Letter from Linus Pauling to Andrew Recsei. Page 1. May 20, 1957
Letter from Linus Pauling to Andrew Recsei. May 20, 1957. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Check from AHP to Carey of California for $55.64. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, February 1956-December 1957), Box #4.024, Folder #24.2]
  • Check from AHP to Nelson Mattress Company for $35.44. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, February 1956-December 1957), Box #4.024, Folder #24.2]
  • Letter from F. Gallais, Toulouse University, to The Gates and Crellin Laboratories RE: Requests a biographical sketch of LP, since he is coming to Toulouse University to receive the badges of the "doctorat honoris causa." [Filed under LP Speeches: 1957s.23]
  • Letter from George M. Guest to LP, RE: Guest is enclosing an itinerary that he and his wife plan to follow while in France. Guest hopes that he and LP's paths will cross. [Filed under LP Peace: (An Appeal by Scientists to the Governments and People of the World, 1957-1959), Box #5.002, Folder #2.1]
  • Letter from Jonas E. Salk to LP RE: Says that he took the liberty to make revisions to the copy of the Appeal that LP sent him. Discusses what he thinks these changes would do and how they would help improve the impact of the Appeal. Expresses hope that his copy will not reach LP too late. Handwritten note at top left, "non-signer." [Filed under LP Safe Contents: Drawer 2, Folder 2.001]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. Solly Rubenstein, Jewish Educational Center, RE: Tells Rubenstein that he can not accept his invitation to be a guest speaker at their annual Brotherhood Week celebration on February 19th because he will most likely be away from Pasadena that day. [Letter from Rubenstein to LP, May 17, 1957] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (R:Correspondence, 1955-1959), #341.3]
  • Letter from Marshall Gates, Assistant Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, to LP RE: Requests his review of a manuscript submitted for publication in the journal. Includes a copy of LP's review, in which he recommends publication. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Chemical and Engineering News, 1947-1958, 1968-1969, 1975, 1979-1980, 1988), #70.3]
  • Letter from Maxwell Stewart Editor Public Affairs Pamphlet to LP, RE: The Public Affairs Committee would like to prepare a pamphlet dealing with the hazards of atomic radiation. However, they had asked C.J. Mosbacher Jr. To prepare the pamphlet, but he has declined. Stewart is asking if LP can suggest anyone who might be able to help them prepare a pamphlet. Stewart had naturally thought of LP first, but if LP can't then maybe LP could suggest someone. [LP's reply May 31, 1957] [Filed under LP Peace: (Materials, re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1954-1961), Box #7.007, Folder #7.1]
  • Letter from Robert B. Brode to LP RE: Says that he agrees with the sentiments expressed in the appeal to stop nuclear testing, but that he can't sign due to the present argument which bears on analysis of genetic damage. Tells LP that he isn't qualified in that subject and to sign the appeal would be assuming scientific competence in an area that he isn't competent in. Handwritten note indicates it was answered. [Filed under LP Safe Contents: Drawer 2, Folder 2.001]
  • Letter from T.O. Jones, National Science Foundation to LP RE: Encloses copies of a suggested contract proposal form. Any questions LP has can be directed either to him or to Robert L. Butenhoff. [Letter from Wulf to Jones May 21, 1957] [Filed under LP Science: (National Science Foundation: Grants, Exhibits, 1954-1964), Box #14.030, Folder #30.6]
  • Letter from Virginia P McVicker to LP RE: Thanks him for the booklet that he sent her. Asks again if she can visit during June to present her demonstration. [Letter from Ms. Wulf to Ms. McVicker June 14, 1957, Letter from Ms. McVicker to Ms. Wulf June 27, 1957, Letter from Ms. McVicker to Ms. Wulf August 23, 1957, Letter from LP to Ms. McVicker October 8, 1957] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1957), #257.2]
  • Newspaper Clipping: "Lewis, Pauling, Beadle, Add to Nuclear Bomb Controversy," California Institute of Technology (Pasadena) California Tech, May 23, 1957. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: 1957n.17]