Pauling Diary: "Trips to Germany, Sweden, and Denmark, July and August 1953" Page 39. July - November 1953
Pauling Diary: "Trips to Germany, Sweden, and Denmark, July and August 1953" July - November 1953. Page 39  Larger Images / More Information. 155 pp.

Travel: Copenhagen, Denmark

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Dr. Edward N. Wise of U. of Arizona to LP RE: requests that LP help them obtain status and membership with a local section of the American Chemical Society, by favoring them with a talk on a subject of his own choice. Also requests LP help them obtain additional speakers. [Letter of response from LP to Dr. Wise September 12, 1953] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #444, File #1].
  • Letter from Mr. W. Hume-Rothery to LP RE: writes a review of LP's work on atomic radii, thus noting a few points in response to LP's paper in the 1947 Journal of the American Chemical Society. Also requests that LP read his manuscript in September so as to proof it. Requests reprints of LP's paper as well. [Letter of response from LP to Mr. Hume-Rothery September 12, 1953].
  • Program, Danish Chemical Society “Symposium on Co-ordination Chemistry August 9-13, 1953.” [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.13]