Linus Pauling, Edward Barnes, Henry Eyring and two unidentified individuals posing at the American Chemical Society - Pauling Medal ceremonies, Seattle Washington. Picture. December 6, 1969
Linus Pauling, Edward Barnes, Henry Eyring and two unidentified individuals posing at the American Chemical Society - Pauling Medal ceremonies, Seattle Washington. December 6, 1969. Picture  Larger Images / More Information.

Activity Listings

  • Bill from Los Altos Garbage Co. for $6.60. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial. Box #4.063, Folder #63.1].
  • Cover of Section 17 FBI files handwritten in LP's handwriting: "Fingerprint search made. Report on LP-requested by Ehrlichman 1 Dec 69 - Report to 17. Chile. p 10 near end 8 Nobel Peace Prize winners ask peace, p 15 near end in SB protesting my speaking! Berkley(?) [illegible] dismissed." [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues. Box #2.029, Folder #29.1].
  • Letter from Sam J. Ervin, Jr., Chairman, Constitutional Rights Subcommittee, U.S. Senate, to LP RE: Tell LP that Secretary Finch has replied to his inquiry and described a number of individuals that were disqualified from serving on Department advisory panels, though did not mention any names and solely described why they were disqualified. Says that he intends to continue contacting the Secretary on this issue and promises to inform LP if it appears that he was personally involved. [Letter from LP to Ervin, November 21, 1969] [Letter from Ervin to LP, December 1, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Organizational Correspondence (Un - Un)), Box #420, Folder #420.5]
  • Letter from Thomas W. Moore, Associate Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Mount Holyoke College, to LP RE: Asks for help regarding the reproduction of a self-catalytic reaction that proceeded at an exponentially increasing rate, which he has had difficulties reproducing. Requests that LP send him a reference to the demonstration or the details, if he is able to recall them. [Letter from LP to Moore, December 1, 1969] [Letter from Moore to LP, December 18, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1968-1971), Box #261, Folder #261.2]