Activity Listings
- Bank Book Entry: John Blethen. “Lumbar & other repair mat’ls cabin.” [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box 4.030, Folder 30.2]
- LP Research Notebook RE: Photofission of Iron, Asymmetric. p. 237. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 32R]
- LP Research Notebook RE: Statistical Weights for 8 alpha, 6 t, 2 tau. p. 235. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 32R]
- Letter from S. Buchanan, Anguilla Trust Fund, to LP and AHP, RE: Expresses his appreciation for LP and AHP contributing monetary support . Informs they will receive the joint passport at a later date. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.036, Folder 36.6]