"Future Pugwash Programs." Page 1. September 5, 1962
"Future Pugwash Programs." September 5, 1962. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Travel: London, England

Activity Listings

  • Check from AHP to Athenaeum for $5.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: First Western Bank, January 1962-December 1962: Box # 4.027 Folder #27.1] also [Filed under LP Biographical: Check Registers, 1961-1962: Box # 4.076 Folder #76.5] 
  • Check from AHP to Kloke’s for $50.89. [Filed under LP Biographical: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: First Western Bank, January 1962-December 1962: Box # 4.027 Folder #27.1] also [Filed under LP Biographical: Check Registers, 1961-1962: Box # 4.076 Folder #76.5] 
  • Check from AHP to Roess Market for $100.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: First Western Bank, January 1962-December 1962: Box # 4.027 Folder #27.1] 
  • Hotel bill: Hotel Russell, London [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: 10th Pugwash, London [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2]
  • Letter from Allan Butler to LP RE: Butler sends LP a copy of a letter from R.G. Cragle to Butler and thinks that LP will find it interesting. [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Strontium-90, 1961-1963: Box #7.014, Folder #14.17] 
  • Letter from Catherine Sturtevant, Cornell University Press, to LP RE: Discusses the progress of the latest printing of The Nature of the Chemical Bond and points out possible errors in LP’s corrections. [Letters from LP to Sturtevant August 28, 1962, September 18, 1962] [Filed under LP Books: 1960b5.5]
  • Letter from Dr. H. Rinderknecht to LP RE: Informs LP that he is very happy to accept LP’s offer of appointment as Senior Research Fellow in Chemistry. [Letter from LP to Rinderknecht August 27, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, R: Individual Correspondence (Rimland - Robeson) Box 330 Folder 330.3]  
  • Letter from George Tarjan, M.D., Superintendent and Medical Director, Pacific State Hospital, to LP RE: Tarjan says it was nice hearing from LP. Also says that he will look into the matter of Professor Folling’s membership in the AAMD. [Letter from Tarjan to LP May 28, 1963] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Correspondence) #129.7]  
  • Letter from Gunnar Jahn, Norges Bank, to LP . RE: Jahn has read a Swedish news article which states that LP's sponsorship of the Conference in Moscow has been criticised by other organisations he participates in; the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy among them. He has heard that at the Meeting in London held in 1961, that a statement was given about the German situation. Jahn asks if LP agrees with the statement. [Filed under LP Safe Contents, Drawer 2, Folder 2.016]
  • Letter from Harry Kalven, University of Chicago, to LP. RE: Makes a proposal of how to resolve the issue with the Bulletin. [Letter from LP September 14, 1962]  [Filed under LP Biographical: Typescripts, Correspondence: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1962-1963: Box # 3.058 Folder #58.8]
  • Letter from LP [Signed by Linka Hopkins] to Dr. S. Seki, Osaka University, RE: Says he is happy to hear about Seki’s Japanese translation of his article on anesthesia and about good sales of the Japanese edition General Chemistry. Informs that he is now preparing a third edition of College Chemistry. [Note from Seki to LP September 4, 1962] [Filed under LP Books: 1953b.2]
  • Letter from LP [signed by Linda Hopkins] to Prentiss Choate RE: Tells Choate that he has read a certain amount of information about Scientology and that it has made a rather poor impression on him. Says that Scientology could help some people, but that he doubts that he could be convinced it is worth while. [Letter from Choate to LP July 8, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Francisco Berdejo del Cid RE: Tells him that he doesn’t know anything about luminous paint because it is entirely out of his field of interest. [Letter from Berdejo del Cid to LP August 5, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, B: Individual Correspondence, 1962-1964 Box 40 Folder 40.1] 
  • Letter from LP to H. P. Dunlop RE: Says that he is interested in Dunlop’s work, but does not know a chemist to recommend. Encloses a paper LP wrote about cigarette smoking. [Letter from Dunlop to LP August 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, D: Correspondence 1960-1966 Box 99, Folder 99.3] 
  • Letter from LP to J. W. Stout RE: Comments on the manuscript by Wang and Spinar. Says that a revised manuscript should be published, but Acta Crystallographica or one of the metals journals would be a better place for it. [Letter from Stout to LP August 24, 1962] [Filed under J:Organizational Correspondence (Jo - Jo) Box 191, Folder 191.5] 
  • Letter from LP to Janet Foellner RE: Says that the answers to her questions could be found in any modern chemistry textbook and briefly answers them. Tells her that many branches of biology and some branches of chemistry do not require much math, but he does not think it is possible to be a physicist without mathematical knowledge. [Letter from Foellner to LP August 62] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6] 
  • Letter from Linda Hopkins to Dr. Norman Dombey RE: Says that LP is in London and she sent a copy of Dombey’s letter to him there, but LP may not have time to reply until he returns to Pasadena in mid-September. [Letter from Dombey to LP August 23, 1962] [Letter from LP to Kapista September 15, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, D: Correspondence 1960-1966 Box 99, Folder 99.3] 
  • Letter from unknown [unsigned] to LP. RE: Encloses a letter from Curtis. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence, Newsletter: State University of New York Colleges of Education Newsletter, 1962: Box # 3.058 Folder #58.5]
  • Receipt from California Institute of Technology to LP RE: Total of $7.00. [Statement May 10, 1963] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.061, Folder #61.1]       
  • Receipt from First Western Bank for a deposit of $1270.92. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence: First Western Bank, 1959-1963: Box #4.030 Folder #30.1] 
  • Receipt from First Western Bank to LP and AHP RE: Deposit receipt. $1,270.92.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.1]
  • Receipt from San Luis Obispo County Farm Supply Company to R. Dale Haskin for $21.40. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence: Deer Flat Ranch Bills, Receipts, Invoices, etc., 1960-1969: Box #4.048 Folder #48.1]