Activity Listings
- Article: “He’s a New Kind of Press Lord”, Business Week. [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Box #3.006 Folder #6.23]
- Letter from Georgia H. Schneider to LP RE: Encloses a letter she wrote to the Federal Radiation Council about the increase of radioactive iodines in milk. Tells LP that she made a study from May 25 to June 13 of the Los Angeles Times on fallout. Asks if they are trying to kill us all. [Letter from LP to Schneider July 30, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1]
- Letter from Mother Alicia to LP RE: Tells him that they are happy he will be coming to Marymount College on Nov. 19. Says that his topic sounds interesting, and thanks him for requesting a modest honorarium. [Letter from LP to Mother Alicia June 8, 1962] [Letter from Mother Alicia to LP September 2, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence, 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
- Letter from Robert Barron Nemiroff RE: Tells LP about a play he wrote by adapting the last letters of the German Army at Stalingrad called PostMark–Zero. Encloses a copy for LP to read. Explains that he wrote it so that people can see what these men had to say about the world and the perspective it can put on current events. Asks for LP’s comments. [Letter from LP to Nemiroff July 24, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, N: Correspondence 1957-1964 Box 288, Folder 288.6]
- Newspaper clipping: “Ban-tests move in Courts” New Zealand. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box #6.008 Folder #8.298]
- Newspaper clipping: “Court Rulings Sought To Stop A-Tests” New Zealand Hearld. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box #6.008 Folder #8.298]
- Newspaper clipping: “The Physicists’ Political Behavior” Sri. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box #6.008 Folder #8.300]