October 13, 1938
Professor Arthur B. Lamb, Editor
12 Oxford Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Dear Professor Lamb:
I am returning the two papers "Infrared Studdes VIII. Absorption Bands of Hydrogels" by A. M. Buswell, Karl Krebs and W. H. Rodebush and "Infrared Studies IX, Effect of Ions of the Lyotropic Series on the Absorption Spectrum of Water" by A. M. Buswell, R. C. Gore and W. H. Rodebush.
I feel that these papers are not of the same quality as the earlier ones in the series, and I do not recommend their publication in their present form.
The first paper (VIII) contains on pp. 4-6a qualitative discussion only of the work on β-amylose, gelatin, and agar, with no data given in tables or figures. This part of the paper seems to me to have little value. In Figure 1 the absorption of the gelatin is compared with that of N-ethyl acetamide. I have been unable to understand the discussion of this given on p. 2. There can’t be OH-N bonds in N-ethyl acetamide, and I hence fail to see why the authors say that the gelatin absorption "is apparently due to O-H-N as suggested by Wrinch."
In the second paper (IX) measurements are reported for solutions of three salts (KNO3, KI, K3SO4). The results for three salts only hardly justify correlation with the lyotropic series, or review of the field as given on pp. 1-3. The Authors say that further work is under way, and I recommend that this unimportant communication be withdrawn and the material included with the new results in a later paper.
It is difficult to understand why dissolved ions should increase the 3300 cm-1 absorption so greatly without affecting the shape of the curve. A colleague of mine experiences in the infrared field says that reflection at the fluorite-water interface would be large and would change in magnitude with change in refractive index. How have the Authors corrected for this effect?
I have made several penciled corrections of spelling and typographical errors on the manuscripts. The lettering on the figures is poor; the word 'infrared" should not be capitalized; and "1 N KNO3" or "N KNO3" should be used instead of "NS KNOS."
Yours Truly,
Linus Pauling