Activity Listings
- Check from AHP to Herman Koller for $47.46. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, February 1956-December 1957-Box #4.024, Folder #24.1]
- Hotel receipt: Sheraton Plaza, Boston [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.2]
- Itinerary [handwritten]: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.2]
- Letter from A. Wayne Ruddy, Warner-Chilcott Laboratories, to LP RE: Requests a reply to a November 8 letter extending an invitation for LP to speak at the Miami meeting of the American Chemical Society. [Letter from Ruddy to LP November 8, 1956, Letter from LP to Ruddy December 19, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (R: Correspondence, 1956), #341.2]
- Letter from Beatrice Wulf, Secretary to LP, to Philip Young RE: Discusses how Young may arrange an appointment to see molecular models at Caltech. [Letter from Young to Sirs December 6, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Y: Correspondence, 1956), #462.12]
- Letter from Charles V. Kidd, Public Health Service, to LP RE: Describes a book he is writing on effects of Federal research spending on higher education institutions. Requests that LP respond to a question concerning the topic of Kidd's research. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Correspondence, 1956), #200.21]
- Letter from Cynthia Folzer to LP RE: Invites LP to speak at a symposium of the Purdue University section of the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society in April 1957. [Letter from LP to Folzer December 22, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Correspondence, 1956), #128.21]
- Letter from Dr. Albert E. Sobel, Biochemistry Dept., Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn, to LP RE: The stimulating influence of LP's talk on "Molecular Diseases" was without precedent. Again expresses his appreciation for LP's acceptance of the invitation. [Letter from Sobel to LP October 29, 1956] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1956s.32]
- Letter from Dr. James J. Waring, Colorado Foundation for Research in Tuberculosis, to LP RE: Invites him, the next time he is in Denver, to speak to the local chapter of Nu Sigma Nu (a medical fraternity) and to give one of the Fundamental Basic Science Seminars to the faculty of the school. [Letter from LP to Waring December 28, 1956] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1957s.15]
- Letter from Eason Monroe, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union, to AHP RE: Informs her that she was elected to their Board for 2 years. [Filed under AHP: (General Correspondence, Peace and Political), Box #1.004, Folder #4.3]
- Letter from Felix Gutmann, University of Southern California, to LP RE: Thanks LP for his comments on his notes on metallic resistivity. [Letter from LP to Gutmann December 10, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (G: Correspondence, 1956), #140.20]
- Letter from Henry Allen Moe, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, to LP RE: Asks LP if Drs. Dermont B. Taylor and Vernon H. Cheldelin present "sure" cases for the Fellowships. [Letter from LP to Moe December 22, 1956] [Filed under LP Science: (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1953-1975), Box #14.015, Folder #15.4]
- Letter from Henry Allen Moe, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, to LP RE: Thanks LP for his letter and says that he will consider Swift's application if Swift acts swiftly. [Letter from LP to Moe December 11, 1956] [Filed under LP Science: (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1953-1975), Box #14.015, Folder #15.4]
- Letter from Rex N. Webster to Helen Hay Whitney Foundation RE: Discusses his work with Dr. Pelon and his evaluation of his work opinion. [Filed under LP Science: (Helen Hay Whitney Foundation-Scientific Advisory Committee: Postdoctoral Biomedical Research Fellowship Applicants, 1956-1957), Box #15.005, Folder #5.3]
- Memorandum from Waltman Insurance Agency to LP RE: Annual renewal plan for insurance policy paid on July 14, 1957. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial, Insurance Documents, 1922-1992), Box #4.040, Folder #40.5]