Activity Listings
- Article: “Are You Being Sued by Linus Pauling?”, National Review. [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Box #3.016 Folder #16.9]
- Check from AHP to Jiro Sugita for $160.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: First Western Bank, January 1962-December 1962: Box # 4.027 Folder #27.1]
- Check from AHP to Jiro Sugita for $18.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: First Western Bank, January 1962-December 1962: Box # 4.027 Folder #27.1]
- Letter from George Nicklin to LP RE: Tells LP about a new Quaker project is being undertaken. Encloses a brochure about the project. Asks if LP would join the Advisory Council for the project. [Letter from Hopkins to Nicklin October 1, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, N: Correspondence 1957-1964 Box 288, Folder 288.6]
- Letter from H. Randall Tally to LP RE: Tells LP that he has found several, good possibilities for constructive jobs through the SSRS and that more people are falling behind LP in the struggle for Peace each day. [Filed under LP Correspondence, T: Correspondence 1956-1963 Box 411, Folder 411.7]
- Letter from I. S. Edelman to LP RE: Talks about his studies of the action of vasopressin. Thanks LP for the copies of his correspondence with R. M. Noyes, and tells him that they made him interested in the effects of electrostriction on the experimental values, but he would need a full sabbatical year to understand the problem. [Letter from LP to Edelman May 12, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, E: Correspondence, 1960-1969 Box 113 Folder 113.3]
- Letter from L.A. DuBridge, Caltech President, to Edward Doane, President, The Church of Light, RE: DuBridge says that no educational institution sponsors or finances the political or religious views of its faculty members; nor does it interfere with the right of faculty to express their views freely. [Filed under LP Safe Contents, Drawer 2, Folder 2.006]
- Loan to Jiro Sugita from AHP: $160 to be paid within one year. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.080, Folder #80.1]
- Manuscript Notes, RE: AEC memorandum of September 25, 1962. [Filed under LP Peace: (United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1946-1964), Box #3.019, Folder #19.9]