Letter from Ava Helen Pauling to Lenore N. Barrett. Page 1. August 28, 1960
Letter from Ava Helen Pauling to Lenore N. Barrett. August 28, 1960. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Application for Research Grant by LP and Ronald E. Rolfe. [Filed under LP Correspondence, (Rolfe, Ronald) #335.8]
  • Court Document: "Opposition to 'Appellant's Motion for Stay Pending Appeal," Linus Pauling Plaintiff, v. James O. Eastland, Thomas J. Dodd,  Oliver Gasch and Joseph C. Duke, Defendants, United States District Court for the District of Columbia. [LP Biographical: (Legal Documents re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1957, 1960), Box#2.014, Folder#14.10]
  • Letter from Charles D. Coryell to Mike Manatos RE: Thanks him for taking care of his correspondences in regards to the intimidation of scientists interested in atomic bomb test control and inspection by Mr. Sourwine and Senator Dodd. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960-1981), Box #2.017, Folder #17.3]
  • Letter from Charles O. Potter, Congress of the United States, House of Representatives, to LP. RE: Faces a hard campaign this fall. Asks for a contribution. [Filed under LP Correspondence, (P: Correspondence, 1960) #314.1]
  • Letter from Edmund Berkeley to LP, RE: Berkeley is making it his "special business" to try to develop constructive solutions to the internal issues dividing Sane.  Berkeley thinks that the key is to look at Sane as a movement and not as an organization. [Filed under LP Peace: (SANE: Materials regarding Dodd Committee Investigation and Subsequent Controversy Over Membership of Communists in SANE, 1960-1962), Box #4.004, Folder #4.5]     
  • Letter from Harris Goldman to LP RE: Thanks him for his courageous stand on behalf of his family. Encloses letters sent out in his support. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.019, Folder #19.1]
  • Letter from Harris Goldman to Senator Clair Engle RE: Believes that it is the right of an American citizen to petition for peace. Urges him to use his influence the committee not to pursue LP. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.019, Folder #19.1]
  • Letter from Harris Goldman to Senator James O. Eastland RE: Protests his harassment of LP.  Believes it is the right of and American citizen to protest for peace. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.019, Folder #19.1]
  • Letter from Harris Goldman to the Editor, Los Angles Times, RE: Wonders what the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee hope to prove by applying pressure on LP. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.019, Folder #19.1]
  • Letter from Harvey Sacks, University of California, to LP. RE: Thanks him for his letter. Discusses his current work. [Letter from LP August 29, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1960) #381.1]
  • Letter from J. A. Yarden-Trebull, to LP. RE: Approaches him with his research on peace. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Y: Correspondence, 1960) #462.16]
  • Letter from L.A. DuBridge to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Baefsky RE: Thanks the Baefskys for their $10 donation, applied to their pledge, to the Richard W. Lippman Memorial Fund. [Filed under LP Science: (R.W. Lippman Memorial Fund, 1949-1962), Box #14.040, Folder #40.14]     
  • Letter from Michael Myerson, to LP. RE: Invites him to speak on the campus of the University of California Berkeley. [Letter from LP September 12, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1960) #381.1]
  • Letter from Nathan Shapiro, Los Angeles Committee for Protection of Foreign-Born, to LP. RE: Invites him to co-sponsor an event to honor Diamond Kimm. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Correspondence, 1960) # 231.6]
  • Letter from Senator Thomas J. Dodd to Norman Davidson RE: Feels that there is a good deal of misrepresentation about the handling of LP's case. Shares his reasons for disagreeing with LP's approach. Shares that he also has respect for the SANE committee but feels they did not prevent communist infiltration. Feels that LP and his associates have created a condition of hysteria.  [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.019, Folder #19.1]
  • Letter from Senator Thomas J. Dodd to O. Boyd Mathias RE: Feels that there is a good deal of misrepresentation about the handling of LP's case. Shares his reasons for disagreeing with LP's approach. Shares that he also has respect for the SANE committee but feels they did not prevent communist infiltration. Feels that LP and his associates have created a condition of hysteria. [Letter from Mathias to Dodd September 1, 1960] [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960), Box #2.019, Folder #19.1]
  • Letter from W. A. Zisman, Chemical Society of Washington, to LP. RE: Confirms the telephone invitation extended to LP to address the Chemical Society of Washington on April 13th. Request a photograph, an abstract, a biography and a title of his address no later than September 9th. [Letter from LP September 9, 1960] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1961) Box #1961s, Folder #1961s.17]
  • Memo from R. B. Gilmore to Dr. J. H. Sturdivant, cc: LP, RE: Discusses the termination of Grant RG-4276 (C4) on August 31, 1960. [Filed under LP Science: (United States Public Health Service: Assorted Grants, 1954-1964), Box #14.042, Folder #42.1]
  • Memorandum from Ilda Lord to Joan Harris RE: Lord has decided to send a letter and not just a receipt in relation to the $10 Baefsky payment. [Filed under LP Science: (R.W. Lippman Memorial Fund, 1949-1962), Box #14.040, Folder #40.14]