Activity Listings
- Article: “Halt to Nuclear Tests Legal Action Likely By World Figures.” [Filed under LP Peace: (The Bomb Test Suits, 1962-1964), Box #6.002, Folder #2.1]
- Article: “Under JFK as Under Ike Timely Safeguards Against Fallout Hazards,” I.F. Stone’s Weekly. [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Nuclear Fallout; Radiation Hazards, 1962-1963: Box #7.005, Folder #5.7]
- Brochure, “Anti-Nuclear Arms Convention 16-18 June 196 Inaugural Address, Dr. Rajendra Prasad.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Fe-Me), Box #4.012, Folder #12.4]
- Brochure, “Anti-Nuclear Arms Convention New Delhi 16-18 June 1962.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Fe-Me), Box #4.012, Folder #12.4]
- Check from AHP to Arnold’s Hardware for $11.35. [Filed under LP Biographical: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: First Western Bank, January 1962-December 1962: Box # 4.027 Folder #27.1]
- Check from LP to U. Chicago Press for $4.64. [Filed under LP Biographical: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: First Western Bank, January 1962-December 1962: Box # 4.027 Folder #27.1] also [Filed under LP Biographical: Check Registers, 1961-1963: Box #4.077 Folder #77.1]
- Leaflet, “Anti-Nuclear Arms Convention New Delhi 16-18 June 1962.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Fe-Me), Box #4.012, Folder #12.4]
- Letter from Arthur Erickson to LP RE: Asks for suggestions about how to represent the problem of fallout graphically so layman can more easily understand the dangers involved. [Letter from LP to Erickson July 31, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, E: Correspondence, 1960-1969 Box 113 Folder 113.3]
- Letter from Chew Chay Saye to LP RE: Encloses his poem entitled “Timely Resolution for World Peace and Bliss to Humanity” and correspondence between himself that he thinks is of interest. Asks LP to spread and propagate the enclosed information. [Letter from LP to Saye August 7, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1]
- Letter from Edward H. Seidler to LP RE: Invites LP to speak to the University of Santa Clara, sponsored by the Cross Currents Club. Discusses the purpose of the Cross Currents Club. [Letter from LP to Seidler July 10, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1]
- Letter from G. L. Emery to LP RE: Thanks LP for all the kindness he has shown to hi grandson, Marshall Bean. [Letter from LP to Emery May 24, 1962] [Letter from Emery to LP July 17, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, E: Correspondence, 1960-1969 Box 113 Folder 113.3]
- Letter from Gerardo Molina to LP RE: Molina has decided to join as a plaintiff in the bomb test suits. [Filed under LP Peace: (The Bomb Test Suits, 1962-1964), Box #6.002, Folder #2.1]
- Letter from J. H. McFarlane, Assistant Manager Cunard Steam-Ship Compnay to LP RE: Says that they were advised that LP might be attending the Pugwash Conference. Encloses a schedule of their sailings to the United Kingdom. [Letter from LP to McFarlane June 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, C: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 76, Folder 76.2]
- Letter from LP and AHP to the Organizing Committee Women’s Convention on Disarmament and Peace RE: Send their greetings to the Women’s Convention for Disarmament and Peace and express the hope that the convention will contribute significantly to the goal of peace. [Telegram from Organizing Committee to AHP and LP June 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3]
- Letter from LP to Albert Sobel RE: Tells Sobel that he will let Sobel now about any opportunity for appointment the he learns about and will keep the matter confidential. [Letter from Sobel to LP June 2, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Individual Correspondence (Silvetti - Soldate) Box 365 Folder 365.10]
- Letter from LP to Allan Butler, RE: LP is sending Butler some statements about earlier fallout suits. Currently there are 140 plaintiffs from 17 countries and signatures are coming in steadily. [Letter from Butler June 13, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (The Bomb Test Suits, 1962-1964), Box #6.002, Folder #2.1]
- Letter from LP to Alton M. Motter RE: Tells him that his schedule is too full for him to be able to accept the invitation to lecture at the Minnesota State Pastors’ Conference in January. [Letter form Motter to LP June 7, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
- Letter from LP to California State Department of Beaches and Parks. RE: Encloses a copy of a letter to San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission. Asks him to consider the possibility to prevent the removal of gravel from the beach. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence: Deer Flat Ranch, 1957-1969: Box #4.047 Folder #47.1]
- Letter from LP to Clara Vincent, RE: LP thanks Vincent for the signatures that she collected for the petition. LP is also enclosing some materials which he thinks Vincent may be interested in. [Vincent’s letter August 23, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, April-December, 1961), Box #5.013, Folder #13.1]
- Letter from LP to County Planning Commission. RE: Has been informed that Mr. Valois is taking gravel from the beach and selling it. Objects to the action. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence: Deer Flat Ranch, 1957-1969: Box #4.047 Folder #47.1]
- Letter from LP to Dietrich Mootz RE: Tells Mootz that he is unable to arrange an appointment for Mootz because he is not engaged in any experimental work on x-ray crystallography. [Letter from Mootz to LP June 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
- Letter from LP to Frank Harper RE: Tells Harper that he cannot make any speaking engagement in August because of the uncertainties about matters to which he is committed. Says he is very sorry about the situation and is having to give up a lot of things he would like to do. [Letter from Harper to LP June 17, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 168, Folder 168.2]
- Letter from LP to Gentlemen at Editorial Grijalbo, S. A. RE: Explains that arrangements about the publication of translations of his General Chemistry must be made with the publisher. Says he has, therefore, sent Grijalbo’s June 14 letter to Mr. Stanley Schaefer of W. H. Freeman Co., Inc. [Filed under LP Books: 1953b.2]
- Letter from LP to George A. Feri RE: Says that he agrees that we should support to Moscow Peace Conference though he will not be able to attend. Tells Feri that he is working on a letter to the New York Times against the action of the National Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy in boycotting the Conference. [Letter from Feri to LP June 11, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6]
- Letter from LP to H. J. Muller RE: Thanks Muller for the letter about the mutagenic effects of high-energy radiation. Says that he will adhere to Muller’s requests about quoting it. [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Individual Correspondence (Muller - Myrdal) Box 252, Folder 252.1]
- Letter from LP to Herman J. Muller, Indiana University. RE: Encloses copies of his letter to This Week magazine that he expects them to publish with a retraction. Informs him that if he continues to make libelous statements about LP, he will be forced to institute suit against him. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence, Articles: Hermann J. Muller, 1962: Box #3.058 Folder #58.3]
- Letter from LP to James L. Hall RE: Says that he cannot accept the lecture invitation because he plans to stay home during the summer and finish a book he is working on. [Letter from Hall to LP June 11, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, C: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 76, Folder 76.2]
- Letter from LP to James Reston RE: Says he would be pleased if Reston would answer the question in his original letter. Tells Reston that he suggested using atomic energy for desalinization 15 years ago, but this is not what his question was about. [Letter from Reston to LP June 6, 1962] [Letter from Reston to LP June 22, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, N: Organizational Correspondence (Na - Nu) Box 286, Folder 286.7]
- Letter from LP to John K. Gray RE: Apologizes for not being able to read Gray’s letters with care and check his statements. Answers Gray’s question about deutrium nuclei. [Letter from Gray to LP March 19, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, G: Correspondence, 1962-1965 Box 142 Folder 142.1]
- Letter from LP to Julius Kogan, The Boroughs and Associates. RE: Asks him to extend their automobile insurance policies as mentioned in his letter of June 13. [Letter from Kogan June 13, 1962] [Filed under LP Biographical: Central Mutual Insurance Co. - Boroughs and Associates, 1956-1969: Box # 4.042 Folder #42.1]
- Letter from LP to Letters Editor of the New York Times RE: LP encloses a Letter to the Editor for publication. [Transcript June 18, 1962] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1962), Box #1962a, Folder #1962a.17]
- Letter from LP to Mary Farquharson RE: Tells her where she can get information about the number of nuclear tests and tells her how many tests both countries have done and the amount of megatons that have been tested. [Letter from Farquharson to LP June 8, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6]
- Letter from LP to Professor V. Chkhikvadze, RE: LP will not be able to attend the World Congress for General Disarmament and Peace that is to be held in Moscow in July. LP is having some personal problems that are preventing him from traveling that this time. [Chkhikvadze’s letter June 13, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Conferences, 1949-1962), Box #2.010, Folder #10.11]
- Letter from LP to R. H. Burris RE: Tells Burris that he hopes to make a decision about when he can serve as Brittingham Professor before long, but that certain personal problems prevent him from doing so now. [Letter from Burris to LP June 12, 1962] [Letter from Burris to LP October 12, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, U: Organizational Correspondence (Un - Un) Box 420, Folder 420.13]
- Letter from LP to Robert Klonsky RE: Tells Klonsky that he cannot accept any invitations for the summer due to his heavy schedule. Wishes Klonsky luck with the proposed series of forums. [Letter from LP to Klonsky June 13, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, K: Correspondence 1957-1962 Box 201, Folder 201.6]
- Letter from LP to Robert Vogel, RE: LP will not be able to accept the invitation to speak in the Tucson area. LP will be too busy with other obligations along with teaching and research. [Vogel’s letter June 7, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Am), Box #4.009, Folder #9.4]
- Letter from LP to Senator John H. Hughes RE: Says that he has learned from reports in the press that Hughes sent a letter that mentioned LP to Thomas Hamilton and issued the letter to the press. Asks for a copy of the letter and the press release. [Letter from Hamilton to LP June 4, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 168, Folder 168.2]
- Letter from LP to Stanley Schaefer RE: Says he has difficulty in making a recommendation for the book by Tydoki because he is not familiar with the field. Suggests they Schaefer get advice from Dr. Berni Alder of Lars Onsager. Says he is dissatisfied with the manuscript as it stands because it is lacking in discussion of real systems. [Letter from Schaefer to LP June 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1960-1992, No Date. Box 440, Folder 440.3]
- Letter from LP to The Editor, This Week Magazine. RE: Discusses the false and damaging statements from the article “Let’s Face the Truth about Nuclear Testing” by Muller published in This Week magazine on June 10, 1962. Asks him to publish this letter along with a retraction. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence, Articles: Hermann J. Muller, 1962: Box #3.058 Folder #58.3]
- Letter from LP to The Editor, This Week magazine. RE: Asks them to publish the enclosed letter to the Editor with a statement of regret in order to decrease the damage done by the false and misleading statements published in the issue of This Week for June 10, 1962. [Letter from Nichols June 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence, Articles: Hermann J. Muller, 1962: Box #3.058 Folder #58.3]
- Letter from LP to Theodore de Rittberg RE: Says that he does not think he should become associated with the new foundation, but he will look forward to learning more about it later on. [Letter from de Rittberg to LP June 16, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, D: Correspondence 1960-1966 Box 99, Folder 99.3]
- Letter from Morris J. Nicholson, International Anesthesia Research Society, to LP. RE: Delighted that he has accepted his invitation. Will inform him when more arrangements have been made. Asks for biographical information. [Filed under LP Speeches: Speeches by LP, 1963: Box #1963s Folder #1963s.12]
- Letter from Mrs. Lem L. Jenkins, to Herman J. Muller, Indiana University. RE: Informs him that he has made an error in his article by calling LP a unilateralist. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence, Articles: Hermann J. Muller, 1962: Box #3.058 Folder #58.3]
- Letter from Sam Morell to LP RE: Encloses the publication form and the purchase order form from the Academy, which require LP’s signature. Hopes LP has not given up the idea of a visit to Madison. Handwritten: “Form signed and sent to Proceedings 21 June 1962" [Letter from LP to Morell April 13, 1962] [Filed under LP Science: (National Academy of Sciences, 1955-1969), Box #14.021, Folder #21.4]
- Letter from Virginia Kahn to LP RE: Sends the Astronomy Bulletin that she mentioned to LP at Mary Clarke’s. Says that it seems to be of limited value, but hopes that it will be of some interest. [Letter from LP to Kahn July 31, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, K: Correspondence 1957-1962 Box 201, Folder 201.6]
- Newspaper clipping: “One Pauling Libel Case Settled; Three Pending” Chemical and Engineering News. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box #6.008 Folder #8.296]
- Pamphlet, “Statement Issued by the Anti-Nuclear Arms Convention New Delhi, India 16-18 June 1962.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Fe-Me), Box #4.012, Folder #12.4]
- Report, “Brief Introduction of Foreign Delegates to the Anti-Nuclear Arms Convention New Delhi 16-18 June 1962.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Fe-Me), Box #4.012, Folder #12.4]
- Typescript: “Peace Group Meetings,” Letter to the Editor. Published in the New York Times. June 25, 1962, 28. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1962), Box #1962a, Folder #1962a.17]