October 31, 1938
Mr. Allen D. Bliss
Journal of the American Chemical Society
12 Oxford Street Cambridge, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Bliss:
I am glad to give my opinion about the problem of extra large
Dr. Brockway and I are without doubt responsible for the convention regarding electron diffraction curves in this country. We found it convenient to adopt the one inch s scale for the electron diffraction curves used in the actual structure determinations, in order that sufficient accuracy might be obtained. It was then found that the easiest way of preparing the drawings for publication was to make ink drawings without change of scale. It would, in fact, be difficult to make the inked curves on a much smaller scale because of the small radii of curvature at the maxim and minima, I feel that you would be justified in insisting that photographs or photostats of letter size or smaller be submitted in place of those very large figures. We would be glad to go to the extra trouble and expense involved in case that you ware to make such a ruling.
Yours truly,
Linus Pauling