11 July 1952
Dr. Melba Phillips, 298
West 11th Street
New York 14, N. Y.
Dear Dr. Phillips:
I enclose a copy of a letter that I have sent to Dr. Crowther, containing my resignation as Vice-President of the World Federation.
I would not resign if I felt more in accord with the present policies and activities of the World Federation. Moreover, if the policies and activities of the World Federation were being determined under conditions such that I could be taking an effective part in their determination, together with other people from the American Association of Scientific Workers, the Association of Scientific Workers of the United Kingdom, the Association of Scientific Workers of South Africa, and so on, I might well not feel that I should resign. I hate to give up the hope for an effective international organization of scientists, devoted to scientific problems, that was expressed by the Association of Scientific Workers of the United Kingdom when this organization took the action, six years ago, that led to the formation of the World Federation.
May I suggest that the officers of the American Association of Scientific Workers consider the question of whether the American Association should disaffiliate from the World Federation.
Do you know if the Association of Scientific Workers of the
United Kingdom is again taking up the question? I suggest that you obtain this information, and raise the question with the officers of the American Association. I shall not try to survey the matter in this letter, but I point out that there has been considerable change in policies and composition of the World Federation during the last year.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling:W