Activity Listings
- Article: “Dr. Pauling and The Business of Growing Up”, by Alexander F. Jones, Syracuse Herald-Journal. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings: Syracuse Herald-Journal; Syracuse Post-Standard, 1962: Box # 3.058 Folder #58.6]
- Article: “Hans Bethe on Arms Control-III” in Christian Science Monitor. Third in a series on nuclear tests and fallout. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1961-1962), #76.1]
- Itinerary [handwritten]: Middle Atlantic A.F.S.C. lecture tour [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2]
- Letter from Christine Hobby to LP RE: Tells LP that she is a supporter of Women Strike For Peace and is interested in preventing nuclear war. Asks for some information on the effects of radiation on humans to help her convince people that radiation is hazardous. [Letter from LP to Hobby August 7, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 168, Folder 168.2]
- Letter from G. Van Doorne to LP RE: Tells LP that he has a 3 year old son who was born blind. Says that from the details given about LP’s conference in Time, it seems that his son’s blindness must be due to galactosemia. Asks if LP know of any means of treating this disease. [Letter from Perry to Van Doorne March 21, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, V: Correspondence, 1933-1969 Box 427, Folder 427.22]
- Letter from Gerard Piel to LP RE: Invites LP to join him in celebrating the arrival of Assemblyman Mark Lane at a dinner on April 10. Discusses Lane’s career and candidacy for the 19th Congressional District. [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Individual Correspondence (Pettyjohn - Polanyi) Box 308, Folder 308.3]
- Letter from Henry Allen Moe to LP RE: Thanks LP for his recommendations on the second Fellowship applicants. [Filed under LP Science: (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1953-1975). Box #14.015, Folder #15.8]
- Letter from J.D. Bernal to LP, RE: Bernal does not think that it will be possible for him to come to Pasadena while on his trip to the United States. Bernal is already quite committed in other engagements. Bernal hopes that he will be able to see LP during his next visit to the U.S. in June for the Gordon Research Conference. [Letter from LP February 20, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Wo-Yo), Box #4.017, Folder #17.1]
- Letter from LP to Carlos Chagas RE: Tells Chagas that he does not think it will be possible to visit Brazil and the Institute of Biophysics. Says that he had to institute suits for libel against some newspapers and that will prevent him from visiting. Withholds making a decision about possibly visiting in 1963. [Filed under LP Correspondence, B: Individual Correspondence, 1962-1964 Box 40 Folder 40.1]
- Letter from W.L. Bragg to LP RE: Tells LP that he is trying to finish a new edition of “The Atomic Structures of Minerals” and he cannot trace any further work on cancrinite. Discusses the work he found from the 30s. Asks LP if he knows of any further work. [Letter from Joan Harris to Bragg March 21, 1962] [Filed under B: Individual Correspondence (Bragg, W.L., 1927-1967), Box 30 Folder #30.1]
- Offprint: “Order”, LP v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company. [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Box #3.004 Folder #4.8]
- Receipt: Rob Morris Hotel, Philadelphia; telephone calls and valet service [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2]
- Schedule: possible afternoon appointment for AHP; LP speaks on “Science and International Relations; LP takes an 11:32 PM train to Pittsburgh [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2]
- Typescript: ‘Information obtained from “Testimony of Dr. Linus Pauling”, June 21 and October 11, 1960' [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1961) Box # 1961s3 Folder #1961s3.2]