Letter from Linus Pauling to Arthur B. Lamb. Page 1. October 13, 1938
Letter from Linus Pauling to Arthur B. Lamb. October 13, 1938. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 2 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • AHP writes cheque to: Wesley Unfried amount $4 [Filed under LP Biographical: Box #4.014, Folder #2]
  • Letter from Donald S. Piston to W. A. Noyes RE: Informs Noyes of his interest in writing a book on Spectrochemical Analysis and wonders if he would be interested in publishing it in the Monograph series. Piston goes on to describe his work and his plans for the book. [Filed under: N: Individual Correspondence, Box #279, Folder #279.4]
  • Letter from LP to The British Library of Information RE: LP asks for a copy of "The Chemistry of Antigens and Antibodies" by J. R. Marrack. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #37, Folder #37.5]