Click on a day for specific listings and a related image.

December 1
  • AHP writes cheque to: Marie Johnson amount $20 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • Bragg, William H., Dec. 1938. Address of the president at the Anniversary Meeting, 30 Nov. 1938. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, No. 936, 169: 1-24.
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Yarnall RE: LP regrets to say that there is no room to appoint Professor Lieben for work in the field of biochemistry at this time. [Filed under: L: Correspondence, Box #230, Folder #230.4]
  • Letter from LP to Robert S. Mullikan RE: LP is interested to learn that he is making plans for a chemical physics symposium next June and hopes that he will be able to come to Chicago at that time. LP suggests that Brockway, at Michigan, be invited to come as well.
  • Publication: Written by LP: "The Nature of the Interatomic Forces In metals." Physical Review 54, pp. 899-904. [LP Publications, 1938p.12]

December 2
  • LP writes cheque to: Chapman Woods amount $160 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • LP writes cheque to: First Federal Savings and Loan Association amount $80 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • Letter from D. C. Carpenter to LP RE: LP requests a couple plane aluminum mirrors made like those that Badger was working with. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #57, Folder #57.13]
  • Letter from Donald S. Piston to LP RE: In accordance with instructions from W. A. Noyes, Piston sends the manuscript for the first three chapters of his proposal book on Spectrochemical Analysis. Asks LP for any comments or suggestions. [Filed under: LP Correspondence, Box #312, Folder #312.3]
  • Letter from Harold L. Link to LP RE: Link is looking forward for a postgraduate assistantship which will enable him to carry on his work on equilibrium in the solid state and asks LP if there are any available for year of 1939-1940. [Filed under: L: Correspondence, Box #230, Folder #230.4]

December 3
  • AHP writes cheque to: Athenaeum amount $37.24 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]

December 4
  • Note from H. D. Springall to LP RE: Springall updates LP on his work at Oxford, and apologizes for not writing sooner. [LP's reply: December 27, 1938] [Filed under: S: Individual Correspondence, Box #367, Folder #367.6]

December 5
  • AHP writes cheque to :H. A. Courselle amount $12.05 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • AHP writes cheque to: Adohr Milk Farms amount $54.71 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • AHP writes cheque to: Bode's amount $50.79 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • AHP writes cheque to: Collector of Internal Revenue amount $46.66 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • AHP writes cheque to: Model Grocery Company amount $2.57 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • AHP writes cheque to: Southern California Gas Company amount $5.88[Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • AHP writes cheque to: Standard Oil Company of California amount $20.84 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • AHP writes cheque to: Union Oil Company of California amount $2.93 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science, Membership Roll of the Secretaries' Conference [Filed under LP Science: Box #14.001, Folder #1.1]
  • Letter from LP to Donald S. Piston RE: LP acknowledges the receipt of the manuscript of the first three chapters of his proposed book. [Filed under: LP Correspondence, Box #312, Folder #312.3]

December 6
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Stanley D. Wilson RE: LP writes that there will be no courses on the chemical bond until the 1941. However, if he wishes to learn more about it, LP suggests that he read his new book, The Nature of the Chemical Bond. LP invites him to spend time at CIT. [Wilson's letter to LP: October 29, 1938] [Filed under: W: Correspondence, Box #443, Folder #443.6]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. Harold L. Link RE: LP reports that because the fellowships are most often given to those men carrying on research at CIT there would be little use to apply for appointment. [Filed under: L: Correspondence, Box #230, Folder #230.4]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. Sam Woodley RE: LP writes in support of Dr. Coryell's application for a grant in support of his work. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #68, Folder #68.2]
  • Letter from LP to Professor W. A. Noyes RE: LP believes that there will only be a small sale for the revision of Kraus' book on electrical conducting systems. [Filed under: N: Individual Correspondence, Box #279, Folder #279.4]

December 7

December 8
  • Letter from LP to Dean S. C. Lind, University of Minnesota, RE: The manuscript enclosed by Dr. Piston is sent according to the instructions of Professor Noyes. [Filed under: L: Correspondence, Box #230, Folder #230.4]
  • Letter from LP to Professor S. C. Lind RE: Is submitting to LP for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry two manuscripts relating to the physical chemistry and structure of hemoglobin. Asks LP to let him know whether or not they are accepted for publication. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #68, Folder #68.2]
  • Letter from LP to Professor W. A. Noyes RE: LP has looked over Dr. Piston's work and has concluded that it too elementary and superficial in nature to be included in the Monographs series. [Filed under: N: Individual Correspondence, Box #279, Folder #279.4]

December 9

December 10
  • Letter from Dr. R. Snger to LP RE: is glad to hear that LP intends to come to Zurich next year. Informs LP that he could arrange to credit him about 250 U. S. dollars. [Filed under: S: Correspondence, Box #377, Folder #377.8]

December 11
  • AHP writes cheque to: Wesley Unfried amount $2.50 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]

December 12
  • LP writes cheque to: California Institute of Technology amount $85 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • Letter from F. R. Moulton, Permanent Secretary, American Association for the Advancement of Science to Members of the Executive Committee, LP RE: Informing members of committee meeting times during the general meeting in Richmond. [Filed under LP Science: Box #14.001, Folder #1.1]
  • Letter from L. Michaelis to LP RE: Asks LP for help and criticism in his problem regarding the radicals of type formula I. [Filed under: M: Individual Correspondence, Box #246, Folder #246.9]
  • Letter from Robert S. Mullikan to LP RE: Thanks LP for his letter and with the new house being built he certainly hopes that he will be able to visit before too long. Mullikan believes that $100 can go towards his traveling expenses if he plans to come to the symposium. [Filed under: LP Correspondence, Box #247, Folder #247.1]
  • Note from David M. Dennison to LP RE: Explains that he will be taking the summer and autumn of 1939 off and asks LP if he will be in Pasadena during October so that he may visit. [LP's response: December 20, 1938] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #98, Folder #98.3]
  • Note from Dr. J. A. Ketelaar to LP RE: Explains to LP that as editor of the firm his opinion was asked about a book by Dr. L. Brooker about color and asks LP if he could write some introductory chapters for this book. [Filed under: K: Correspondence, Box #200, Folder #200.3]

December 13
  • LP writes cheque to: New York Hardware Trading Company amount $20.60 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • Letter from G. A. Linhart to LP RE: Thanks LP for the review of his article and asks if LP can spare a half an hour to conference during the Winter Break, weather permitting. [Filed under: L: Correspondence, Box #230, Folder #230.4]
  • Letter from LP to Professor Hassel RE: Reports that he will be in Pasadena from February to May and would be happy to have him at the Institute during that time. [Filed under H: Individual Correspondence, Box #152, Folder #152.4]
  • Letter from Robert A. Millikan to LP RE: Informs LP that the information needed for his letter of November 29th, is that they cannot finance the addition of Levene, Landsteiner and Michaelis. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #247, Folder #247.1]

December 14
  • Letter from George M. Reynolds to LP RE: Informs LP that Mr. James LuValle is applying for a renewal of the Rosenwald Fund grant. These grants are only renewed under special circumstances so asks LP for a brief statement concerning Mr. LuValle his plan of work and his promise for the future. [LP's reply: December 20, 1938] [Filed under: L: Individual Correspondence, Box #218, Folder #218.11]
  • Letter from H. Mark to LP RE: Mark congratulates LP and AHP for the arrival of their new baby boy. Thanks LP for the kind invitation to come to CIT and give a series of lectures and would like to do so when the time becomes available. [Filed under: M: Correspondence, Box #244, Folder #244.1]
  • Letter from Joseph O. Hirschfelder to LP RE: Informs LP that he is applying for a Lalor Foundation Fellowship for next year and in the event he is chosen wishes to work with LP and his colleagues at CIT. Asks LP if this would be ok. [Filed under: H: Individual Correspondence, Box #159, Folder #159.8]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Linhart RE: LP reports that he will be around most of the time and will be glad to see him when convenient. [Filed under: L: Correspondence, Box #230, Folder #230.4]
  • Letter from LP to Prof. R. A. Millikan, C. I. T. RE: Accounting for the change in the Rockefeller Fund Budget. [Filed under LP Science: Box #14.037, Folder #37.8]
  • Letter from LP to Prof. R. A. Millikan, C. I. T. RE: LP submits revised Rockefeller Fund Budget for July 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939 ultimately changed from $70,000 to $65,000 after several other alterations. Budget included. [Filed under LP Science: Box #14.037, Folder #37.8]
  • Note to LP RE: Reporting that Strickler will take his vacation from the 17th of December to the 1st of January. Three weeks should be paid for as only one week will be on his time. [Filed under: K: Individual Correspondence, Box #199, Folder #199.6]
  • Notes: The Rockefeller Budget (hand-written) [Filed under LP Science: Box #14.037, Folder #37.8]

December 15

December 16
  • Letter LP to Dr. Munro RE: LP has found that it is possible to obtain ice chests for a lower price than mentioned on the requisition and wishes to withdraw his recommendation for this. [Filed under: M: Correspondence, Box #255, Folder #255.5]
  • Letter from Dr. L. O. Brockway to LP RE: Writes to officially invite LP to the Baltimore Meeting of the A. C. S. in April and asks his to participate by giving a speech on a number of issues that are not already completely discussed in print. Asks LP that if he is not available to come to offer any suggestions of who else may be available. Is still busy settling in and has not had time to get new diffraction results. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #31, Folder #31.11]
  • Letter from Park L. Turrill to LP RE: Recommending, very highly, the work of Miss Gerfen and goes on to ask if there would be any possibility for her to obtain work at CIT, either is some fundamental research or office work. [Filed under: T: Correspondence, Box #410, Folder #410.3]
  • Letter from W. C. Morgan to LP RE: Responds to LP's letter asking for a recommendation of a young woman for a secretary. At this time, he cannot recommend anyone and until June. [Filed under: M: Correspondence, Box #255, Folder #255.5]

December 17
  • AHP writes cheque to: Mrs. R. Eidemiller amount $2.25 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • AHP writes cheque to: Nellie Durby amount $1.35 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • AHP writes cheque to: Pasadena Star-News amount $1.80 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • Letter from H. Mark to LP RE: Is sorry to bother LP again but asks LP for his help in deciding whether or not he should take a job at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. [Filed under: M: Correspondence, Box #244, Folder #244.1]

December 19
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Joseph Hirschfelder RE: LP is pleased to learn that he is applying for the Lalor Fellowship and is interested in working at CIT. LP suggests different areas of study that may interest Hirschfelder. [Filed under: H: Individual Correspondence, Box #159, Folder #159.8]

December 20

December 21
  • Postcard from Merle Randall to LP RE: Asks LP for a reprint of his article written with G. C. Hampson. [Filed under: R: Correspondence, Box #340, Folder #340.3]

December 22
  • LP writes cheque to: Pauline Ney amount $5 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • LP writes cheque to: Sears Roebuck amount $29.82 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]

December 23

December 24
  • LP writes cheque to: Brackett's amount $25.75 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • Letter from LP to Mrs. Alexander Smith RE: thanking her for the portraits of Black and Faraday, which were presented to the Institute not long ago. [Filed under: S: Correspondence, Box #377, Folder #377.8]

December 27

December 28
  • Letter from LP to Arthur B. Lamb, Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society RE: LP feels that the paper "Notes on Vector Maps" should not be published by the Journal except for the fact it was written by Drs. Langmuir and Wrinch. [Filed under LP Science: Box #14.002, Folder #2.3]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Henry Gilman RE: Asks Gilman for a small sample of tetramethyl platinum and hexamethyldiplatinum for Mr. Rundle to carry out investigations of both. [Filed under: F: Correspondence, Box #136, Folder #136.11]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Stephen Duggan RE: LP reports that he has just received a letter from Albert Schoenflies and from Professor Man von Laue. LP has a special concern for the fate of Schoenflies because of the significance of the work his father did for the field of crystal structure. LP feels it necessary that Albert Schoenflies continue his studies in chemistry for at least two years longer. [Duggan's reply: January 13, 1939] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #358, Folder #358.1]
  • Letter from LP to W. S. Schaeffer, Cornell University Press, RE: LP indicates he would like page headings with chapter and section numbers at the top of each page [LP's previous letter December 23, 1938; Schaeffer's reply January 4, 1939] [Filed under LP Books: Box 1939b, Folder 1939b.2]
  • Letter from W. A. Noyes, Jr. To LP RE: Informs LP that he will consider both Helmholz and English for the vacancies at the University of Rochester. [Filed under: N: Individual Correspondence, Box #279, Folder #279.5]

December 29
  • Letter from W. S. Schaeffer, Cornell University Press to LP, RE: Schaeffer has received the galley proofs for Chapters I and II and requests LP send the manuscript back to the printer directly. [LP's letter December 23, 1938] [Filed under LP Books: Box 1939b, Folder 1939b.2]

December 31
  • AHP writes cheque to: Marie Johnson amount $15.50 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • Letter from Bowes and Bowes to LP RE: Asks where do obtain a copy of The Nature of the Chemical Bond. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #37, Folder #37.5]