Letter from Linus Pauling to Joaquin Fiorillo. Page 1. September 29, 1964
Letter from Linus Pauling to Joaquin Fiorillo. September 29, 1964. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Form: “Time and Payroll Record.”   [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.052, Folder #52.1]
  • Handwritten letter from Lucila Rubio de Laverde to AHP, RE: Has been very busy since her return from Uruguay. She has translated LP's wonderful speech into Spanish and it is ready to be printed on the bulletin. She will send AHP some copies. Thinks it is very important that Latin Americans be able to read LP's address. Heard from Elisa Davila that AHP has been very kind and sweet to Davila, which De Laverde is thankful for. On her trip to Uruguay, she went to Montevideo. She believes it is necessary to join the women of Latin America into a great peace campaign. Her husband may be going to the United States next February on business, and Rubio de Laverde is considering coming with him to visit AHP in Santa Barbara. Asks if AHP is going to WILPF's congress in the Hague. She will try to go, and thinks that it is important for AHP to go, too. [Filed under AHP Correspondence: (Individual Correspondence, Peace and Political), #6.12]
  • Letter from Miss Leah C. Galandzy, Vice-Chairman of the University of Massachusetts, to LP RE: Tells LP that the Distinguished Visitors Program of the University of Massachusetts was excited to hear that LP was a possible lecturer, but due to LP’s tight schedule and their difficulty in getting touch with LP’s office, they have already filled their schedule. Hopes that LP will keep the Distinguished Visitors Program in mind for the future. [Letter from LP to Galandzy October 6, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence (G: Correspondence, 1962-1965), #142.3] 
  • Letter from Peter Schiff, Australian National University, to LP. RE: Has been informed that LP will be in Canberra on November 4. Asks if there is any aspect of the university he would particularly like to see. [Filed under LP Speeches: Speeches by LP, 1964: Box #1964s2 Folder #1964s2.8] 
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Autobiographical entry, p. 117. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 25R]