"The Resonating-Valence-Bond Theory of Metals." Page 1. August 15, 1960
"The Resonating-Valence-Bond Theory of Metals." August 15, 1960. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 4 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Check from AHP to Perkins and Hutchins for $8.74.  [Filed under LP Biographical:  (Business and Financial:  Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, January 1960-December 1961), Box #4.026, Folder #26.1]  [Also filed under LP Biographical:  (Business and Financial:  Check Registers, 1957-1962), Box #4.076, Folder #76.4]
  • Check from AHP to Roess Market for $50.00.  [Filed under LP Biographical:  (Business and Financial:  Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, January 1960-December 1961), Box #4.026, Folder #26.1]
  • Letter from Aubrey W. Williams to Senator William Fulbright RE: Can not imagine anything that would hurt them more in the eyes of the liberal opinion of the world than to begin imprisoning citizens for working for a lessening of nuclear warfare. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.019, Folder #19.1]
  • Letter from B.R. Willeford to LP RE: Commends him on his stand before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. State that he has the support of scientists and non-scientists alike. [Filed Under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.018, Folder #18.1]
  • Letter from Bertrand Russell, to LP. RE: Is horrified by the action of the Internal Security Subcommittee. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Russell, Bertrand) # 337.6]
  • Letter from LP to Curt Stern, University of California. RE: Pleased with his idea of nominating Bill Freeman for the California Industrialist of the year. [Letter from Stern July 21, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W. H. Freeman and Company, 1960) #440.1]
  • Letter from LP to Della Larson. RE: Informs her that he shall not be able to accept her invitation to speak at the convention. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Correspondence, 1960) # 231.6]
  • Letter from LP to Herbert Rosen. RE: Thanks him for his letter. Cannot give a reference to an analysis of Herman Kahn's thesis. [Letter from Rosen August 9, 1960]  [Filed under LP Correspondence: (R: Correspondence, 1960) # 342.1]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. J. Askey RE: Responds to his request of LP's aid for cancer research. LP says that although he has thought about it, he has determined that his background is insufficient. [Letter from Askey to LP July 14, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence, 1960), #13.3].
  • Letter from LP to P. Cammer RE: Thanks her for the letter. Shares his hope that the Internal Security Subcommittee would call off its order to him, but that it looks like they are going to go through with it. [Note from Cammer to LP July 26, 1960][Filed Under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.018, Folder #18.1]
  • Letter from LP to Professor E.H.S. Burhop, RE: LP is grateful for the signatures that Burhop and Mr. Aprahemian collected.  LP is enclosing a copy of his second statement. [Filed under LP Peace: (An Appeal by Scientists to the Governments and People of the World, 1957-1959), Box #5.002, Folder #2.1]
  • Letter from LP to Victor Reynolds, Cornell University Press, RE: Says he is pleased that the Library of Science has requested to distribute the third edition of The Nature of the Chemical Bond and gives his approval of the proposal.  Inquires whether the printing will involve recent corrections. [Letter from Reynolds to LP August 2, 1960] [Filed under LP Books: 1960b5.4]
  • Letter from Norman Davidson to Charles D. Coryell RE: Discusses the amount of people who responded to their memo. Informs that a petition is now being circulated. [Filed under LP Science: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960-1982), Box #2.017, Folder #17.3]
  • Letter from Ruth Adams to LP, RE: Adams is the managing editor of Prevention magazine and is concerned about the advertisements for bone meal that are present in the magazine.  Sine there has been considerable evidence that there is Strontium-90 present in bone meal, Adams is asking LP if she should remove the advertisements from the magazine and instead promote calcium that is derived from rock phosphate.  [LP's reply August 24, 1960] [Filed under LP Peace: (Materials re: Strontium-90, 1960), Box #7.013, Folder #13.19]
  • Memo from Walter Meier to LP. RE: Informs him that he is going to apply for a lectureship in general physics at Winterhust College. Asks him to be a referee. [Filed under LP Correspondence: ( M: Correspondence, 1960) #258.2]
  • Minutes: Meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy.  [Filed under LP Peace: (SANE, 1958-1966, 1982), Box #4.003, Folder #3.19]
  • Note from L.O. Brockway to LP RE: Asks if there is any way to contribute financially to LP's defense in relation to his statement of July 12th. [Letter from LP to Brockway August 24, 1960] [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960-1981), Box #2.017, Folder #17.3]
  • Notification and Statement of Grant Award RE: Grant RG-4276(C5), "Investigations of the Chemistry of Blood, " granted to LP by the Public Health Service. [Filed under LP Science: (United States Public Health Service: Assorted Grants , 1954-1964), Box #14.042, Folder #42.1]
  • Report from Edmund Berkeley, "The Internal Issues in Sane-Developments." [Filed under LP Peace: (SANE: Materials regarding Dodd Committee Investigation and Subsequent Controversy Over Membership of Communists in SANE, 1960-1962), Box #4.004, Folder #4.5]