Robert Tanguay, Distinguished Professor of Molecular Toxicology, Director of the Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Laboratory, leader in the use of zebrafish as a model for analyzing toxicological impacts. In 2019, Robert publicly transitioned to Robyn Leigh Tanguay.
Robyn Leigh Tanguay, Distinguished Professor of Molecular Toxicology, Director of the Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Laboratory, leader in the use of zebrafish as a model for analyzing toxicological impacts. Robyn's name was previously Robert.
Gertrude Tank, dentist and emeritus faculty in Foods and Nutrition (1953-1965)
Bob Tarrant, bachelor's in Agriculture; USDA Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Research Station director; Professor of Forest Science (1980-1990)
Esther Taskerud, retired 4-H Extension Specialist and director of the Cooperative Extension Service (1947-1969)
Elmer Taylor, bachelor's in Business and Technology (1950), long-time Benton County resident and forester
David Toyama, retired military officer and tax services employee, founder of the Japanese-American Association of Lane County, interned during World War II
Maret Traber, Director of the Oxidative/Nitrative Stress Core Laboratory at the Linus Pauling Institute, leading expert on Vitamin E
Trans Story Circle #1, Participants: Juniper Alliston, Anonymous, Caden DeLoach, Quincy Meyers, Kate Schilke and Ray Wolf
Trans Story Circle #2, Participants: Aneeq Ahmed, Juniper Alliston, Cori Elam, Bailey Garvin, Anna Lantry, Quincy Meyer, Catherine Raffin and Ray Wolf
Trans Story Circle #3, Participants: Indigo Alexander, Anonymous, Bones, Quinn Chronister, Tali Ilkovitch, Eli Earle, Quincy Meyers, Xander Omoto and Rose Rachel
Juan Trujillo, Professor in the School of Language and Society
Richard Tubb, Professor Emeritus of Fisheries and Wildlife (1975-1993), department head and aquatic biologist
Gabe Tucker, bachelor's in Forestry (1976), Forestry research scientist
Jenny Urbina, Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Sciences, international student from Colombia
Paul Valenti, bachelor's (1947) and master's (1957) in Education, Beaver basketball player, coach, and Assistant Athletic Director (1946-1982)
Vanessa Vanderzee, master's student in in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, student assistant for the Oregon State University Queer Archives
Jack Van Loan, bachelor's in Business Administration (1954), fighter pilot with the United States Air Force, prisoner of war in Vietnam
Froggi VanRiper, Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Sciences, Coalition of Graduate Employees officer
Tony Van Vliet, bachelor's in Forestry (1952), master's in Forest Products (1958), faculty member in the College of Forestry and the Career Planning and Placement Center (1955-1990), legislator in the Oregon House of Representatives (1974-1995)
Charles Vars, Professor Emeritus of Economics (1966-1997), Mayor of Corvallis (1986-1994)
Veronica Vega, brewmaster at Deschutes Brewery, Bend, Oregon
Nicthé Verdugo, bachelor's in Ethnic Studies (2015), staffmember at the Women's Center, member of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA)
"Voices Without Borders", a panel discussion featuring OSU Hmong and Latinx students telling the stories of their families' arrivals in the United States
Jessica Wall, honors bachelor's in Biology (2004), attending physician at Seattle Children’s Hospital and Harborview Medical Hospital, and associate pediatric medical director at Airlift Northwest
Rylan Wall, graduate student in College Student Services Administration, co-director of the Rainbow Continuum
Christina Walsh, Student Engagement Coordinator for the College of Agricultural Science
Chih Wang, master's (1947) and Ph.D. (1950) in Organic Chemistry, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Director Emeritus of the OSU Radiation Center
Dick Waring, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Forest Science (1963-2001), influential researcher on topics including remote sensing and climate change
Pearlie Mae Washington, early member of the African American community in Eugene, Oregon
Warren Washington, bachelor's in Physics (1958), master's in General Science (1960), scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, winner of the 2010 National Medal of Science
Ed Waymire, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics (1982-2017), researches the mathematics of rain
James K. Weatherford, Jr., bachelor's in Civil Engineering (1924), prominent local attorney and school board member, grandson of OAC Board of Trustees chair
Jennifer Wells, bachelor's (2008) in New Media Communications; e-reserves coordinator at OSU Libraries
Jim Welty, bachelor's (1954) and master's (1959) in Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (1962), Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1962-1996)
Roger Werth, bachelor's in Liberal Studies (1980), staff photographer at the Longview Daily News, recipient of the 1981 Pulitzer Prize for reporting on the eruption of Mt. St. Helens
Melvin Westwood, professor emeritus of Horticulture (1960-1983)
Charlie White, bachelor's in Business Administration (1968), first African American to play basketball at OSU (1964-1966)
Ken Whiteman, co-founder of pFriem Family Brewers and Vice President of the Oregon Brewers Guild
Doug Whitsett, Oregon state senator (2005-2017), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, former president of the Klamath Animal Clinic
Katie Wicks, bachelor's in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (2015), advocate for transgender inclusivity
Cat Wiest, brewer at Pelican Brewing Company (Tillamook, OR) and Seabright Brewery (Santa Cruz, CA)
Lilith Wiksten, student in Psychology, and at the time of their interview a member of the OSU LGBTQ+ community
Tony Wilcox, Professor in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences (1987-2015), chair of the Department of Exercise and Sports Science (1994-2011), co-director of the School of Biological and Population Health Sciences (2011-2015), former Faculty Senator and President of the Faculty Senate
Bill Wilkins, Professor Emeritus of Economics and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts (1961-1994)
Caroline Wilkins, instructor in History (1967-1968), major figure in Democratic Party politics including tenures as chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon (1969-1974) and vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee (1972-1977)
Becca Williams, director of the OSU Survivor Advocacy and Resource Center
Julie Williams, teacher at Corvallis High School, member of Corvallis LGBTQ+ community, adviser to the CHS Queer-Straight Alliance
Matt Williams, undergraduate in Exercise and Sports Science, staff member at the Native American Longhouse Eena Haws
Ray Wolf, undergraduate in Liberal Studies, member of the Corvallis LGBTQ+ community
Bryan Wolfe, bachelor's in Agricultural Economics (1966), founder of the Wolfe Feedlot and the W. Bryan Wolfe Ranch
Women's Center Staff, a group discussion of feminism, identities, open-mindedness, and white privilege
Michelle Wonder, home brewer and employee at Perfect Pour Services, Portland, Oregon
Kat Wondergloom, burlesque performer and producer based in Ashland, Oregon
Carmen Wong, research associate in the School of Biological and Population Health Sciences
G. Burton Wood, master's in Agricultural Economics (1940), Professor of Agricultural Economics (1951-1966), former senior economist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture
LeVelle Wood, bachelor's in Home Economics Education (1921), professor of Dietetics at Kansas State University and Ohio State University
Ralph Woodall, sale representative at Yakima-Chief Hopunion, Yakima, Washington
Ember Ophelia Woody, burlesque producer and performer based in Eugene, Oregon
Dawn Wright, Professor of Geosciences (1995-2011), Chief Scientist at Esri, expert on the use of GIS technologies to map both the geology and the geography of the ocean floor
Ron Wrolstad, bachelor's in Food Science (1960), Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Technology (1965-2004), major contributions to contributions to the study of fruit juice adulteration and natural food colorants