Activity Listings
- Letter from AHP to LP. [Filed under LP Safe: Box #1.010, Folder #10.15]
[Letter with no date but in envelope LP has marked 1931]
Friday at 3:30
Dearest sweetheart;
Your letter was very nice and I'm sorry your imagination has limitations. You miss so much! I have a good joke on the boys! Today I stopped for mail as I brought Linus from school and there was a big box to you from Sterling Hendricks, but it had been opened. James came and blushed furiously and said he and Sydney had opened it since they had thought it was something from Bozorth-they confused the two. I said "Oh, that's all right. We'll just leave it for Linus." But poor James said, "Oh, but its for Peter!" I said, "Oh." You see I wasn't going to look at it since I thought, too, that it was plates, films, etc. But then I did open it and it is the most cunning knitted little blanket. You should see it. Poor little Jeff will roast if he wears out all of his blankets.
Elizabeth Swift bought another book today and talked awhile "Three Titans" by Emil Lundwig- you know we read of it. Tonight I saw the name Rosemary Schabarum in the paper and looked then in the telephone book and saw Bruno R. Schabarum in South Pasadena. Isn't it strange that she never looked me up? I'm going to call her in the morning.
Linus says his throat is sore. How are you? I have been amused by Mamma telling me stories about what happened when George was twelve and I was just a baby although George is seventeen years older than I. Poor Mamma! I didn't point out the inconsistency of this. She is quilting a quilt. I made the pattern - a fan. She can't understand how I can get it accurate. [drawing of fan pattern] You see that isn't accurate. She says all quilts used to have a fan design. I'm going to bed now. I don't know why I'm weary when I don't do anything to speak of. It is eight o'clock. I'm afraid you won't get this tomorrow. Much love,
Ava Helen
P.S. We'll have to send the wedding present now.
- Letter from LP to AHP. [Filed under LP Safe: Box #1.010, Folder #10.14]
[one of a bundle of letters]
[written on Faculty Club, University of California letterhead]
April 10, 1931
Dearest darling lovely sweetheart: I adore you and was tickled to get a letter from you yesterday. You won't catch me giving any of the cookies away. They are very good. ... There's only one week more now!
Yesterday I went to the library and got a book "Fanny Hill" by John Cleland. It is really a masterpiece in its way. I'll bring it home for you to read. You wouldn't believe that such events could be so delicately described. It is kept in the same case as Casanova, etc. Then Rich took dinner with me at the Club. Whyburn from UCLA, here for a couple of days for a meeting, ate with us. Then we went to the Fox Dalsland movie & saw a movie described in Time, about the rich man's secretary who married a scoundrel, and after much suffering ran off with the reformed rich man. It was quite good, especially the dialogue. We got back at 11, and I read my book till 1, and went to bed. I awakened at 10
, with barely time to get to my unprepared lecture! That is what Fanny did to me. However, the lecture seemed to be as good as those I prepare; so I've probably been wasting my time. Today I got a letter from Maury, including a note he's written for the Phys Rev ^(about Zachariasen), and one for the JACS criticising [sic] Clark. Lamb will have to stop protecting Clark pretty soon.
Sunday evening I'm going to a waffle supper with the Jenkins. Tonight I go to the Baxter's.
I love you, sweetheart, and Linus and Jeff.
Your own
- Manuscript Notes: The Magnetic Moments of the Iron-group Ions, Eighth Lecture, Berkeley Lectures -- The Nature of the Chemical Bond, University of California, Berkeley, April 10, 1931. [LP Science Box 2.002, Folder 3/LP Speeches 1931s.8]