Linus Pauling, Edward Barnes, Henry Eyring and two unidentified individuals posing at the American Chemical Society - Pauling Medal ceremonies, Seattle Washington. Picture. December 6, 1969
Linus Pauling, Edward Barnes, Henry Eyring and two unidentified individuals posing at the American Chemical Society - Pauling Medal ceremonies, Seattle Washington. December 6, 1969. Picture  Larger Images / More Information.

Activity Listings

  • Check and check stub from AHP to Los Altos Garbage Co. for $6.60. [Check filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial. Box #4.031, Folder #31.1. Stub filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial. Box #4.078, Folder #78.1].
  • Letter from Alvin C. Eurich, President, Academy for Educational Development, Inc., to LP RE: Discusses the plans for setting up a new International University for Independent Study, in which he would like LP to be involved in the initial discussions. Notes that his collaborator, Jacqueline Grennan Wexler, will be contacting LP in the next week or so to set up an appointment, if interested. [Letter from LP to Eurich, December 3, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (E: Correspondence, 1960-1969), Box #113, Folder #113.10]
  • Letter from George Earl Miller to AHP RE: Holiday updates; mentions the Vietnamese War and how he dislikes what the troops did to the "helpless Vietnamese". [Letter from AHP to G. Miller, December 3, 1969] [Filed under AHP's Siblings: (Genealogy, Biographical Information, and Correspondence), Box #3.024, Folder #24.2]
  • Nucleotide and Coenzyme Synthesis lecture by Kornberg, Dept. of Biochemistry at Standford (date circled on flyer for Fall Quarter lectures). [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia. Box #1.038, Folder #38.4]
  • Stanford University Committee on the Graduate Division form listing LP as one of four advisors to Ph.D. candidate Robert Copeland Dunbar. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia. Box #1.038, Folder #38.4].
  • Supplies ordered from Miller Co. Lumber and Building Materials. Bill later sent on December 30th and paid on December 31st. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial. Box #4.063, Folder #63.1].