Activity Listings
- A Toast to Linus Pauling by Mary O. Niemann: Let's drink a toast / To our most renowned Host / Structure of Protein his calling / With Helen to adore / He synthesized four / Complex proteins surnamed Pauling / This was all very well / But to win the Nobel / Took achievements more purely scientific / So he theorized more / Then [sic] anyone before / And the world though his ideas terrific! / Now we can all claim / A share in his fame / Our guilt is by association / So we wish Linus well / On his trip for the Nobel / He's a credit to Caltech and the nation! [LP Awards, Box 1954h3.14]
- Invitation from LP & AHP, November 28, 1954. [Filed under LP Biographical: Box 6.006, Folder 6.84]
- Letter from Jesse and Susie DuMond to LP RE: congratulations for Nobel prize [Filed under LP Biographical: Box 6.006, Folder 6.141]
- Letter from Margaret Chadwick to LP RE: congratulations for Nobel prize, personal update [Filed under LP Biographical: Box 6.006, Folder 6.141]