of the National Medical Association convention on August 13. [Letter from LP July 1, 1963] [Filed under LP Speeches: Speeches by LP, 1963: Box #1963s Folder #1963s.19] 
  • Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to Brother Columba Curran, University of Notre Dame, bc. LP, RE: Discusses a meeting between Green and Curran. [Letter from Green to LP, June 11, 1963, Letter from Green to Curran, June 26, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5] 
  • Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to LP RE: Thanks LP for his letter and discusses his Green’s upcoming meeting with Brother Columba Curran. Note in bottom right ‘Ans’d Me”. [Letter from LP to Green, June 11, 1963, Letter from Green to LP, June 20, 1963
  • Letter from LP to Hans E. Bejach, Rudolf Virchow Medical Society RE: Thanks Bejach for sending him a date of July 1, 1963 to send in his manuscript “Molecular Disease and Evolution.” LP plans to have it in be then. [Letter from Bejach to LP June 10, 1963] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1963), Box #1963a, Folder #1963a.18] 
  • Letter from LP to Robert Rumsey, RE: LP thought that the American Friends Service Committee would pay for the hotel bill for the Heathman Hotel.  However, LP has received several statements from the Hotel and has sent the hotel payment for the bill.  LP would like to be reimbursed for this expense.  [Rumsey’s reply June 13, 1963] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Am), Box #4.009, Folder #9.4]
  • Memo from Luther L. Terry, Surgeon General, to Study Section Members, Principal Investigators on Research Grants, and Grantee Institution Officials RE: Encloses the proposed research project grant regulations and explains their development. [Filed under LP Science: (United States Public Health Service: Assorted Grants, 1954-1964), Box #14.042, Folder #42.4] 
  • Receipt from First Western Bank to LP RE: “Receipt Portion.”  For a deposit. $125.00.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]

June 13

June 14
  • Article: “Myoglobin: Inherited Structural Variation in Man,” Science, Vol. 140, Jun 14, 1963. RE: LP excerpted article from journal to put it into his vertical file. LP labeled the top of the page with “Human Myoglobin”. [Filed under LP Science: (Non-Pauling Reprints re: The Structure and Properties of Proteins, 1920s-1970s), Box #6.006, Folder #6.4]
  • Article: “U.S. Denies Forces Far Exceed Need,” The New York Times. [Filed under LP Peace: Pauling Peace Research Notes: Box #6.012, Folder #12.3]
  • Check from AHP to Arthur Heimann and Sons RE: $14.04.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Letter from Devi Prasad to LP, RE: Prasad thanks LP for the reprint of the report on the Oxford Conference.  While Prasad offers some critiques on LP’s report, he notes that most importantly there must be unity within the peace movement in order for results to be achieved. [Filed under LP Peace: (Oxford Conference, January 4-7, 1963), Box #2.006, Folder #6.2]       
  • Letter from Emmer Engberg, Gustavus Adolphus College, to LP. RE: Thanks him for his presence and presentations during the Nobel weekend. [Filed under LP Speeches: Speeches by LP, 1963: Box #1963s Folder #1963s.14]        
  • Letter from Michael Levi Matar, Counsellor at Law, to LP RE: Discusses costs and disbursements regarding the LP v. Hearst Corporation settlement.  Also discusses the National Review case.  Invoice attached. [Letter from LP to Matar, June 14, 1963, Letter from LP to Matar, July 1, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. National Review, Buckley, et al., 1961-1969: Box #3.016, Folder #16.1]       
  • Letter from Rupert H. Ingram, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., to LP RE: Informs that he has sent a copy of the International Student Edition of his book, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. [Letter from LP to Ingram June 26, 1963] [Filed under LP Books: 1935b.1]
  • Letter from Theodor Benfey, Professor of Chemistry, Natural Science Division, Earlham College, to LP RE: Invites LP to speak at Earlham College. Also provides LP with various possible dates as to when he could speak. Offers a small honorarium. [Letter from LP to Benfey July 1, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (E: Correspondence), #113.4]  
  • Letter from William J. Pomeroy to Friends RE: Write about his separation from his wife due to the Philippine government. Asks for people to write letters of protest to the Philippine government. [Letter from LP to Pomeroy July 8, 1963][Note in bottom margin: Shares why he did not hesitate to make the appeal to him] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1963), #259.2] 
  • Memo from R. H. Felix, to Members of the National Institute of Mental Health Research Preliminary Review Groups and Principal Investigators on Research Grants and Mental Health Project Grants RE: Encloses proposed research project grant regulations and would greatly appreciate it if they comment on the proposed regulations. [Filed under LP Science: (United States Public Health Service: Assorted Grants, 1954-1964), Box #14.042, Folder #42.4] 

June 15
  • Bulletin: Bulletin of the World Council of Peace, Issue No. 1, June 15, 1963. [Filed under LP Biographical: Material from LP’s Desk at C.I.T., 1958-1964 Box #1.034, Folder #34.4]
  • Check from LP to Herb Klaassen RE: $382.50.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Letter from Gunther Heipp, Albert Schweitzer-Friends-Zentrum, to LP RE: Discusses his and his wife’s recent travels.  Mentions the GDR and LP’s broadcast in West Germany. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Heipp, Gunther) #153.4]
  • Letter from William P. Holman, Lake Region Press, to LP RE: Defends his manuscripts and inquires whether he could resubmit them to LP for further review.  Explains his theory about psychic experiences. [Letter from LP to Holman May 20, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence:(H: Correspondence, 1963) #169.1]
  • Newsletter, “SANE World.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Publications by and about SANE, 1960-1964), Box #4.005, Folder #5.32] 
  • Note from LP RE: “15 June 63 Phil given $60 50 for May 10 for bills.”   [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.061, Folder #61.1]
  • Receipt from State of California, Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Weights and Measures, to Ralph Haskin RE: Net weight of 25500.   [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.061, Folder #61.1]
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Autobiographical entry re: hay truck overturns, p. 15. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 23R]
  • Telegram from "Elna Poppe Gunnar Jahn" to LP, RE: "May none of you lose patience and hope in your endeavour and striving for peace we send you both our best wishes on your great anniversary." [Filed under LP Safe Contents, Drawer 2, Folder 2.024]

June 17
  • Address of Jim Sterling RE: Written on an envelope. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1962-1963), #382.2] 
  • Letter Canon L. John Collins, Christian Action, to LP RE: Collins says that he thought that LP would like a copy of the letter he sent to Arnoni.. Says the report by LP and AHP was excellent. He says that he does not se any great hope of the Confederation getting off the ground unless the whole spirit changes. Says that he was touched by the fact that LP sent a copy of his book to Collins’ son. [Letter from Collins to Arnoni June 17, 1963, Letter from LP to Collins July 8, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L. John and Diana Collins), #66.11] 
  • Letter from Dr. Robert D. Vold, University of Southern California, to LP RE: Vold explains to LP the issue with discussion time during the lectures and asks for LP’s opinion. [Letter from Vol to LP June 10, 196363 and letter from LP to Vold August 5, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Organizational Correspondence Un-Un) #420.5] 
  • Letter from Frances Herring to AHP RE: Thanks AHP for agreeing to bring the Durrs West on a speaking tour.  Is glad to say that AHP’s impression that the VOW dissidents have been successful is mistaken.  Herring also informs AHP that she is still at the University, where she has decided to remain as she may retire in four years.  Says she is regretful, however, that she will have to end her work on peace-making.  Letter from Frances Herring to AHP RE: Offers an attempt at a draft for the LAWISPs to rework into something they might like to push at the national meeting.  Says that the article AHP and LP have written for M of One on the Oxford Conference is superb.  [Filed under AHP Individual Correspondence, Personal: (Correspondence: Herring, Francis, 1962-1971, 1975, 1978, 1985), Box#1.005, Folder#5.20]
  • Letter from George H. Hickerson to LP RE: Requests LP’s endorsement of an enclosed appeal to President Kennedy.  Lists people and organizations who have endorsed the appeal. [Filed under LP Correspondence:(H: Correspondence, 1963) #169.1]               
  • Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to LP RE: Discusses the role of Brother Columba in LP’s trial and requests that LP have Mr. Hoague send the transcript of the New York Daily News trial. [Letter from LP to Piel, June 25, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. News Syndicate Co., Inc., 1961-1966, 1971: Box #3.020, Folder # 20.2] 
  • Letter from L. John Collins to Mr. Arnoni, RE: Thanks Arnoni for sending him copies of tear sheets of LP’s report on the Minority of One. Says that he does not wish to say anything which might exacerbate still further the awkward situation which was created by the Oxford Conference. Says that there a few points of detail which he is not sure off and he lists them. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L. John and Diana Collins), #66.11] 
  • Letter from L. John Collins, Reverend, Christian Action, to M.S. Arnoni, RE: Thanks him for the sheets of LP’s report on the Oxford Conference. How says that there are several points of which he is unsure of, states said points. [Letter from Arnoni to LP June 20, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M.S. Arnoni), #6.15] 
  • Letter from Madeline Duckles to AHP RE: Compliments AHP on her speech at Asilomar and her most recent letter.  Says that AHP’s analysis on the Berkeley group meets her own thinking, and encourages those in the movement for peace to continue to write to President Kennedy. [Filed under AHP Individual Correspondence, Personal: (Correspondence: Duckles, Madeline 1963), Box#1.005, Folder#5.15]
  • Letter from Professor W. L. Kretovich to LP RE: Kretovich explains that there will be a special volume of “Problems of Evolutionary and Industrial Biochemistry” published for the seventieth birthday of Academician Alexander Ivanovich Oparin.  He requests that LP contribute an article to it. [Letter from LP to Kretovich June 26, 1963] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1963), Box #1963a2, Folder #1963a2.6]
  • Letter from Renz L. Jennings, Supreme Court, State of Arizona, to LP RE: Says he regrets to have learned that LP lost his legal suit.  Writes that LP stands as a source of strength and inspiration and invites LP to visit next time he is in Phoenix. [Letter from LP to Jennings August 12, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence:(J: Correspondence) #192.29]
  • Note from Dr. Ralph K. Day to LP RE: Thanks LP for the reprints and the copy of No More War. Expresses interest in LP’s work. Includes a copy of his own book. [Letter from LP to Day June 27, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (D: Correspondence), #99.4]
  • Note from Peter Collins to LP RE: Thanks him for sending him the book. Also informs LP on the success of the Aldermaston march. Relays information about his mother’s health as well. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence), #77.1]  
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Autobiographical entry re: Phil Cullom, p. 15. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 23R]
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Magnetic Moments, p. 281-285. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 23R]
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Notes re: cattle at Deer Flat Ranch, p. 14. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 23R]

June 18

June 19
  • Article: “Experts Quit Jobs on Arms Control,” The New York Times. [Filed under LP Peace: Pauling Peace Research Notes: Box #6.012, Folder #12.3]
  • Letter from Marie A. Chang, Librarian, National Biomedical Research Foundation, to LP RE: Lists the articles she would like reprints of. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1963), #288.7] 
  • Letter from Seikichi Yonekawa, The Nagasaki-Hiroshima Pilgrimage for Peace to LP RE: Yonekawa thanks LP for his supports and explains the pilgrimages that have taken place in order to protest the A and H bomb. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Y: Correspondence, 1938-1977) #462.19] 
  • Manuscript: “The Valence and Magnetic Moment of the Manganese Atom in Manganese Metal and Alloys.” [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1963), Box #1963a, Folder #1963a.15] 
  • Proposal for Extension of Contract RE: Contract No. Nonr-220(33) for the period September 1, 1963 through August 31, 1964 between the Office of Naval Research and the California Institute of Technology. Summarizes the research done to this point. [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Memoranda, Notes and Assorted Materials re: “The Structure of Metals and Intermetallic Compounds”, Contract Nonr 220(33) (Chemistry 43), 1958-1963), Box #14.035, Folder #35.1] 
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Starts writing paper on valence of Mn in metal, p. 287. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 23R]

June 20
  • Envelope from First Western Bank:  Pasadena, California. [Envelope from First Western Bank May 23, 1963 and July 26, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]
  • Letter from Chris Nicolopoulos, Correspondent of “Avghi”, to LP RE: informs that there are numerous political prisoners in Greece. Share that they are in need of outstanding Americans to add their voice to the campaign. [Letter from LP to Nicolopoulos August 6, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1963), #288.7] 
  • Letter from Edwin Flatto, Dr. Flatto’s Health School, to LP RE: Responds to LP’s disagreement with Flatto’s objection to the fluoridation of water.  Discusses his standpoint in detail. Inquires about LP’s view of atomic fallout. Questions LP’s assertion that atomic fallout is distributed evenly in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.  Informs LP that he is sending him a bound copy of, “The New Walden.” [Letters from LP to Flatto June 11, 1963, June 26, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Correspondence) #129.7]
  • Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evan & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to LP RE: Discusses his meeting with Brother Columba Curran and Dr. Helmholz and states Judge Regan has not ruled on Green’s motion for summary judgment. [Letter from Green to LP, July 2, 1963, Letter from Green to LP, June 12, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5] 
  • Letter from Louis P. Smith, The Ford Hall Forum, to LP RE: Says that he sent a letter on May 20 inviting LP to speak at the Ford Hall Forum. Extends the invitation again. Proposes possible dates when LP could speak and hopes that it will be possible. [Letter from Smith to LP May 20, 1963, Letter from LP to Smith June 24, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Correspondence) #129.7]  
  • Letter from M.S. Arnoni to LP RE: Thanks him for the “Can Murder Stop the Peace Movement?” article and promises to publish it soon. Attaches a copy of a letter from Canon L. John Collins which will also be published. Says he believes that the letter is an endorsement of what LP and AHP have been saying.  Estimating the initial reprint of LP’s article, “Would Civilization Survive a Nuclear War?” to be at 10,000 copies. [Letter from Collins to Arnoni June 17, 1963, Letter from Arnoni to LP June 28, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M.S. Arnoni), #6.15]
  • Newsletter: “A Continuation of the Facts as They Have Happened” from The Committee to Aid the Bloomington Students, pages 9 through 13, RE:  Discusses various legal and social actions taken regarding the Bloomington case.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: Academic Freedom - Other Specific Incidents, 1948-1975: Box #2.038, Folder # 38.12]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “The scientists whisper some conforming words of peace”, National Guardian. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box # 6.008 Folder#8.412]
  • Press Release: “New Development In Criminal Indictment of Three Students at Indiana University” released by The Committee to Aid the Bloomington Students, RE: Discusses the legal issues of the indictment statement and Grand Jury hearings.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: Academic Freedom - Other Specific Incidents, 1948-1975: Box #2.038, Folder # 38.12]  
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Promotion Energy for Transition Metals, p. 287. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 23R]

June 21
  • Article: “Fallout, Food, and Man” by Merrill S. Read and Harold S. Olcott in Science Vol. 140. [Filed under LP Biographical: Material from LP’s Desk at C.I.T., 1958-1964 Box #1.034, Folder #34.3]
  • Article: “Replicating Form of a Single-Stranded DNA Virus: Isolation and Properties” by M. Hayashi, M. N. Hayashi, and S. Spiegelman in Science Vol. 140. [Filed under LP Biographical: Material from LP’s Desk at C.I.T., 1958-1964 Box #1.034, Folder #34.3]
  • Letter from Asbjorn Folling, to LP RE: Thanks LP for his letter of congratulation pertaining to the Association on Mental Deficiency. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Correspondence) #129.7]  
  • Letter from Joseph Carroll, Loyola University of Los Angeles, to LP. RE: Thanks him for his visit to Loyola. [Letter from LP June 26, 1963] [Filed under LP Speeches: Speeches by LP, 1963: Box #1963s Folder #1963s.17] 
  • Letter from Judge Herbert R. Friedlund, Swedish Retirement Association, to LP RE: Asks LP if he would speak at the Annual Outing of the Swedish Retirement Association in Evanston, Illinois. [Letter from LP to Judge Herbert R. Friedlund June 25, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1962-1963) #382.2] 
  • Letter from M.S. Arnoni to LP, RE: Requests a photograph of Dr. Lambrakis to feature with the article on announcing his murder. [Letter from LP to Arnoni, June 13, 1963, Letter from Gilrane to Arnoni July 9, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M.S. Arnoni), #6.15]
  • Manuscript notes: “The Morality of Nations”, First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles. [Filed under LP Speeches: Speeches by LP, 1963: Box #1963s Folder #1963s.18] 
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Electron configurations in Lanthanons, p. 287. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 23R]

June 22

June 23

June 24

June 25

June 26

June 27

June 28

June 29
  • Check from AHP to Abbey Rents RE: $28.50.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to Arnold’s Hardware RE: $13.45.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to Pearl M. Jordan RE: $25.00.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Check from AHP to The White House RE: $54.16.  [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP July 23, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.027, Folder #27.2]
  • Letter from Henry Allen Moe to LP RE: Thanks LP for information on the outcome of the trial and sends LP his new address stating that he would be happy to testify again. [Letter from LP to Moe June 26, 1963] [Filed under LP Science: (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1953-1975), Box #14.015, Folder #15.9] 

June 30
  • Bound Report: Protein Structure Group Report No. 30, California Institute of Technology, June 30, 1963. [Filed under LP Science: (Bound Reports: California Institute of Technology Protein Structure Group, 1962-1963), Box #6.016, Folder #16.4]
  • Contract Status Report: Contract Nonr-220 (33), Chemistry 43 Acct. 65071, Director of Research: LP, June 30, 1963. [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Memoranda, Notes and Assorted Materials re: “The Structure of Metals and Intermetallic Compounds”, Contract Nonr 220(33) (Chemistry 43), 1958-1963), Box #14.035, Folder #35.1]       
  • Contract Status Report: Contract Nonr-220 (38), Chemistry 49 Acct. 65070, Director of Research: Dr's. R.B. Corey and LP, June 30, 1963. [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Memoranda, Notes and Assorted Materials re: “Structure and Properties of Proteins and Synthetic Polypeptides”, Contract Nonr 220(05) (Chemistry 32), 1951-1963), Box #14.032, Folder #32.2] 
  • Letter from Dr. Hugo Boyko, World Academy of Art and Science, to LP RE: Boyko sends out a circular letter to all the members of the World Academy of Art and Science.  It informs them about the next meeting, proposals for the World University, and membership.  It also includes a membership list from March 31, 1963.  [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Organizational Correspondence (Wa-Wo)) #441.7]
  • Letter from Penko Petkow to LP RE: [In German] Petkow read with great interest The Nature of the Chemical Bond and is looking forward to reading LP’s works on quantum mechanics. [Letter from LP to Petkow July 30, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: P: Correspondence, 1960-1963: Box #314 Folder #314.4]
  • Newsletter, “Bulletin of the World Council of Peace,” World Council of Peace. [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Wo-Yo), Box #4.017, Folder #17.1]  
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Iceland Studies Stomach Cancer”, The New York Times, June 30, 1963. [Filed under LP Science: (Assorted Materials re: Other Fields of Science), Box #10.008, Folder #8.4]               
  • Royalty Report: For “Nature of the Chemical Bond.”  Total of $5,849.25. [Letter from Roger Howley, Cornell University Press, to LP July 29, 1963, Statement from Cornell University Press to LP June 30, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.061, Folder #61.1]
  • Statement from California Institute of Technology to LP RE: Net pay of $1,366.28.   [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.061, Folder #61.1]
  • Statement from Cornell University Press to LP RE: Total of $14.06. [Letter from Roger Howley, Cornell University Press, to LP July 29, 1963, Royalty Report June 30, 1963]  [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.061, Folder #61.1]