Dear Professor Einstein:

The Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists

in Post-War America

The Response

The response to the ECAS message was swift and varied. From May 1946 to May 1947, the Committee received and answered many thousands of letters sent in by passionate citizens across the nation. Some voiced their full support for the goals and methods of the ECAS; others were critical of the Committee's message and doubtful of their ultimate success. Some candidly poured out their hopes and fears about the new age they were living in. Some offered solutions to the problems brought into the world by atomic energy; others wrung their hands. Many could not contribute much money, but offered their time, energy, and ideas to support what they thought was a life-or-death cause. Each letter, in its own way, conveys the new anxieties of the atomic age.

"Our Hope for Survival Depends On You Alone": Fears and Hopes

"May Your Work Succeed in Time!": Letters of Encouragement

"The Monster You Created": Letters of Criticism

"To Move the Minds if the Masses": Letters of Advice

"If I May Offer an Idea": Proposed Solutions

"How We Wish it Could be More": Small Contributions

"We Will Do Whatever is Required": Offers to Help

The Response
The Response