Interviewee: Amelia Allee, Shelby Baisden, Soreth Dahri, and Nicthé Verdugo
Interviewer: Amelia Allee
Interview Date: May 5, 2015
Location: Oregon State University Women's Center, Corvallis, Oregon
Duration: 0:27:04
The interview begins by introducing four staff members of Oregon State University's women's center–Amelia Allee, Shelby Baisden, Soreth Dahri, and Nicthé Verdugo. After discussing their backgrounds, majors, and positions at the women's center, they discuss the challenges of their jobs. These challenges include white privilege and misunderstandings of feminism. They recommend sexual assault awareness and expanded definitions of feminism for future event topics. The interview then chronicles their ideas and advice for the future of the women's center. For this, the interviewees recognize open mindedness, good and purposeful intentions, non-generalizations, and challenging barriers. On a more personal level, they describe several experiences in which their identities have caused them to have both negative and positive interactions. The interview ends with an acknowledgement of the family-like environment of the staff and of the center.
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OSU Women's Center Oral History Interview
The interview begins by introducing four staff members of Oregon State University's women's center–Amelia Allee, Shelby Baisden, Soreth Dahri, and Nicthé Verdugo. After discussing their backgrounds, majors, and positions at the women's center, they discuss the challenges of their jobs. These challenges include white privilege and misunderstandings of feminism. They recommend sexual assault awareness and expanded definitions of feminism for future event topics. The interview then chronicles their ideas and advice for the future of the women's center. For this, the interviewees recognize open mindedness, good and purposeful intentions, non-generalizations, and challenging barriers. On a more personal level, they describe several experiences in which their identities have caused them to have both negative and positive interactions. The interview ends with an acknowledgement of the family-like environment of the staff and of the center.
Amelia Allee, Shelby Baisden, Soreth Dahri, and Nicthé Verdugo
Oregon State University Cultural Centers Oral History Collection
Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries
Oral History Item Type Metadata
Amelia Allee, Shelby Baisden, Soreth Dahri, and Nicthé Verdugo
Oregon State University Women's Center, Corvallis, Oregon
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Born Digital