Activity Listings
- Comments, Application No. 30, Dr. Sylvia Fitton Jackson, Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, RE: States that a fellowship in support of Dr. Jackson's work would be appropriate. [Filed under LP Science: (Helen Hay Whitney Foundation-Scientific Advisory Committee: Postdoctoral Biomedical Research Fellowship Applicants, 1956-1957), Box #15.005, Folder #5.7]
- Comments, Application No. 31, Mr. David Platt, Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, RE: Discusses why Mr. Platt's promise as an investigator is not strong enough to be accepted for their Fellowship. [Filed under LP Science: (Helen Hay Whitney Foundation-Scientific Advisory Committee: Postdoctoral Biomedical Research Fellowship Applicants, 1956-1957), Box #15.005, Folder #5.8]
- Letter from Avram Goldstein, Stanford University, to LP RE: Asks for LP's reaction to a hypothesis being tested in the Department of Pharmacology regarding the mechanism of protein synthesis. Explains current experimental evidence to support the hypothesis. [Letter from LP to Goldstein December 28, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (G: Correspondence, 1956), #140.20]
- Letter from C. H. Sorum, University of Wisconsin, to LP RE: Thanks LP for his assistance in finding a new general chemistry instructor at the University of Wisconsin. [Letter from LP to Sorum December 6, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1956), #379.4]
- Letter from Daniel C. Darrow to LP RE: Glowingly describes William Nyhan and his training and experience. Suggests that Nyhan would be well suited and equipped to work at Caltech in the field of mental deficiency. Provides names of men who LP should contact for more information on Nyhan. [Letter from LP to Darrow December 28, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1956), #287.23]
- Letter from Dr. George Tarjan to Dr. Wright, cc: LP, RE: Suggests that there are two immediate projects that should be started as soon as the phenylalanine level determinations can be done routinely. Explains these two projects. [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1966: Box #11.089, Folder #89.2]
- Letter from Dr. Hoylande D. Young, Chairman, Chicago Section, American Chemical Society, to LP RE: Expresses joy that LP plans to speak to the section in April 1957. [Letters from Feinstein to LP November 26, 1956, March 6, 1957] [Filed under LP Speeches: 1957s.16]
- Letter from Eugene J. Hochman to LP RE: Asks if he can dedicate his play, "Untamed Sorrows," to LP. Discusses the play and encloses clippings regarding the play. [Letter from LP to Hochman December 22, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1956), #167.1]
- Letter from LP to David Klein, Library of Science, RE: Declines Klein's suggestion for LP to put together a collection of papers and an autobiographical sketch for publication. [Letter from Klein to LP November 27, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Correspondence, 1956), #200.21]
- Letter from LP to Dr. J.A. Campbell, National Science Foundation, RE: Thinks that he should like to collaborate in this program and lists possible subjects for lecture asking about Campbell's opinion of their suitability. Says he would like to film in an L.A. studio. [Letters from Campbell to LP November 30, 1956, January 8, 1957] [Filed under LP Science: (National Science Foundation: Grants, Exhibits, 1954-1964), Box #14.030, Folder #30.5]
- Letter from LP to E. L. d'Ouville, Standard Oil Company, RE: Declines the invitation to give a "feature lecture" before the A.C.S. at their 1957 fall meeting in New York. [Letter from d'Ouville to LP December 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (O: Correspondence, 1956), #300.18]
- Letter from LP to Felix Gutmann, University of Southern California, RE: Gives his opinions of Gutmann's paper on the application of LP's Theory of the Metallic Bond to Electrical Resistance. Discusses the paper's weaknesses and offers suggestions. [Letters from Gutmann to LP November 27, 1956, December 14, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (G: Correspondence, 1956), #140.20]
- Letter from LP to Hayami Yoneda, Wakayama University, RE: Comments on Yoneda's reprint on metallic complexes. Criticizes Yoneda's description of the electronic structure of complexes. [Note from Yoneda to LP March 25, 1955] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Y: Correspondence, 1956), #462.12]
- Letter from Maurice M. Rapport, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, to LP RE: Requests permission again to use Figure 2 of LP's paper in the JACS (vol. 64, p. 3003) in a paper for presentation before the New York Academy of Sciences. [Letter from Rapport to LP November 9, 1956, Letter from LP to Rapport December 13, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center), #253.7]
- Letter from N. N. Saha, University of Rangoon, to LP RE: Says he did not receive an application to apply for an Arthur Amos Noyes Fellowship in March. Encloses a statement of academic qualification to serve as his application for the Fellowship. [Letters from LP to Saha March 19, 1956, October 28, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1956), #379.4]
- Letter from Otto K. Behrens, Lilly Research Laboratories, to Robert B. Corey, cc: LP, RE: Sends Corey the beef Zn-Insulin Crystals requested in his previous letter. Discusses the sample's differences from the previous sample. [Letter from Corey to Behrens December 5, 1956] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Eli Lilly and Company), #111.4]
- Letter from R.D. Morgan, Department of Mental Hygiene, to Dr. Stanley W. Wright, cc: LP, RE: Discusses Wright's projected paper on phenylketonuria and raises some questions. Will return the draft of the paper under separate cover. [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1966: Box #11.089, Folder #89.13]
- Letter from Robert B. Corey to F. H. Westheimer, Hard University, cc: LP, RE: Discusses supplying Westheimer with requested molecular models. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Westheimer, F.H., 1955-1957), #434.6]
- The Catalysis of Nuclear Reactions by μ Mesons. Sent by Art Rosenfeld to LP. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence, 1956), #12.22]