Letter from Linus Pauling to Oleg Jardetzky. Page 1. December 3, 1956
Letter from Linus Pauling to Oleg Jardetzky. December 3, 1956. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 6 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from David Lipkin to Dora E. Young, Executive Secretary, Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, RE: Describes Dr. Glaser as an unusually able student with a pleasing personality. Recommends him without hesitation for a fellowship. [Filed under LP Science: (Helen Hay Whitney Foundation-Scientific Advisory Committee: Postdoctoral Biomedical Research Fellowship Applicants, 1956-1957), Box #15.005, Folder #5.12]
  • Letter from LP to Ann Maupin RE: Thinks that most of the radiation damage is of such a nature that no test can be made to see whether or not people have actually received any damage. The method that is actually used to check for radiation damage involves having people carry around with them a bit of unexposed film and after a while the film is developed to see whether or not it has been exposed by the action of radiation. [Letter from Maupin to LP December 2, 1956] [Filed under LP Peace: (Materials re: Strontium-90, June 1959-November 1959), Box #7.007, Folder #12.17]
  • Letter from LP to C. A. Baud, University of Geneva, RE: Thanks Baud for the reprint of his manuscript. Is hesitant to comment upon it due to his lack of experience. [Letter from LP to Baude November 19, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (B: Correspondence, 1956), #38.2]
  • Letter from LP to Charles Huggins, University of Chicago, RE: Thanks Huggins for information about John. L. Emmett Jr. and says he will pass it along to the Committee on Admissions. Describes his recent busy schedule. [Letter from Huggins to LP November 27, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Huggins, Charles), #162.12]
  • Letter from LP to D. P. Krotz, California Research Institute, RE: Highly recommends Mark Cher for employment at California Research Corporation. [Letter from Krotz to LP November 27, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1956), #74.24]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. George Tarjan, Pacific State Hospital, RE: Thanks Tarjan for the copies of his paper on phenylketonuria. Says he is circulating the copies among the members of the group. Looks forward to their next meeting and to dinner next week. [Letter from Tarjan to LP November 30, 1956] [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1966: Box #11.089, Folder #89.2]
  • Letter from LP to Edwin O. Wiig, University of Rochester, RE: Mentions Mr. David Wilson as a possible candidate for a staff opening at University of Rochester. [Letter from Wiig to LP November 23, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1956), #444.4]
  • Letter from LP to Forrest N. Anderson RE: Thanks Anderson for a letter received on October 21. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence, 1956), #12.22]
  • Letter from LP to Lars Gunnar Sillen, Royal Institute of Technology, cc: Dr. Itano, RE: A manuscript on the subject of LP's lecture in Stockholm, December 1954. Discusses its possible publication. [Letter from Sorum to LP December 10, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1956), #379.4]
  • Letter from LP to M. J. Buerger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, RE: Thanks Buerger for his November 20 letter and expresses interest in the paper on the structure of diglycine hydrochloride. [Letter from Buerger to LP November 20, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence (Buerger, M. J.) #33.4]
  • Letter from LP to Sidney Halperin RE: Comments on Halperin's article on the inheritance of mental illness. Discusses environmental and genetic factors of mental illness. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1956), #167.1]
  • Letter from LP to Sorum, University of Wisconsin, RE: Says Harold Johnson suggests David J. Wilson for the open instructor in general chemistry position. [Letters from Sorum to LP November 21, 1956, December 10, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1956), #379.4]
  • Letter from LP to W. Eugene Knox, Cancer Research Institute, RE: Accepts Knox's invitation to contribute a forward to his book on hereditary molecular diseases. Discusses his and his colleague's recent work with phenylketonuria and mental disease. [Letter from Knox to LP November 23, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Correspondence, 1956), #200.21]
  • Note from M./Sgt. Paul Ardell to LP RE: Discusses the situation of his son and his mental handicap. Asks LP if he would write giving any information to aid their son in overcoming his handicap. [Letter from Lippman to Ardell December 17, 1956] [Filed under LP Science: Box #11.089, Folder #89.6]
  • Note from Philip Young to Sirs, Caltech, RE: Describes his current research project on the chemical destruction of the cancer molecule. Inquires about if Caltech has a model of a specific nucleic acid and if he may come to see it. [Letter from Wulf to Young December 14, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Y: Correspondence, 1956), #462.12]