Activity Listings
- Brother Columba Curran, University of Notre Dame, bc. LP, RE: Discusses Curran acting as a character witness in the Pauling v. Globe-Democrat trial. Letters from Green to LP, Blair, Helmholz, Doisy, Bent, and Moe attached. [Letter from Curran to LP, March 16, 1963, Letter from Green to Curran, June 6, 1963][LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5]
- Letter from Dr. H Beyer, Chemische Gesellschaft, Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, to LP RE: Invites LP to participate in the annual meeting for 1963 of the Chemical Society of the German Democratic Republic. Written in German. [Letter from LP to Beyer May 16, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (B: Correspondence), #40.2]
- Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to Charles M. Blair, President, Petrolite Corporation, bc. LP, RE: Discusses Blair acting as a character witness in the Pauling v. Globe-Democrat trial. Letters from Green to LP, Curran, Helmholz, Doisy, Bent, and Moe attached. [Letter from Green to Blair, May 16, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5]
- Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to Edward A. Doisy, Sr., St. Louis University, bc. LP, RE: Discusses Doisy acting as a character witness in the Pauling v. Globe-Democrat trial. Letters from Green to LP, Curran, Blair, Helmholz, Bent, and Moe attached. [Letter from LP to Doisy, October 9, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5]
- Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to Henry Allen Moe, President, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, bc. LP, RE: Discusses Moe acting as a character witness in the Pauling v. Globe-Democrat trial. Letters from Green to LP, Curran, Blair, Helmholz, Doisy, and Bent attached. [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5]
- Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to Henry E. Bent, Dean, University of Missouri, bc. LP, RE: Discusses Bent acting as a character witness in the Pauling v. Globe-Democrat trial. Letters from Green to LP, Curran, Blair, Helmholz, Doisy, and Moe attached. [Letter from Green to Bent, September 16, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5]
- Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to LP RE: Discusses letters to the character witnesses and the issue of serving a subpoena to Brother Columba Curran. Letters from Green to Curran, Blair, Helmholz, Doisy, Bent, and Moe attached. [Letter from Green to LP, May 2, 1963, Letter from LP to Green, June 6, 1963] [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5]
- Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to Lindsay Helmholz, Washington University, bc. LP, RE: Discusses Helmholz acting as a character witness in the Pauling v. Globe-Democrat trial. Letters from Green to LP, Curran, Helmholz, Doisy, Bent, and Moe attached. [LP Biographical: Legal: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1960-1967: Box #3.003, Folder #3.5]
- Letter from John Raeburn Green, Green, Hennings, Henry, Evans & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, to
- Letter from Paulann Groninger, General Secretary of the Committee to Aid the Bloomington Students, to “Friend” RE: Discusses the case of the Bloomington students indicted upon charges of “un-American activities” and explains the Committee’s stance on the issue. [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: Academic Freedom - Other Specific Incidents, 1948-1975: Box #2.038, Folder # 38.14]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Minnesotans Eagerly Hear Great World Science Leaders”, Active Member. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box # 6.008 Folder #8.404]
- Note from David Sebold to LP RE: Inquires about LP’s suggestions of literature to help prepare for a presentation on radiation biology. Expresses special interest in the health and survival of this and future generations. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (I: Correspondence, 1963) #185.24]
- Telegram from LP to Ralph Schoenman, RE: "Manuscript airmailed - Pauling" [Filed under LP Safe Contents, Drawer 2, Folder 2.002]