Major Events
- Pauling becomes president of the American Chemical Society for 1949. On January 3, he delivers his presidential address in which he urges American industrial corporations to support a scientific research foundation that will insure them a steady supply of new products. He also makes clear that he is not sympathetic with the aims of the American Medical Association, for he feels that "a system of socialized medicine in the United States may well be desirable." Pauling’s address causes criticism from both the liberals and conservatives in and outside of the scientific community.
- In April, Pauling and Itano, with S.J. Singer and Ibert Wells, present their results on sickle-cell anemia as a molecular disease at a meeting of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. (it will be published in Science at the end of November, and it becomes one of his most-cited papers and has a wide and long lasting influence).
- Pauling publishes a paper, "A Resonating Valence-Bond Theory of Metals and Intermetallic Compounds," in the Proceedings of the Royal Society (London). Scientists from many fields often refer to this treatment in the years after its initial appearance.
- In the Soviet Union, Pauling’s resonance theory of the chemical bond comes under attack as an idealistic and reactionary theory by a bourgeois scientist.
Dr. Thomas Addis dies on June 4. Pauling becomes a member of the Addis Memorial Committee whose purpose is to collect funds to be used for the support of the Addis Memorial Wing of a new outpatient clinic of the Varsovie Hospital at Toulouse, France.
Chronology by Robert Paradowski.
New York (2) |
Washington, D.C. |
Loma Linda, CA |
Washington, D.C. (2) |
Stamford, CT (2) |
New York (2) |
Elizabeth, NJ (2) |
Wilmington, DE |
Philadelphia |
New York (2) |
Boston |
New York |
San Francisco (3) |
Riverside, CA |
Riverside, CA |
Washington, D.C. |
New York (4) |
Pittsburgh |
Chicago, IL |
Tampa, FL |
New York |
Chicago (4) |
Indianapolis |
Pittsburgh (2) |
Ithaca, NY (2) |
Boston |
Mexico City (7) |
Detroit (8) |
Atlantic City, NJ (5) |
Chicago |
New York |
Princeton, NJ |
New York (2) |
Cleveland |
Oak Ridge, TN |
Knoxville, TN |
Boston |
Connecticut |
New York (2) |
Washington, D.C. |
New York |
Washington, D.C. |
San Francisco (2) |
See the Paulings' activities in
January 1949
Linus Pauling. 1949.
Larger Image / More Information
- 3551 activity listings
- 52 scanned documents
- 51 full-text transcripts
Activity Listings - 1949 (No Date)
- A rapid diagnostic test for sickle cell anemia. Blood. The Journal of Hematology 4 (January 1949): 66-68. Written by: Harvey A. Itano and Linus Pauling. [Filed under: LP Publications, 1949p.5]
- A resonating-valence-bond theory of metals and intermetallic compounds. Proc. Roy. Soc. 196 (1949): 343-362. [Filed under: LP Publications, 1949p.6]
- ACS Financial Position Report. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.009 Folder #9.1]
- Abstracts: Valence in Metals and Intermetallic Compounds, 1949. [Filed under LP Manuscripts, 1949a.8]
- Activation of eggs, fertilization and early development as affected by Ultraviolet Rays, Dr. Arthur C. Giese, Am. Nat. 83 (July-August 1949): 165-183. [LP participated in appended published discussion] [Filed under: LP Publications, 1949p.1]
- Annual Report, Stanford Research Institute, Applied research Center for the West. [Filed under LP Science: Materials re: smog in Los Angeles County, 1949-1956: Box #10.007 Folder #7.2]
- Appointment schedule: meetings with Mark Dawber, Jack McManus, Dr. Einstein; Carnegie Hall Meeting [Filed under LP Travel Materials: 1932-1954: Box #1.001 Folder #1.7]
- Article: “ACS President Linus Pauling...”, [re: appointment of representatives] Publication Unknown, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.31]
- Article: “Chemists Gather on Boardwalk”, Publication Unknown, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.47]
- Article: “Dr. Linus Pauling to Give East Tennessee Lectureship”, Publication Unknown, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.31]
- Article: “Du Pont Announces Grants in Aid”, Chemical and Engineering News, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.33]
- Article: “Linus Pauling...”, [re: election to Academy of Sciences of the Institute of France] Publication Unknown, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.31]
- Article: “Pauling to Address NY Alumni”, Publication Unknown, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.48]
- Biographical Data of the Councilors of ACS. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.009 Folder #9.1]
- Biographical sketch of Dr. William Blum. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.010 Folder #10.5]
- California Individual Income Tax Return for Calendar Year 1949 for LP. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business & Financial, Tax Documents, 1930-1956: box #4.001, folder 1.4]
- Confidential pamphlet of the Nominations for Membership to the American Philosophical Society. [Filed under LP Science: American Philosophical Society, 1936-1963, 1989, 1991: Box #14.011 Folder #11.2]
- Correspondence, Flyer: The Valence of Metals and the Structure of Intermetallic Compounds and The Structure of Antibodies and the Nature of Serological Reactions, East Tennessee Section of the American Chemical Society, Oak Ridge, Tennessee and Knoxville, r 30 - December 1, 1949. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1949s.21]
- Correspondence, Publications re: Exclusion of J.D. Bernal from the Council of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1949. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academic Freedom — Other Specific Incidents, 1948-1975: Box #2.038, Folder 38.5]
- Correspondence: The Structure of Metals and the Nature of the Metallic Bond and New Ideas on Inorganic Complexes, Shell Development Company, San Francisco, California, December 15-16, 1949. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1949s.28]
- Court Document: “Brief of Alexander Meiklejohn, of Cultural Workers in Motion Pictures and Other Arts, and of Members of the Professions, as Amici Curiae”, No. 248 John Howard Lawson, Petitioner, vs. United States of America, Respondent. No. 249 Dalton Trumbo, Petitioner, vs. United States of America, Respondent. Supreme Court of the United States, October Term 1949. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academic Freedom — Other Specific Incidents, 1948-1975: Box #2.038, Folder 38.3]
- Court Document: “Motion for Leave to File and Brief Amici Curiae Submitted on Behalf of Publishers, Writers and Play Producers”, No. 248 John Howard Lawson, Petitioner, vs. United States of America, Respondent. No. 249 Dalton Trumbo, Petitioner, vs. United States of America, Respondent. Supreme Court of the United States, October Term 1949. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academic Freedom — Other Specific Incidents, 1948-1975: Box #2.038, Folder 38.2]
- Document titled ‘Outlines of Biochemistry' by Ross Aiken Gortner. First two pages only. [Filed under LP Science: Materials re: Antibody and Antigen Research; the Nature of Serological Reactions, 1940-1947, 1950-1952, 1973, 1986: Box #7.001 Folder #1.1]
- Entry in Notebook: Payments from Campbell-Ewald, NY Philharmonic for “repairing script” and “reading script,” Encyclopædia Brittanica, the Pasadena City School Districts for a lecture in 1949, Shell Development Co. for a lecture in 1949 and Scientific American for June 1950 and June 1954. [Filed under LP Biographical: Notebooks re: Pauling Family History and Financial Records: Box #5.057, Folder 57.1, page 97]
- Form letter regarding Sidney Weibaum's trial. [Filed under: LP Correspondence, Box 433, Folder 33.5]
You probably have heard that Dr. Sidney Weinbaum will soon undergo trial.
Dr. Weinbaum was born in Russia, and came to the United States in 1922. He became a citizen in 1927. For two years he was a student at the California Institute of Technology, obtaining his BS degree in 1924. He spent five years in industrial work, and then was Research Assistant and Research Fellow in Chemistry at the Institute from 1929 to 1943, and he received the PhD degree in Physics in 1933. He then worked in the aviation industry until 1946, and for the jet Propulsion Laboratory from 1946 to 1949.
In 1949 he was removed from his position because of his classification by the Army as a poor security risk. The California Institute of Technology appealed the case. At the appeal hearing he was charged with having been a communist in the middle 1930’s. He denied the charge under oath, having himself chosen to make a statement under oath rather than an affirmation. He I snow faced with three charges of perjury and five of fraud, permitting a possible sentence of forty years. No charges of violation of security regulations have been made.
A group of his friends (Professors James Bonner, Charles DePrima, Paul S. Epstein, Linus Pauling, and Verner Schomaker) are now raising money to be used in an effort to achieve a full presentation of evidence at Sidney Weinbaum’s trial.
We are writing to ask if you can contribute a small (or large) sum to help in this work. Checks may be made out to Linus Pauling, and sent to him at the address 2500 Fairpoint Street, Pasadena 8, California.
Sincerely yours,
- French translation: The Nature of the Chemical Bond and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals: An Introduction to Modern Structural Chemistry [La Nature de la Liason chimique et la Structure de Molécules et des Cristaux. [Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1949, 430 pp.] [ Filed under: LP Publications: 1940p.4]
- Graph work and Calculations by Sidney Weinbaum, ca. 1949. [Filed under LP Science: Assorted Non-Pauling Quantum Mechanics Materials, 1932-1999: Box #2.005 Folder #5.15]
- Graph work and Calculations by Sidney Weinbaum, ca. 1949. [Filed under LP Science: Assorted Non-Pauling Quantum Mechanics Materials, 1932-1999: Box #2.005 Folder #5.16]
- Itinerary and Airline tickets for AHP and Crellin Pauling RE: L. A., Chicago, New York and Boston. [Filed under AHP: Travel Diaries and Itineraries: Box #3.008, Folder #8.2]
- Itinerary:
- Letter from LP to The Registrar, University of Delhi RE: States he has read the thesis by KS Rajogopalan and it is his opinion that the work is satisfactory in quality and quantity to serve as a doctoral thesis and recommends it be accepted as such. [LP Biographical CIT: Materials re: Teaching and Advising of Graduate Students by Linus Pauling, 1935-1963: Box #1.016, Folder 16.2]
- Linus Pauling becomes president of the American Chemical Society for 1949. He delivers his presidential address on January 3, 1950.
- List of Councilors, alphabetically by Names of Divisions and Sections. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.009 Folder #9.1]
- List of Perkin Medal Committee members. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.010 Folder #10.5]
- Magazine Article: “Council Raises Dues and Publication Rates”, Chemical and Engineering News, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.45]
- Manuscript Notes re: Cube – V.B. method, by Sidney Weinbaum, ca. 1949. [Filed under LP Science: Assorted Non-Pauling Quantum Mechanics Materials, 1932-1999: Box #2.005 Folder #5.14]
- Manuscript Notes re: Polyhedra, by Sidney Weinbaum, ca. 1949. [Filed under LP Science: Assorted Non-Pauling Quantum Mechanics Materials, 1932-1999: Box #2.005 Folder #5.13]
- Manuscript Notes, Newspaper Clippings, Offprint: “A Factual Brief of the Dismissal of 3 Professors at the University of Washington”, 1949. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academic Freedom — Other Specific Incidents, 1948-1975: Box #2.038, Folder 38.4]
- Manuscript by A.G. Lesnik and Zhurnal Fizicheski Khimi entitled Concerning Directed Valences. Translated by Harrison Shull. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #230.15, file:(L: Correspondence, 1949)]
- Manuscript, Reprints: “About a Machistic Theory in Chemistry and Its Propagandists”, by V.M TatevskiÄ and M.I. Shakhparanov, translated by Irving Bengelsdorf, Voprosi Filosofii, [Problems in Philosophy] 176, 3 (1949) [Filed under LP Science: Materials re: Resonance Theory Controversy, 1949-1983: Box #2.003 Folder #3.2]
- Map: USGS map of Cape San Martin (Deer Flat Ranch), reprinted 1949. [Filed under: RNB 7R: Addendum]
- Materials re: loyalty oaths issued by the National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, 1949. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academic Freedom — Loyalty Oaths at the University of California, 1941-1961: Box #2.033, Folder 33.16]
- Newspaper Clipping: “5,000 Chemists to Attend Meeting”, Publication Unknown [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1949n.25]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Caltech Indoor Farmyard Ready for Study of Life”, Publication Unknown [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1949n.26]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Congratulations”, [re: University of Tampa Commencement] Publication Unknown, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.36]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Ex-Portlander Heads Chemists”, Publication Unknown, 1949 [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.31]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Freshman Chemistry Teachers' Theme”, Publication Unknown, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.31]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Time for Another Tampa U. Commencement”, Publication Unknown, 1949. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.36]
- Nomination from for The John Wesley Hyatt Award. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.010 Folder #10.4]
- Official Reports for 1949, American Chemical Society. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1949-1950: Box #14.005 Folder #5.2]
- Offprints, Correspondence: “Information on the University of California Oath”, 1949; “Statements and Resolutions Regarding Communism and Members of the Communist Party”, Board of Regents of the University of California, 1949. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academic Freedom — Loyalty Oaths at the University of California, 1941-1961: Box #2.033, Folder 33.17]
- Outline for the applications for new types of fellowships. Ten copies. [Filed under LP Science: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1946-1952: Box #14.014 Folder #14.4]
- Pamphlet from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. RE: Lists american fellowships from 1949. [Filed under LP Science: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1946-1952: Box #14.014 Folder #14.4]
- Pamphlet of the American Philosophical Society. 1949-1950. [Filed under LP Science: American Philosophical Society, 1936-1963, 1989, 1991: Box #14.011 Folder #11.2]
- Pamphlet: Mikimoto, The Pearl King, by Deena and Blake Clark. [Filed under LP Travel Materials: Box #1.009 Folder #9.3]
- Photo: A portrait image of Linus Pauling super-imposed onto an image of a building. [Photo clipped from a magazine] “Linus C. Pauling ACS President for 1949 (page 28)” Photographer unknown. Color print. [Ship #3353] [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1949i.18]
- Photo: A.H. Sturtevant sitting with an open book in his lap. “A.H. Sturtevant Sturtevant No.5" Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1949i.21]
- Photo: An old barn on the southeast side of the farm where LP's grandmother once lived. “Alte Scheune (Old Barn)” Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1949i.4]
- Photo: Anita Pauling, Linus Jr., Ava Helen, Linus Sr., and Linus Fowler Pauling. Linus Jr. is shirtless, holding Linus Fowler. Pasadena, California. Photographer unknown. Color print, photo taken from slide. [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1949i.31]
- Photo: Ava Helen Pauling holding her grandson, Linus Fowler Pauling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1949i.30]
- Photo: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing on the Atlantic City waterfront with Kitty Lus. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Photograph taken by C.V. Zebielski, black and white print. [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1949i.1]
- Photo: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside. Pasadena, California. Photographer unknown. Color print, photo taken from slide. [Filed under LP Photo Box 1949i.34]
- Photo: Ava Helen and Linus Pauling standing outside. Pasadena, California. Photographer unknown. Color print, photo taken from slide. [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1949i.33]
- Photo: Crellin Pauling holding his nephew, Linus Fowler Pauling. "Crellin w/ Linus Fowler P." Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1949i.29]
- Photo: Linus Pauling standing in a park, smiling. Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Ship #1648] [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1949i.9]
- Photo: Linus, Linus Jr., and Linus Fowler Pauling. Linus Sr. holding Linus Fowler. Pasadena, California. Photographer unknown. Color print, photo taken from slide. [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1949i.32]
- Polytechnic Elementary and Junior High School Academic Report Card for Grade 6 1948-1949. [Filed under LP Biographical: Personal & Family, Family Correspondence: Edward Crellin Pauling. 1930-1995, No Date: Box #5.048, Folder 48.1]
- Publication: “Physical Foundations of the Theory of the Chemical Bond”, by N.D. Sokolov, Progress of Chemistry, (USSR) XVIII, 6 (1949): 697-723. [Filed under LP Science: Materials re: Resonance Theory Controversy, 1949-1983: Box #2.003 Folder #3.3]
- Report of the Director: The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ (1948-1953) [Filed under LP Science: Pacific Institute for Advanced Study, 1948-1960: Box #14.036 Folder #36.1]
- Report on “Experience with Vitamin E in Coronary Disease.” By Homer P. Rush. [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular medicine materials related to vitamin E and heart disease, 1947-1974: Box #11.074 Folder #74.1]
- Report on “Intermittent Claudication: A Clinical Study.” By A.M. Boyd, A. Hall Ratcliff, R. P. Jepson and G. W. H. James, University Department of Surgery, Manchester Royal Infirmary. [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular medicine materials related to vitamin E and heart disease, 1947-1974: Box #11.074 Folder #74.1]
- Report on “Negative Results of Tocopherol Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease.” By Charles K. Donegan, Addisan L. Messer, Edward S. Orgain, and Julian M. Ruffin, Department of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, and Duke Hospital. [Filed under Box 11.074 File 74.1]
- Report on “Trial of Vitamin E Therapy in Diabetes Mellitus.” By E. H. Bensley, A. F. Fowler, M. V. Creaghan, F. Zahalan, F. Lax, H. Berish, and E. K. McDonald. [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular medicine materials related to vitamin E and other diseases, 1949-1975: Box #11.075 Folder #75.1]
- Report on “Vitamin E in Arteriosclerotic Heart and Peripheral.” By Milton E. Eisen and Harry Gross, City Hospital (New York City). [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular medicine materials related to vitamin E and heart disease, 1947-1974: Box #11.074 Folder #74.1]
- Report on “Vitamin E: A Therapeutic Perpetration.” By Herbert Eichert. [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular medicine materials related to vitamin E and heart disease, 1947-1974: Box #11.074 Folder #74.1]
- Research Notebook of LP, RNB 14R, p. 54 RE: Solid artificial antibodies.
- Rough draft of manuscript from “Noyes - Physical Chemistry” titled “CHAPTER II: SOME THERMODYNAMIC RELATIONSHIPS” 25 pages (Notes in pencil on every page) [Filed under LP Correspondence: 439.7]
- Rough draft of manuscript from “Noyes - Physical Chemistry” titled “CHAPTER II: THE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS” 24 pages (Notes in pencil on every page) [Filed under LP Correspondence: 439.7]
- Rules for the Award of the Perkin Medal. Three copies. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.010 Folder #10.5]
- The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, First Report (1947-1949) [Filed under LP Science: Helen Hay Whitney Foundation - Scientific Advisory Committee: Publications and Activities, 1947-1959: Box #15.001 Folder #15.1]
- The electronic structure of hemoglobin. in Hæmoglobin: A Symposium Based on a Conference Held at Cambridge in June 1948 in Memory of Sir Joseph Barcroft, F.J.W. Roughton and J.C. Kendrew, eds. (London: Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1949): 57-65. [Filed under: LP Publications, 1949p.11]
- Typescript Notes re: bond distances and angles, by Verner Shomaker [Filed under LP Science: Manuscript Notes by Linus Pauling re: Chemical Bonds, 1944-1953: Box #3.005 Folder #5.18]
- Typescript, Correspondence, Notes, Non-Pauling Typescripts: The Dissociation Energy of Carbon Monoxide and the Heat of Sublimation of Graphite [Filed under LP Manuscripts, 1949a.10]
- Typescript, Correspondence: The Condensation and Oxidation of Gelatin with Glyoxal and Hydrogen Peroxide for the Preparation of a Plasma Substitute (Oxypolygelatin), 1949. [?] [Filed under LP Manuscripts, 1949a.7]
- Typescript: A Valence-Bond Theory of Metals and Intermetallic Compounds [Filed under LP Manuscripts, 1949a.9]
- US Individual Income Tax Return for Calendar Year 1949 for LP and AHP. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business & Financial, Tax Documents, 1930-1956: box #4.001, folder 1.4]
- Undated flier “Superior Men” RE: Discusses book by James Hervey Johnson on why and how religious movements and the church in America are hindering the progress of science. Letter from S.K.K. Jatkar to LP stating that he is presently working on the dislocation theory of ionic solids. He also states that he is interested in getting a teaching fellowship at the Institute so that he can study developments on the Nature of the Chemical Bond. [Reply to LP June 15, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #192.15, file:(J: Correspondence, 1949)]
- Vita of George Washington Morey. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.010 Folder #10.5]
- Vita of William J. Sparks. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1944-1949: Box #14.010 Folder #10.5]
- Withholding Statement for 1949 for LP from CIT. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business & Financial, Tax Documents, 1930-1956: box #4.001, folder 1.4]
- Withholding Statement for 1949 for LP from WH Freeman & Co. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business & Financial, Tax Documents, 1930-1956: box #4.001, folder 1.4]
- Zur cis-trans-Isomerisierung von Carotinoiden. [German: On the cis-trans isomerization of the carotinoids] Helv. Chim. Acta 32 (1949): 2241-2246. [Filed under: LP Publications, 1949p.16]