Letter from Linus Pauling to Hans A. Keller. Page 1. September 18, 1967
Letter from Linus Pauling to Hans A. Keller. September 18, 1967. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • LP Research Notebook RE: BeB2H8. p. 243. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 32R]
  • Letter from Dr. Ivan Hinderaker, Chancellor, University of California, Riverside, to LP, RE: Invites LP to speak on April 4, 1968, at a general Convocation during a "Charter Week" in the Centennial celebration at UC Riverside. The suggested topic is "Joy of Discovery" and an honorarium of $500 would be provided. [Letter from LP to Dr. Ivan Hinderaker, October 4, 1967] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1968), Box# 1968s, Folder# 1968s.6]
  • Letter from Hayes Slaughter, Indiana Central College, to LP RE: Informs him that he already has his tapes, so doesn't need to ask Princeton as LP suggested September 13, 1967. Encloses letter sent to Professor Kauzmann of Princeton. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 24 Folder 24.1]
  • Letter from Hayes Slaughter, Indiana Central College, to Walter Kauzmann, Dept. of Chemistry Princeton University, RE: Asks his feelings about consolidating a series of tapes containing lectures given by LP at Princeton in order to show them to an undergraduate class. Mentions that he is using Kauzmann's book for his class and asks if he would like Slaughter to send him comments when the class is over as to how the students reacted to the material. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 24 Folder 24.1]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Max Warmbrand RE: Thanks Dr. Warmbrand for the copy of his book sent with letter dated August 19, 1967 and informs him that he will be unable to attend the meeting in Luxembourg to which he was invited. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 447 Folder 447.2]
  • Statement: “1967-68 Unsecured Tax Bill.”  Full cash value of $2,760. [Statement: “1967-68 Unsecured Tax Bill.”  Full cash value of $720 September 19, 1967] [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial: Box 4.003, Folder 3.9]  
  • Statement: “1967-68 Unsecured Tax Bill.”  Full cash value of $720. [Statement: “1967-68 Unsecured Tax Bill.”  Full cash value of $2,760 September 19, 1967] [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial: Box 4.003, Folder 3.9]