October 4, 1938
Dr. Warren Weaver
The Rockefeller Foundation
49 West 49th Street
New York, New York
Dear Warren:
We are very glad that Zechmeister will be here early in November, and I wish to thank you for letting me know about his visit in America. I had not discussed the question further with him after writing during the summer because I interpreted his letter to me as meaning that he would not have time to come West.
Niemann has been working hard since his arrival here and is making progress on his new problem, the investigation of the fatty substances in brain and nerve tissue. With Niemann, Buchman, and Haggen-Smit (who is formally in the Biology Department but is supervising the work of some of our graduate students in organic chemistry), as well as Lucas, I feel that our organic program is developing very well. We are leaving the office and laboratories planned for Todd unoccupied, but we do not have any man definitely in mind for appointment. I would be very grateful if you could let us know in case that you hear about another young organic chemist as able and energetic and full of promise as Niemann, or if you have an other suggestions regarding our Professorship.
With best regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling