Activity Listings
- Letter from Jack Menzies to LP RE: Mixes praise of LP’s fight toward peace with criticism. Seems to argue that LP will not be successful, but tells LP to continue to fight for peace. [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
- Letter from Jack Squire to LP RE: Calls LP’s attention to an article in the upcoming issue of Look Magazine that will be of special interest to LP and encloses an advanced copy. [Letter from LP to Squire July 31, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, L: Organizational Correspondence (La - Lo) Box 219, Folder 219.11]
- Letter from LP to A. A. Fatouros RE: Says that he will not be able to lecture during the suggested period and that he is having so much difficulty finding a date to suggest to them that he feels his plan to come to the University of Western Ontario must be abandoned. [Letter from Fatouros to LP June 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3]
- Letter from LP to Alice McGrath RE: Tells her that the author of the article on the neutrino bomb is Dr. Ralph S. Cooper who has written several satires. Says he had a good time reading her book Self-Defense for Cowards. [Letter from McGrath to LP May 18, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
- Letter from LP to Ben Winitt, Business and Professional Associates of the American Jewish Congress. RE: Encloses a glossy print and a cut, as well as a biographical statement. Suggests that the title of his talk be ‘The Bomb-Test Controversy’. Gives the background information for his talk. [Letter from Winitt June 28, 1962] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box #1962s Folder #1962s.19]
- Letter from LP to David J. Smith RE: Says that he is sorry about the cancellation of the symposium, but that he is glad, in a way, to be relieved of an additional obligation. [Letter from Smith to LP June 15, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3]
- Letter from LP to Don Ridgeway RE: LP has sent Ridgeway’s manuscript on Rotatory Dispersion of BSA to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and answers Ridgeway’s previous questions about submission to the Biophysical Journal. Also asks for 50 reprints of each of Ridgeway’s manuscripts, which the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Caltech will pay for. [Letter from Ridgeway to LP June 21, 1962] [Filed under LP Science: (National Academy of Sciences, 1955-1969), Box #14.021, Folder #21.4]
- Letter from LP to Dr. John B. Goodenough, Massachusetts Institute of Technology RE: Explains that he and Peter Pauling have developed a one-electron-bond theory of antiferromagnetism and ferromagnetism and have written a paper on it before noticing that Goodenough and Loeb had already published a similar paper on a semicovalent-bond theory. LP suggests that he and Peter will rewrite theirs and publish it. Asks if Goodenough has written anything else on this subject and asks for reprints if he has. [Letter from Goodenough to LP July 2, 1962] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP), Box #1962a3, Folder #1962a3.9]
- Letter from LP to Elizabeth Roboz Einstein RE: Says he is pleased to hear that she is working at UC Medical Center and he would be happy to send her an autographed photo. Tells her that he just had some new photos taken and he will send her one when he gets the prints in. [Note from Einstein to LP June 6, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, E: Correspondence, 1960-1969 Box 113 Folder 113.3]
- Letter from LP to Erika Gröger RE: Tells her that he was please to receive her letter, but he was not able to find the books she requested. Says he think they are published in England. [Letter from Gröger to LP June 4, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, G: Correspondence, 1962-1965 Box 142 Folder 142.1]
- Letter from LP to Gerhard Orter RE: Apologizes for the delay in response to Orter’s letter. Thanks him for the offer of assistance in the fight against war, and wishes him success in his work. [Letter from Orter to LP August 13, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, O: Correspondence 1937-1965 Box 300, Folder 300.24]
- Letter from LP to Hans Tambs-Lyche, RE: LP is pleased that Tambs-Lyche sent him the copies of the translation of the Oslo Statement. [Tambs-Lyche’s letter May 16, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.004, Folder #4.4]
- Letter from LP to Homer Hogan, RE: LP is pleased to learn about the proposed journal Dialogue and is glad to give his support to the proposal. [Hogan’s letter June 4, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Am), Box #4.009, Folder #9.3]
- Letter from LP to J.B.S. Haldane, RE: LP does not think that Haldane is justified in not signing the bomb test suit and that the reasons he gave in his letter were insufficient. LP hopes that Haldane’s protest against the C.S.I.R. policy has some effect [Letter from Haldane June 12, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (The Bomb Test Suits, 1962-1964), Box #6.002, Folder #2.1]
- Letter from LP to Josephine Williams RE: Encloses the manuscript “Dependence of the Rotatory Dispersion Constant λ0 on pH in Bovine Serum Albumin” by Don Ridgeway to communicate for publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Asks that the proof be sent to Ridgeway at the Medical College of Virginia. [Letter from Williams to LP July 18, 1962] [Filed under LP Science: (National Academy of Sciences, 1955-1969), Box #14.021, Folder #21.4]
- Letter from LP to Larry E. McGinisy RE: Says that he has read McGinisy’s letter with interest, but that he does not have any significant comments to make on it. Tells McGinisy that he is sending some material under separate cover. [Letter from McGinisy to LP June 11, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
- Letter from LP to Leallyn Clapp RE: LP has read Clapp’s article “Chemistry for the Man Who Must Vote,” however LP believes that the paragraph on fallout and Strontium-90 is misleading to readers and needs to be changed. [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Strontium-90, 1961-1963: Box #7.014, Folder #14.17]
- Letter from LP to Lewis C. Green. RE: Did not attend meetings of the World Peace Council in Vienna and has never been a member of the World Peace Council Bureau. Returns the original 41 page answer by him to defendant’s interrogatories. Would like him to send copies to Hoague and Matar. [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Box #3.004 Folder #4.12]
- Letter from LP to Lyall Morrill, Jr. RE: Tells Morrill he was pleased to hear about his success in high school and wishes him luck with his future as a scientist. Says that Morrill appears to be quite ignorant about aspects of the world other than those taught in high school science. Suggests that Morrill spends a little time and energy to the study of world affairs. Encloses some material for Morrill to read. [Letter from Morrill to LP June 13, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
- Letter from LP to Theo. A. Ashford, University South Florida. RE: Is unable to accept the invitation to be the All-University Lecturer. [Letter from Ashford June 12, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2]
- Letter from LP to Wilfred H. Ward RE: Grants permission to reproduce the requested figures. [Letter from Ward to LP June 21, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3]
- Letter from LP to Willard W. Harper RE: Says that he is glad Harper made such a good showing in the election, though he wishes Harper had come out first. Says the pamphlet seems very good, but could be improved somewhat, but LP does not feel that he should tackle the job. Tells Harper that he should emphasize general disarmament, not just nuclear disarmament. [Letter from Harper to LP June 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence 1961-1962), Box #168, Folder #168.2]
- Letter from LP to Wolfgang Moll RE: Says that he read Moll’s letter with interest, but has decided that it would be a waste of his time to do anything at all about the alleged new physical principle. [Letter from Moll to LP June 9, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
- Letter from Robert L. King to LP RE: Encloses a clipping that LP might be interested in. [Letter from LP to King July 3, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, K: Correspondence 1957-1962 Box 201, Folder 201.6]
- Pamphlet, “The Accra Assembly, The World Without the Bomb” [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Conferences, 1949-1962), Box #2.010, Folder #10.10]
- Telegram from LP to Lewis C. Green. RE: Informs him that notarized and signed answers the interrogatories have been mailed special delivery. [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Box #3.004 Folder #4.12]
- Telegram to LP from Andrea Andreen RE: Concerns LP’s invitation from E. Cotton [Letter from E. Cotton to LP, March 12, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence), #14.1]
- Typescript: “Plaintiff’s Answers to Defendant’s Interrogatories”, LP v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company. [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Box #3.004 Folder #4.12]