Activity Listings
- Letter from B. Dawson, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, to LP. RE: Informs him that he is to visit Pasadena on September 19th. Encloses some new atomic scattering factors. [LP's reply June 3, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (D: Correspondence, 1960) Box # 99 Folder # 99.1]
- Letter from Clifford Wood, Lawton High School, to LP. RE: Asks him to write a note of congratulation for a student David Lee Pauling. [Letter from LP June 1, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1960) #445.1]
- Letter from Fred Okrand to F. Harold Roach, Publisher, Arcadia Tribune, RE: Encloses a clipping concerning LP. States that their correction was not satisfactory and demand that it be redone properly. [Letter from Roach to Okrand May 2, 1960] [Filed under LP Biographical: Assorted Legal Disputes, 1950-1962: Box #3.057, Folder #57.6]
- Letter from Ken Pittendrigh, United Nations, to LP. RE: Encloses a clipping that might interest him. [Filed under LP Correspondence, (P: Correspondence, 1960) #314.1]
- Letter from Professor Daniele Bovet, Instituto Superiore di Sanita, to LP RE: Requests LP to write a message for Professor Domenico Marotta. This is for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Marotta's undertaking of the Instituto Superiore di Sanita. [Letter from LP to Bovet June 1, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Daniel Bovet), #29.3]
- Letter from R. M. Featherstone, University of California Medical Center, to LP. RE: Enjoyed his discussion of Molecular Abnormalities in Disease last Monday. Encloses a reprint, and would like to know his opinion. Is visiting CIT on Tuesday morning. Would like to come talk to LP in June, when convenient. [Filed under LP Correspondence: ( Featherstone, Robert M.) Box # 118 Folder # 118.2]
- Letter from Sakamoto-Yosio, Hiroshima University, to LP. RE: Informs him of a mistake in The Nature of the Chemical Bond. Asks a scientific question. [Filed under LP Correspondence, (S: Correspondence, 1960) #381.1]
- Memorandum from R. B. Corey, to LP. RE: Sends greetings from Dr. A. Gottschalk. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (G: Correspondence, 1960) Box #141 Folder #141.4]
- Notes from speech: 'Protein Structure and Biological Activity'. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1960) Box # 1960s2 Folder #1960s2.1]
- Transcript: 'Protein Structure and Biological Activity' [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1960) Box # 1960s2 Folder #1960s2.1]
- Typescript: 'Continental Classroom'[Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1960) Box #1961s2 Folder #1961s2.1]