Letter from Linus Pauling to Melba Phillips. Page 1. July 11, 1952
Letter from Linus Pauling to Melba Phillips. July 11, 1952. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • AHP writes cheque to: Mrs Sarah Cox amount: $3.00 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.021, Folder #3]
  • LP writes cheque to: Miss K. Densmore amount: $1.00 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.021, Folder #3]
  • Letter from C. Newton to LP RE: a request by Gulf Research Laboratory for reprints of any publications on crystal structure of metals and alloys, refractory alloys and corrosion. Newton asks that LP make suggestions on which publications might be most appropriate to send. [Filed under: LP Biographical, Box 1.030, Folder 30.3]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Gibbs RE: Responds to the July 3, 1952 letter from Dr. Gibbs. Gives his evaluation of the proposal submitted by L. H. Reyerson of the University of Minnesota to the OOR. Thinks that the work is of scientific merit. [Filed under LP Science: Box 14.028, Folder 28.1]
  • Letter from LP to E. Hastings, W.H. Freeman and Company, RE: Thanks her for sending the newspaper clipping. [In reply to letter from Hastings to LP July 8, 1952]. [Filed under LP Books: Box 1953b, Folder 1953b.1].
  • Letter from LP to Elizabeth Hastings, W.H. Freeman and Co., RE: LP thanks Hastings for sending him the clipping from the Chronicle. He looks forward to hearing from Mr. Freeman about the revision of General Chemistry. He says he is anxious to hear Freeman and Hastings' opinions of the new material he is adding to the book. [Filed under LP Books, 1953b.1]
  • Letter from Prof. I. M. Kolthoff to LP RE: writes that he has received a copy of a letter from Mrs. Shipley to Senator Humphrey regarding the State Dept.'s refusal of a passport to LP. [mentioned copy of letter from Senator Humphrey to Prof. Kolthoff included] [Letter from Prof. Kolthoff July 7, 1952, letter from Prof. Kolthoff to LP February 27, 1953] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #199, Folder #8].
  • Memo from LP to Roger Stanton RE: in response to Dr. Stanton's memo, authorizes an expenditure that would allow a complete set of A. A. Noyes' reprints be made and bound. [Memo from Roger Stanton to LP July 9, 1952].