Activity Listings
- Article: 'The Structure of the 7-Norbornadienylonium Ion' by LP. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1960a.9]
- Letter (in Italian) from Gino Tovazzi, to LP. RE: Informs him that he has been selected as an Honorary Member of the Istituto Internazionale. [Letter from LP June 8, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (T: Correspondence, 1960) #411.5]
- Letter from ABR to Dr. Stahle. RE: Is disappointed that he wasn't about to come to California. Hopes he can at a later date. [Letter from Stahle May 16, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence, (S: Correspondence, 1960) #381.1]
- Letter from Ellison H. Taylor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, to LP. RE: Asks for the spanish title of General Chemistry. [Letter from LP May 27, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (T: Correspondence, 1960) #411.5]
- Letter from Emily Parker Simon, Baltimore Peace Center to AHP RE: Discusses holding their next International Congress on the West Coast of the United States. Involves AHP because she was a part of the official delegation of the US section to the Congress and the California Branch representative, so she is the most appropriate person to raise the question for preliminary exploration. [Filed under AHP: AHP: Organizational Correspondence: Box #1.008, Folder #8.1]
- Letter from George R. Deaux, San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce, to LP. RE: Informs him that the monthly publication of the Chamber is attempting to include articles on questions of national and international importance. Invites him to contribute an article. Encloses the first two issues of their magazine. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (D: Correspondence, 1960) Box # 99 Folder # 99.1]
- Letter from Joseph Stubbings, Los Angeles State College, to LP. RE: Has not heard from him regarding the invitation to serve on the Community Advisory Committee. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Correspondence, 1960) # 231.6]
- Letter from LP to Arthur Roe RE: LP does not have enough information about the history or the project to make a recommendation about its continuation but he is very dissatisfied with the textbook; both the topics and the drawings he finds to be poor. [Letter from Roe to LP May 3, 1960, Letter from Roe to LP May 31, 1960] [Filed under LP Science: (National Science Foundation: Correspondence, 1947, 1951-1989), Box #14.029, Folder #29.5]
- Letter from LP to Martin Peter, Bell Telephone Laboratories. RE: Discusses the communication in Physical Review Letters. Suggests some earlier literature. [Filed under LP Correspondence, (P: Correspondence, 1960) #314.1]
- Letter from LP to Saul Winstein, University of California. RE: Encloses a copy of a note on the structure on 7-norbornadienylonium cation. Asks for his thoughts on it. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1960a.9]
- Letter from Mrs. G. C. Dowman, Rationalist Press Association Ltd, to LP. RE: Asks if he is willing to have his name on the list of Honorary Associates. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (R: Correspondence, 1960) #342.1]
- Memo from E.H. Swift to LP RE: Asks him to submit a summary of the work that has been done by LP and his associates attached to his report. Lists directions for the summary to be submitted. [Filed under LP Biographical:( CIT: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1956-1964), Box# 1.022, Folder # 22.2]
- Memo from LP to Harden McConnell. RE: Encloses a note on the structure of 7-norbornadienylonium cation. Asks what he thinks of it. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1960a.9]
- Memo from LP to J. D. Roberts. RE: Encloses a copy of a note on the structure on the 7-norbornadienylonium cation. Asks for his thoughts on it. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1960a.9]
- Memorandum from LP to Harden McConnell. RE: Encloses a copy of a note on the structure of the 7-norbornadienylonium cation. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (McConnell, Harden) # 245.2]
- Receipt from First Western Bank to LP RE: "Receipt Portion." For a deposit. $250.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.1]
- Telegram from LP to Russell Johnson, American Friends Service Committee. RE: Definitely accepts June 15th. Is also willing to speak the 16th. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1960) Box # 1960s2 Folder #1960s2.4]