"Westinghouse Diary, 1953" Page 113. 1953
"Westinghouse Diary, 1953" 1953. Page 113  Larger Images / More Information.

Travel: Uppsala, Sweden

Activity Listings

  • LP and AHP check out of the Strandvagshotellet Hotel in Strandvagen, Sweden. [Peter Pauling is accompanying]. [Receipt, check-in July 28, 1953].
  • Letter from Lawrence A. Schmid to LP RE: sends a copy of his thesis entitled "Calculation of the Cohesive Energy of Diamond." Thinks that they might be interested in his work. [Letter of response from LP to Dr. Schmid] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #379, Folder #1].
  • Letter from U.P. Basu, Indian Science Congress Association to LP RE: request for LP to send copies of lectures he plans to give while in India. [Reply from LP's secretary to Basu December 21, 1953].