21 Sept. 1967
Deer Flat Ranch
Big Sur Cal. 93920
Dear Peter,:
You are right of course and you must get a good place to live. We’ll send the money to you.
Changes in the order of things are always upsetting. I can remember how depressed I always was at a change even in house hold help and it doesn’t get much easier with age and experience.
I can well imagine your depression and I sympathize with you. Don’t worry about our coming to Landsdowne Road. It isn’t essential.
We had a most magnificent display last night – a huge electrical storm at sea with lightening flashing everywhere. Great zigzags as many as four at once. Today the storm has moved on and we’ve had one or two good showers. Also some hail.
I wanted you to see that house in Santa Barbara but more I wanted you to see this house which is so beautiful in part. But your living comfortably and well is more important. Also you must have some good clothes.
I do hope you won’t rush into another marriage too quickly – give yourself a bit of time. But I don’t mean to be giving advice! Well, yes it is advice but I don’t want to run your life for you. I have enough difficulty running my own and don’t have much success.
Love to you,
We’ve rented a house in La Jolla right on a beautiful sandy beach. It is fun to watch the surf board riders who are often very skillful. AHP