Click on a day for specific listings and a related image.

  • Article: “Short-Lived Radioactive Debris from Nuclear Weapons Test,” Nuclear Information. [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Nuclear Fallout; Radiation Hazards, 1962-1963: Box #7.005, Folder #5.1]       
  • Blank Application: C.I.T. “Application for Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship.” [Filed under LP Biographical: Materials re: post-Doctoral Fellowships, C.I.T., 1936-1964: Box #1.017, Folder #17.3] 
  • Completed form: ‘A Molecular Theory of General Anaesthesia’, Symposium abstract, XXII International Congress of Physiological Sciences. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box #1962s Folder #1962s.16] 
  • Copy of Letter from Jacques Savary to Reader, RE: Savary is enclosing a copy of the agreement proposed by the World Committee for a World Constitutional Convention. [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Conferences, 1962-1994), Box #2.011, Folder #11.1] 
  • Document: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom United States Section Roster of Branches and Officers. [Filed under AHP materials re: Peace and Women: (Correspondence, Assorted Materials re: Agendas, Assorted Reports re: International Executive Committee, Women’s International League fro Peace and Freedom, 1961-1964), Box#4.002, Folder#2.3]
  • Flyers: C.I.T. “Postdoctoral Fellowships in Chemistry 1963-1963." [Filed under LP Biographical: Materials re: post-Doctoral Fellowships, C.I.T., 1936-1964: Box #1.017, Folder #17.3] 
  • LP Notes re: Lectures on Quantum Mechanics by Giampietro Puppi, University of Concepción, January 1962. [Filed under LP Science: (Assorted Pauling-related Quantum Mechanics Materials), Box #2.004, Folder #4.12] 
  • List: “List of Officers of National Sections,” Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.  [Filed under AHP materials re: Women and Peace: (Correspondence: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 1959-1981), Box#4.001, Folder#1.1]
  • Newsletter, “Bulletin of the World Council of Peace.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Wo-Yo), Box #4.017, Folder #17.1] 
  • Newsletter: Peace Monthly. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.194]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Over-kill Capacity” The Churchman. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.164]
  • Pamphlet: “Household Employer’s Social Security Tax Guide”, Internal Revenue Service. [Filed under LP Biographical: Notebook, no title, 1956-1964: Box #4.080 Folder #80.1] 
  • Photo: Linus Pauling displaying a model of the double helix to Ed Tatum and Baril O’Conroy. “Jan ‘62 / L Pauling, Ed Tatum, Baril O’Conroy” Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Ship #1352] [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1962i.22]
  • Photo: Linus Pauling displaying a model of the double helix to two Ed Tatum and Baril O’Conroy. “Jan 1962 / LP, Tatum, Baril O’Conroy” Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Ship #1353]  [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1962i.23]
  • Publication: “The Use of Vital and Health Statistics for Genetic and Radiation Studies,” United Nations World Health Organization. [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: The Biological Effects of Radiation, 1960-1962: Box #7.016, Folder #16.24] 
  • Reprint: “Induction of Paternal Sex Chromosome Losses by Irradiation of Mouse Spermatozoa,” Genetics. [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: The Biological Effects of Radiation, 1960-1962: Box #7.016, Folder #16.20]  
  • Reprint: “On Conjugation and Non-Bonded Interaction” Inga Fischer-Hjalmars, Division of Mathematical Physics, Royal Institute of Technology. [Filed under LP Books: Unpb7.1]  
  • Telegram from Louise Andrews to LP, RE: Andrews asks that LP respond to her letter of January 4th as the printing deadline is approaching. [Andrews’ letter January 4, 1962] [Reply from Joan Harris January 16, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Am), Box #4.009, Folder #9.4]
  • Telegram from Louise Andrews to LP, RE: Andrews suggests the two weeks from March 10th through March 23rd for LP and AHP’s speaking tour.  [LP’s letter January 25, 1962] [January 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Am), Box #4.009, Folder #9.4]
  • Telegram from W. Averell Harriman, Chairman American Nobel Committee to LP RE: Tells LP that the date for the 1962 American Nobel Committee Anniversary Forum and Dinner has been changed to March 11 and he hopes that will make it possible for LP to attend. Discusses the theme and guests of the dinner. [Letter from LP to Averell February 13, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, N: Correspondence 1957-1964 Box 288, Folder 288.6]  
  • Typescript: No Title [re: short history of WISP in Norway], Author Unknown. [Filed under AHP materials re: Women and Peace: Box#4.004, Folder#4.5]

January 1  (St. Louis, MO)
  • Airline ticket: TWA, Los Angeles to St. Louis [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Check from AHP to Buck for $5.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: First Western Bank, January 1962-December 1962: Box # 4.027 Folder #27.1] 
  • Hotel bill: The Statler Hilton Hotel, St. Louis [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.1] 
  • Itinerary: LP and AHP leave Los Angeles at 8:15 AM, arrive in St. Louis at 1:35 PM [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter from Alice Durand to LP RE: Tells him that she read his articles “The Danger of Nuclear Holocaust” and “The Dead Shall Inherit the Earth.” Talks about her thoughts on the matter and what she is doing to try and promote peace. Encloses an article about a rancher and fallout. [Letter from LP to Durand April 5, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, D: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1966 Box 99 Folder 99.3] 
  • Letter from Edward Lazar to LP, RE: Lazar would like to have some copies of the Oslo Statement.  Lazar has been distributing copies of the Statement to anyone who seems interested.  [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.004, Folder #4.4]
  • Letter from LP to Edwin Flatto RE: Thanks him for the letter, and says he is sending some material under separate cover. [Letter from Flatto to LP November 29, 1961] [Letter from Flatto to LP January 29, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6]
  • Memo from J. N. Ewart, Personnel Director, CIT, to All Employees. RE: Informs them of an increase in Social Security Deduction. [Filed under LP Biographical: Receipts, 1961-1962: Box #4.060 Folder #60.6] 
  • Report to Contributors from the Bjorksten Research Foundation studying aging. [Filed under LP Correspondence, B: Individual Correspondence, 1962-1964 Box 40 Folder 40.1] 

January 2  (Miami, FL)
  • Airline ticket: TWA, St. Louis to Miami [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.1] 
  • Itinerary: LP and AHP leave St. Louis at 2:15 PM, arrive in Miami at 9:44 PM [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter from Arthur Cherkin to LP RE: Says he looks forward to continuing their discussions on anesthesia. Tells LP that he finally found a Biotest price list and encloses a photocopy.  [Filed under LP Correspondence, C:Individual Correspondence (Chamberlain - Cherkin) Box 64, Folder 64.8]
  • Letter from David B. Tyler to LP RE: Encloses a proposal sent to the National Science Foundation by Alan Mark Poisner, and asks for LP’s evaluation of the proposal based off of the suggested questions and rating scale. [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Correspondence, 1960-1963 314, Folder 314.3]  
  • Letter from LP to Ann Fitzcharles RE: Tells her that he is sending No More War and an article of his under separate cover in order to answer her question. [Letter from Hopkins to Fitzcharles November 27, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6]
  • Letter from LP to Christopher Hill RE: LP wishes Hill a happy new year, and tells Hill that the wording for the footnote sounds good. [Letter from Hill to LP December 16, 1961]  [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Individual Correspondence (Hicks - Hodgkin) Box 159, Folder 159.5]
  • Letter from LP to Edward H. Mellor RE: Tells Mellor that he will not be able to speak for the Young Socialist Alliance due to his very full schedule. [Letter from Harris to Mellor November 30, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Garry de Young RE: Says he was happy to read de Young’s interesting letter, but he is too rushed to give him the list of books requested. Tells him he is sending some material under separate cover. [Letter from de Young to LP December 5, 1961] [Letter from de Young to LP January 24, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, D: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1966 Box 99 Folder 99.3] 
  • Letter from LP to Guillermo Patterson Jr., RE: LP and AHP have decided to no longer solicit signatures for the appeal. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.1]
  • Letter from LP to Harald Faber RE: Responds to the ideas Faber sent him saying that he doesn’t think either would work, and gives reasons why. Says it is well worthwhile to think about these problems, but they are very difficult problems to deal with. [Letter from Faber to LP November 27, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6] 
  • Letter from LP to Harry Walker, RE: LP has decided not to make the arrangement that Walker suggested. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1960-1962), #445.3]
  • Letter from LP to John A. Fisher to LP RE: Tells Fisher that due to his busy schedule he has decided not to accept any additional invitations for speaking engagements. [Letter from Hopkins to Fisher November 22, 1961] [Filed under J: Correspondence 1933-1934, 1936-1964 Box 192, Folder 192.28] 
  • Letter from LP to Marguerite Paulmier RE: Tells her that the argument about anti-missile missiles is not worth anything. Says that it is easier to develop missiles that can avoid anti-missile missiles than it is to create such missiles. [Letter from Paulmier to LP November 9, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Correspondence, 1960-1963 314, Folder 314.3]  
  • Letter from LP to Mrs. Hoff RE: Thanks her for the letter of encouragement, and tells her he is sending No More War! and other material under separate cover. [Letter from Hoff to LP December 5, 1961] [Letter from Hoff to LP January 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 168, Folder 168.2]
  • Letter from LP to R. M. Featherstone, University of California Medical Center. RE: Informs him that he has filled out and sent his application for membership for the International Congress of Physiological Sciences. Encloses a postcard. Encloses two copies of the abstract of his paper. [Letter from Featherstone December 13, 1961] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box #1962s Folder #1962s.16] 
  • Letter from LP to Ralph Gunter, San Fernando Valley State College. RE: Informs him that he has decided not to accept any additional speaking engagements. [Letter from Gunter November 28, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2]
  • Letter from Louis Siegel to LP RE: Refers to the Mike Wallace “PM East” TV Show of December 26, 1962 on which LP presented his opinions on the most crucial questions facing the world today. Discusses his opinions on what should be done to solve world problems. Asks for LP’s opinion. [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1] 
  • Note from LP to LP. RE: Amberg wrote the editorial “Glorification of Deceit” at a time when he was very angry about the Washington University faculty. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence re: Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company, 1962: Box # 3.003 Folder # 3.3] 
  • Receipt from First Western Bank for a deposit of $1237.92. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence: First Western Bank, 1959-1963: Box #4.030 Folder #30.1] 
  • Receipt from First Western Bank to LP RE: “Receipt Portion.”  For a deposit. $1,237.92.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.1]               

January 3  (Chile)
  • Airline ticket: TWA, Miami to Santiago [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.1] 
  • Itinerary: LP and AHP leave Miami at 12:50 AM, arrive in Santiago, Chile at 1:30 PM [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter from Bertil Svahnstrom to LP RE: Asks if he could reprint the article on fallout shelters from the November issue of Liberation in Swedish, in the Freden. [Letter from LP to Svahnstrom January 22, 1962] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1961), Box #1961a2, Folder 1961a2.11]
  • Letter from Beverly Barnes to LP, RE:   [Letter from Thomas Perry March 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1962-1965), Box #7.008, Folder #8.10]        
  • Letter from D. I . MacArthur to LP RE: Handwriting illegible.  [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
  • Letter from J. Salvinien to LP RE: Tells LP that M. Nasser Israily has been working under M. Vieles at Montpellier and has completed his doctoral work. Asks if there is anyone at Cal Tech that Israily could continue his research under. [Filed under LP Correspondence, I: Correspondence 1936-1973 Box 185, Folder 185.23] 
  • Letter from Joseph F. Castka, Vartin Van Buren High School, to LP RE: Informs that he is preparing a second edition of his book, Chemistry Problems, which is directed at a high school audience.  Requests permission to use a problem from LP’s College Chemistry in his book. [Letter from LP to Castka February 28, 1962] [Filed under LP Books: 1955b.3]
  • Letter from Lyle. B. Borst to LP RE: Says that he his colleagues have had so many reservations concerning spin states in molecular crystals that LP’s note was a breath of fresh air. Talks about working on methane, formaldehyde, and oxalic acid. Discusses the difficulty with seeing how acetylene has room for free rotation. Asks a few related questions. [Filed under LP Correspondence, B: Individual Correspondence, 1962-1964 Box 40 Folder 40.1] 
  • Letter from R. H. Burris to LP RE: Says he is happy to hear that LP may serve as Brittingham Professor in Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin for some period during the next two years.  Asks if LP might be able to predict the approximate length of appointment he would like. [Letter from LP to Burris February 21, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, U: Organizational Correspondence (Un - Un) Box 420, Folder 420.13]
  • Newspaper clipping: “El Destino del Hombre en la “U” de Concepción” Ercillia. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.158]

January 4  (Chile)
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.1] 
  • Letter from Anne Eaton to AHP, RE: Informs AHP that she is appreciative of her request to become a member of the Soviet-American Congress for Women.  Expresses that she thinks AHP’s idea for writers for peace, musicians for peace, students for peace, etc. is an excellent one and will suggest it to the Voice of Women. [Filed under AHP Correspondence: (Correspondence: Eaton, Anne, 1961) Box #1.005, Folder 5.16]
  • Letter from Dagmar Wilson to LP RE: Thanks LP for sending the two copies of The Statistics of Death, and for giving them permission to quote from it. Says that it was LP’s stand before the Dodd Committee that made him resolve to take the stand he did. [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence (Williams, J. W. - Wyman) Box 438, Folder 438.3]
  • Letter from Dr. Grube to LP RE: Written in German. Points out some points in the German edition of his book that need correction. [Letter from LP to Grube July 31, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, G: Correspondence 1962-1965 Box 142, Folder 142.1] 
  • Letter from Francis Hoague, MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless, to the Secretary to LP. RE: Would like an additional copy of the list of names sent on December 28, 1961. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence, Note to Self re: Pauling v. Bellingham Publishing Company, 1960-1963, 1965, 1978: Box # 3.001 Folder #1.8]
  • Letter from Harley Smith to LP RE: Tells LP about an experience he had while running a dairy with one of his milk cows and cancer. Says that as a result of this experience, he has thought that pine tar might contribute to cancer. Asks what LP thinks about this idea. [Letter from LP to Smith January 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Douglas Hainline RE: Tells Hainline that he is sending some reprints under separate cover. [Letter from Hainline to LP November 17, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 168, Folder 168.2] 
  • Letter from LP to S.A. Whitfield, RE: LP thanks Whitfield for giving him the opportunity to consider the matters Whitfield discussed. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1960-1962), #445.2]
  • Letter from Laurence Snyder to LP RE: Thanks LP for his interest in the project and states that he will meet with Goettsch upon her return to Honolulu to go over any publishable material. [Letter from LP to Snyder December 28, 1961] [Filed under LP Science: (Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1966), Box #11.088, Folder #88.15] 
  • Letter from Louise Andrews to LP, RE: Andrews is inviting LP to set aside a couple of weeks during mid-January to mid-March to participate in a speaking tour for the American Friends Service Committee.  Andrews will be able to offer LP a $300.00 honorarium for each week of the speaking tour, also LP’s travel expenses would be covered by the American Friends Service Committee.  [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Am), Box #4.009, Folder #9.4]
  • Letter from McGeorge Bundy, White House, LP. RE: Acknowledges his letter of December 28th. Suggests he raise his technical points with Steuart Pittman. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.164]
  • Letter from Phil Kirby, Frontier, to LP, RE: The letter form Mr. Claus has a question that only LP can answer, if he cares to. [Letter from Mr. Claus to Frontier, December 13, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Individual Correspondence. (Kennedy-Klein, Morton)), #198.8] 
  • Letter from Wilifried Heller to LP RE: Asks LP if he could recommend someone for an assistant professorship in Chemistry at Wayne State University. [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “Invitado por la Universidad de Concepción...” El Mercurio. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.159]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Participación del Profesor Seňor Linus Pauling en una Jornada Científico-Cultural” El Mercurio. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.159]

January 5  (Chile)

January 6  (Chile)
  • Article: “A Vapor Moving North-Northwest,” The New Yorker. [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Nuclear Testing, 1961-1963, 1980, 1986: Box #7.019, Folder #19.4]
  • Article: “The Great Fallout Controversy” by Marshall Brucer, Journal of the American Medical Association. [Filed under LP Biographical: Typescript, Correspondence, Article: J. Am. Med. Assoc., 1962]
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.1] 
  • Receipt for Dues: American Chemical Society Division of Physical Chemistry. RE: Present card with $3 to receive one set of abstracts of papers from the Spring/Fall 1962 meetings. January 6, 1962. [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1950-1964), Box #14.006, Folder #6.5] 

January 7  (Chile)
  • Handwritten Notes by LP on details of the Oxford Conference. [Filed under LP Peace: (Oxford Conference, January 4-7, 1963), Box #2.006, Folder #6.3] 
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.1] 
  • Letter from Jesse DuMond to LP RE: Tells LP that on his trip around the world he and his wife are staying in India for six weeks. Says that he met two Indian scientists that LP might be interested in offering them opportunities to work at CalTech. Describes the scientists in great detail. [Filed under LP Correspondence, D: Individual Correspondence (Dil - Dyson) Box 96 Folder 96.18] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “Abrí Ruta a La Medicina Molecular” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.162]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Concepción” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.160]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Noticiosa Semanal” El Mercurio. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.161]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Premio Nobel de Química” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.160]

January 8  (Chile)
  • Article: “Fallout Shelters Letter to the Editors,” C&EN. [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1962-1965: Box #7.008, Folder #8.2]
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Journal Article: The Mail Bag: “Reply to Pauling.” The National Guardian. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1961), Box #1961a2, Folder 1961a2.13] 
  • Letter from A. Peterlin to LP RE: Invites LP to visit the Camille Dreyfus Laboratory at the Research Triangle Institute in Durham while LP is in Durham to give a speech at North Carolina College. [Letter from LP to Peterlin February 22, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, R: Correspondence, 1960-1963 Box 342 Folder 342.3]  
  • Letter from Carlos Munoz to LP RE: Extends an invitation to LP and AHP to visit the Biological Society of Santiago. Handwritten note at the bottom, “Ans’d sw.”  [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
  • Letter from Catherine Yoder to LP RE: Tells LP that God has given LP great talent which must be used to give honor and glory to God. Says that the Devil is trying to trick LP into believing that he is greater than God and that LP should turn to God’s goodness and help. [Filed under LP Correspondence, Y: Correspondence, 1938-1977 462, Folder 462.18]  
  • Letter from Chas Beaulieu to LP RE: Thanks LP for all the literature he sent and for his efforts for peace. Says that he believes LP’s efforts to educate people to become peace-minded are working. Discusses fears and hopes related to war. [Filed under LP Correspondence, B: Individual Correspondence, 1962-1964 Box 40 Folder 40.1] 
  • Letter from Dr. I. Gonzalez-Guzman to LP RE: Written in Spanish. Says that he was very sad to hear that LP would not be able to attend their congress. Tells LP that he hopes there will be another opportunity for LP to come visit. [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 168, Folder 168.2] 
  • Letter from Francis Hoague, MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless, to Paul P Ashley. RE: Pauling v. Bellingham Publishing Co. Informs him that LP is ready to settle the action for a lump sum settlement of &75,000.00 with a retraction published in the Bellingham Herald that satisfies LP. Informs him that the offer will expire on January 12, 1962. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence, Note to Self re: Pauling v. Bellingham Publishing Company, 1960-1963, 1965, 1978: Box # 3.001 Folder #1.8]
  • Letter from Gonzalo Rojas, to LP. RE: Expounds on the propositions he wanted to make when he met LP and AHP. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box # 1962s Folder #1962s.2]
  • Letter from Joan Harris to LP Rev. Della Larson RE: Apologizes for the delay in answer from LP. Says that LP will not be able to speak at the Peace conference. [Letter from Larson to LP December 27, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, L: Correspondence 1961-1963 Box 232, Folder 232.2] 
  • Letter from John Hull to LP, RE: Hull thanks LP for the materials he sent. Hull has coordinated meetings at his church to discuss fallout shelters, but has been disappointed with the apathy from church members.  [Letter from LP to Hull October 3, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1962-1965: Box #7.008, Folder #8.10]
  • Letter from LP [Signed in his absence by Joan Harris] to Julius Kogan, The Boroughs and Associates. RE: Has received a notice of cancellation of their policy WC 61988. Informs him that they are leaving for Chile soon and do not have time to take care of the issue. Asks him to take the necessary action to protect them during their absence. [Filed under LP Biographical: Central Mutual Insurance Co. - Boroughs and Associates, 1956-1969: Box # 4.042 Folder #42.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Kenneth Trueblood RE: Asks him to do some library work for him. Explains the trouble he is having finding an article written by Nold that Ewald gave him a reference to. Asks Trueblood to check the issues of Chemiker Zeitung at the UCLA library, but says he needn’t spend much time on it. [Letter from Ewald to LP December 26, 1961] [Letter from LP to Ewald December 20, 1961] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1961), Box #1961a2, Folder 1961a2.5]
  • Letter from Robert Ward, First Inter-American Conference no Congenital Defects, to LP. RE: Invites him to a brief administrative meeting of the Monday speakers on January 21.  [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box #1962s Folder #1962s.3]
  • Letter from Sergio Prenafeta to LP RE: Handwritten in Spanish.  [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Correspondence, 1960-1963 314, Folder 314.3]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Just Out! Sanity” National Guardian. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.164]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Reply to Pauling” unknown publication. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.164]
  • Notice of Cancellation from The Boroughs and Associates for policy number WC 611988. [Filed under LP Biographical: Central Mutual Insurance Co. - Boroughs and Associates, 1956-1969: Box # 4.042 Folder #42.1] 

January 9  (Chile)
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter from Arthur Cherkin to C. R. Stephen, c.c.: LP RE: Cherkin asks for reprints of Stephen’s articles relating to body temperature during anesthesia. Asks if Stephen knows of any work about the amount of anesthesia required at specific temperatures like 35-39 °C and would appreciate any references to such material. [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Anesthesia Research, 1959-1983), Box #12.001, Folder #1.3] 
  • Letter from C. Jelleff Carr to LP RE: Encloses a paper entitled “The Electrical Properties of Chlorpromazine” and asks if LP might be able to make any suggestions about the related research. [Filed under LP Correspondence, C: Individual Correspondence, 1961-1962 Box 76 Folder 76.2] 
  • Letter from Don R. Youngreen to LP, cc: Burl Cuffman RE: Tells LP that they have received a request for LP’s services as a special consultant to the Junior College Workshop in Biology on March 31at Porterville College. [Letter from LP to Youngreen February 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Correspondence, 1960-1963 314, Folder 314.3]  
  • Letter from Edmund Berkeley to LP RE: Asks LP if he has any comments on the enclosed report by G. Piel titled “The Illusion of Civil Defense.” [Filed under B: Individual Correspondence (Beach - Birge), Box 27 Folder  #27.13]
  • Letter from Henry Mayer, to LP. RE: Thanks him for his letter and material. Would like more reprints for his brother. Encloses two editorials for LP to look over. [Letter from LP April 9, 1962] [Filed under LP Biographical: Typescript, Correspondence, Article: J. Am. Med. Assoc., 1962: Box #3.058 Folder #58.1]
  • Letter from M. S. Prasad to LP RE: Tells LP about his suggestion of organizing a special conference of the world’s scientists and the problems he is experiencing getting it to be set up and accepted. [Letter from Prasad to LP May 4, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Correspondence, 1960-1963 314, Folder 314.3]  
  • Letter from M.S. Prasad to LP, RE: Prasad would like to have LP’s advice on the Indian Science Congress’ idea of having a special conference of world scientists.  Prasad is also enclosing a copy of the resolution passed by the Indian Science Congress.  [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.004, Folder #4.4]
  • Letter from Margretta McIntosh to LP RE: Thanks LP for listening so courteously to her husband on the phone the other day. Says that Dr. Teller greatly annoys her when he argues that fallout isn’t necessarily dangerous. Asks if she got cancer 50 years down the road, could she sue the government for false and misleading information. [Letter from LP to McIntosh May 24, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1] 
  • Letter from Marian K. Howitt to LP RE: Requests permission to include a table from The Nature of the Chemical Bond in a book titled Separation Methods in Biochemistry. [Letter from LP to Howitt January 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Correspondence, 1960-1963 314, Folder 314.3]
  • Letter from Mrs. Mike Irby to LP RE: Asks if LP could send them some information on covalent bonding, especially how covalent bonding takes place and what happens to the electrons of nuclei of each atom. [Letter from LP to Irby January 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, I: Correspondence 1936-1973 Box 185, Folder 185.23] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “Conferencías”, La Patria. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.162]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Linus Pauling asiste hoy a mesa redonda organizada por FEC” La Patria. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.162]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Primeras Exposiciones de Festival De Artes Plásticas se Inauguraron” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.163]

January 10  (Chile)

January 11  (Chile)
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter dictated by LP to Mrs. Ethel Rand and Mrs. Ettie Singman RE: Tells Rand and Singman that he thinks their idea is a good one, but that he can not judge whether or not it would be successful. [Letter from Rand and Singman to LP November 15, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence (R: Correspondence, 1960-1963), #342.2]
  • Letter from AHP to Helen Tucker, RE: Says many are enthusiastic about Tucker’s plans for a conference in Montreal this fall.  Informs Tucker that both the San Francisco and the East Bay rallies were successful.  Also mentions an invitation she received for a conference in New York that she will not be attending; however thinks Tucker may want to know the details as she will be in New York directly after the conference. [Filed under AHP materials re: Women and Peace: (Correspondence, Assorted Materials re: Conference of Women for International Cooperation Year, sponsored by Voice of Women and Woman Strike for Peace, Montreal Canada, 1962), Box#4.004, Folder#4.3]
  • Letter from Allan Butler to LP RE: Butler asks if there is data to support the idea that increased calcium intake will be effective against increased fallout.  Butler points out that he has not heard of any scientists who are working on the effectiveness of increased calcium intake on reducing the uranium content of the milk of cows.  [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Strontium-90, 1961-1963: Box #7.014, Folder #14.17]
  • Letter from Bayard Rustin to LP RE: Says they regret that LP will be unable to attend the War Resisters League’s annual dinner, but they understand his position. Expresses hope that LP will be able to speak at their dinner next year. [Filed under LP Correspondence, R: Individual Correspondence (Rustin) Box 338 Folder 338.1] 
  • Letter from Charles F. Krause, to J. P. Tonkoff. RE: Asks to be advised of a day upon which LP will be available for his deposition. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence re: Pauling v. News Syndicate Co., Inc., 1961-1962: Box #3.020 Folder #20.1] 
  • Letter from Frances Herring to AHP, RE: Herring expresses how she looks forward to AHP’s visit upon her return, also informs AHP that she has arranged a luncheon at the YWCA in Berkeley for Nadja Klimatch and her interpreter.  Mentions the Los Angeles conference and her admiration for the brilliant ideas mentioned.  [Filed under AHP Correspondence: (Correspondence: Herring, Frances, 1962-1971, 1975, 1978, 1985), Box #1.005, Folder # 5.20]
  • Letter from Jack Lee to LP RE: Explains that he is in eighth grade and has been studying nuclear physics for three years. Asks if LP could send him any information about the subject that he would normally teach. [Letter from LP to Lee January 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, L: Correspondence 1961-1963 Box 232, Folder 232.2] 
  • Letter from LP to Danny Boggs RE: Says that he still doesn’t understand Boggs’ argument. Tells Boggs what he thinks Boggs is trying to say, and responds to that. [Letter from Boggs to LP November 17, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, B: Individual Correspondence, 1962-1964 Box 40 Folder 40.1]  
  • Letter from LP to Herbert H. Meyer RE: Tells Meyer that he never published his Messenger Lectures. Says he will send a copy of his Humanist address under separate cover. [Letter from Meyer to LP March 20, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Judith Fried RE: Thanks her for her letter which he hd just seen on his return from Europe. [Letter from Fried to LP October 3, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6] 
  • Letter from LP to Otto Elmer RE: Talks about a recent trip to the Soviet Union where he heard many people saying the same things being said in the U.S. in defense of nuclear testing. Says that his talk against testing was well received still. [Letter from Elmer to LP October 4, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, E: Correspondence, 1960-1969 Box 113 Folder 113.3] 
  • Letter from LP, dictated and signed in his absence, to John M. Novak, RE: He has looked at the pamphlets upon his return from Europe.  He returns them because he was unable to find anything of significance or novelty. [Letter from Novak to LP, November 16, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1957-1964), #288.5]
  • Letter from Marjorie Harrison to LP RE: Harrison is doing a science project on the fallacy of fallout shelters.  Harrison asks for some materials which will help her prove that shelters are inefficient.  [Letter from Harris to Harrison March 22, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1962-1965: Box #7.008, Folder #8.10]
  • Letter from Virginia Abrams to LP RE: Abrams and other mothers in her are concerned with the decontamination of milk and have written to the Department of Health but to no avail.  Abrams asks for LP’s advice on the issue of Strontium-90 in milk.  [Letter from LP to Abrams January 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Strontium-90, 1961-1963: Box #7.014, Folder #14.17]

January 12  (Chile)
  • Bulletin: “Why Educate Women?”, Portland City Club. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box #1962s Folder #1962s.13] 
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter from Harry E. Hardebeck to LP RE: Hardebeck discusses speeches given by Hans Bethe and Prof. C. L . Comar at Cornell on strategy in the thermonuclear age. He expresses his concern that the upcoming speeches on this topic will not bring out the threat to civilization or the moral responsibility necessitated by nuclear weapons. Asks if LP will be traveling east and could come to Cornell . [Letter from LP to Hardebeck February 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 168, Folder 168.2] 
  • Letter from Marilyn LeVine RE: Thanks LP for answering her letter and for the articles he sent. Talks about the work she is doing with WILPF to stop bomb tests and work toward peace. [Letter from LP to LeVine December 22, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, L: Correspondence 1961-1963 Box 232, Folder 232.2] 
  • Letter from Stuart Mudd to LP RE: Tells LP that a group of productive investigators in the field of molecular biology has suddenly become available either as a whole group or individually. Explains that there was a schism between the Director of Research and the majority of the research staff. Encloses information about the different researchers.  [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1]
  • Letter to LP from Mr. Euripedes Abrao RE: Expresses his interest in the study of chemistry and LP’s book General Chemistry. [Letter from LP to Abrao September 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence), #14.1] 
  • Newsletter, “Monthly Bulletin.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, St-Wa), Box #4.015, Folder #15.1] 

January 13  (Chile)
  • Award: Sociedad Chilena de Quimica, Miembro de honor, Certificate. [Filed under LP Awards & Honors: 1962h.1] 
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2]
  • Letter from Charles T. Hurley to LP RE: Asks if LP knows what the Cult of Quantum Mechanics is. Discusses a paper he recently presented and its response. Says he seems to remember LP mentioning something about a cult of quantum mechanics and asks for more information. [Letter from LP to Hurley January 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 168, Folder 168.2] 
  • Letter from Max Egar to LP RE: Tells LP that his daughter, Linda, suffers from pseudo hypertrophic muscular dystrophy and that he has heard LP’s current work may have some bearing on the disease. Asks if there is anything LP could do to help her. [Letter from LP to Egar January 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, E: Correspondence, 1960-1969 Box 113 Folder 113.3] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “Clase Inaugural de VII Escuela de Verano Dictará Dr. Linus Pauling” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.169]

January 14  (Chile)
  • Diploma: Washington High School, Honorary high school diploma. Includes correspondence. [Filed under LP Awards & Honors: 1962h.2] 
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “Debe irse al desarme mundial...” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.171]
  • Newspaper clipping: “El Desarme Mundial Elevará el Nivel de Vida de las Naciones” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.172]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Escuela de Temporada” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.172]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Maňana a las 11 Horas Será Inaugurada VII Escuela de Verano en el Teatro Ducal” La Patria. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.169]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Miembro de Honor de la Sociedad de Química es El Doctor Linus Pauling” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.170]

January 15  (Chile)
  • Article: “Fallout Shelters - II Letter to the Editors,” C&EN. [Filed under LP Peace: (Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1962-1965), Box #7.008, Folder #8.2]
  • Calender: Peace Action Calender and Index of Coming Events.  [Filed under AHP materials re: Women and Peace: (Newsletter and Pamphlets re: Committee for Nonviolent Action; Peace Action Center), Box#4.010, Folder#10.14]
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter from Alice DeGanton Schrank to LP, RE: Schrank is on the Board for the League of Women Voters and hopes that LP will be traveling near Bay City, Michigan so that he may come to speak at a meeting.  If LP is not able to come and speak, Schrank hopes that LP can suggest a scientist in Michigan who holds LP’s same views on the topics of fallout and nuclear war.  [Filed under LP Peace: (Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1962-1965), Box #7.008, Folder #8.10]
  • Letter from D.E. Mahood to LP, RE: The Executive of the Saskatoon Committee is attempting a survey of possible future activities with a view to involving greater numbers of people in the struggle to avoid nuclear war.  Mahood outlines the idea of an international march to the United Nations and asks for LP’s thoughts and suggestions on the idea.  [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Na-On), Box #4.013, Folder #13.1]
  • Letter from Hallock Hoffman to LP RE: Hoffman tells LP that he read a statement by LP about the possibility of reducing strontium-90 from milk. Hoffman says that he may be able to get the Knudsen Creamery to do something with lowered strontium-90. He asks for more information about how to reduce the strontium-90 content of milk.  [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Individual Correspondence (Hoffman - Huggins) Box 162, Folder 162.1]
  • Letter from LP [Signed in his absence by Linda Hopkins] to Ian Campbell, State Division of Mines. RE: Surmises that water resources come under his Division. Asks for a pamphlet on water rights. Explains the water situation on the ranch. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence: Deer Flat Ranch, 1957-1969: Box #4.047 Folder #47.1] 
  • Letter from LP [signed by Linda Hopkins] to Academician N. M. Sissakyan, cc: President Keldysh RE: Tells Sissakyan that President Keldysh recommended that he write Sissakyan about the practical substitute for blood plasma he has developed for use in emergency situations, called oxypolygelatin. Discusses the manufacture and tests of oxypolygelatin. Says that he hopes Sissakyan will investigate the material and reach a decision about its usefulness in the system of medical care in the Soviet Union. [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Harry G. Kriegel RE: Says that he is grateful for the invitation to serve as a sponsor of Humanity Guild, but that he must decline because he feels he does not have time to devote to it. [Letter from Kriegel to LP December 21, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, K: Correspondence 1957-1962 Box 201, Folder 201.6]
  • Letter from LP to M. V. Keldysh RE: Encloses a carbon copy of a letter that LP sent to Academician Sissakyan about the plasma substitute, oxypolygelatin since Keldysh recommended that LP get in touch with Sissakyan about the material. [Filed under K: Individual Correspondence (Kamb - Kendrew) Box 197, Folder 197.13] 
  • Letter from LP to Mrs. Short RE: Thanks her for the letter and clippings from the Chronicle and the report from Walnut Creek. Tells her that he received a reply from Libby, but it was unsatisfactory. Says he wrote Libby and Kennedy again. [Letter from Short to LP December 26, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, L: Individual Correspondence (Libby - London) Box 217, Folder 217.2] 
  • Letter from LP to Mrs. William H. Short, RE: LP received a reply from Libby that was unsatisfactory, and he has written Libby, as well as Kennedy, again.  LP was glad to have the clippings. [Letter from Short to LP, December 26, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Individual Correspondence. (Libby, A.-London)), #217.2]
  • Letter from Poul Anderson to LP RE: Tells LP that he is working on a popular survey of the general subject of nuclear war. Explains the type of book it is intended to be, and says in his research he came across a quote by LP. Says he would like to know if the quote is accurate. Invites LP to give him any direction for his research. Talks about the general basis for the book. [Letter from LP to Poul Anderson January 23, 1962] [Filed under A: Individual Correspondence (Alexander - Adelotte), Box 6 Folder  #6.7]
  • Manuscript: ‘The Impact of Science on Man of Today and Man of the Future’., Opening Address, Seventh Summer School, University of Concepcion. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box # 1962s Folder #1962s.1] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “Charla Sobre Juventud Dara Ava Pauling” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.172]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Séptima Escucla Internacional Se Inaugura Hoy en Cine Ducal” La Patria. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.173]
  • Newspaper clipping: “VII Escuela de Verano Inicia La Universidad” El Sur [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.174]
  • Photo: Ava Helen Pauling sitting in the front row of a full auditorium. Universidad de Concepcion, Chile. “Senora Ava Helen Pauling / 1, 1962 / VII Escuela De Verano / Muy afectionamente [?]” “[signature] / Neruda / Ava Helen Pauling / Universidad de Concepcion / Chile.” Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Ship #1318]  [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1962i.19]
  • Photo: Linus Pauling (left), an unidentified woman (center), and Maria de Jesus (right). Universidad de Conception, Chile. “Dr. Linus Pauling VII Escuela de Verano, 15 de Enero 1962.  Cordially _________ ? Universidad de Concepcion de Chile   13/2” Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Ship #1350]  [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1962i.8]
  • Typescript: “Objections to Interrogatories”, Linus Pauling v. Globe-Democrat Publishing Company. [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Box #3.004 Folder #4.7] 

January 16  (Chile)
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter from Constance Spenger to LP, RE: Spenger is sending in signatures and wishes she was able to collect more.  Spenger notes that many of her friends have already signed the petition. [Filed under LP Peace: (Materials re: petition signers, USA, USSR, Nobel Laureates), Box #5.016, Folder #16.1]
  • Letter from Detlev Bronk to LP RE: Discusses the upcoming end of his term as President of the National Academy of Sciences and the election of his successor. Talks about the changing role of the Academy and how it relates to the election of a new president. Gives the questions being asked of how to move forward with the Academy and asks LP to give any thoughts or suggestions on the matter. [Letter from LP to Bronk February 19, 1962] [Letter from Bronk to LP April 17, 1962] [Filed under B: Individual Correspondence (Brando - Bronk), Box 31 Folder  #31.12]
  • Letter from Francis Hoague, MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless, to LP. RE: Encloses a request from the attorneys in New York to take LP’s deposition in late February. Asks him when he will be east. Informs him of the progress in the Bellingham Publishing Company case. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence re: Pauling v. News Syndicate Co., Inc., 1961-1962: Box #3.020 Folder #20.1] 
  • Letter from Hyman Lipshutz to LP RE: Tells LP about his daughter who has leukemia. Says that she only has about 6 months left to live. Asks if LP might know about any experimental treatments that may prolong her life. [Letter from LP to Lipshutz February 28, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, L: Correspondence 1961-1963 Box 232, Folder 232.2] 
  • Letter from Joan Harris to Louise Andrews, RE: LP and AHP are at the University of Concepcion in Chile until the end of the week.  Harris will bring Andrews’ letter to LP’s attention at that time. [Andrews’ telegram January 1962]  [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Am), Box #4.009, Folder #9.4]
  • Letter from Joan Harris to Rita Paine RE: Tells Paine that LP is out of town and that she is sending the requested reprints under separate cover. Says she is also including a letter from Dr. Thomas L. Perry about various calcium preparations that are available. [Letter from Paine to LP December 28, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Correspondence, 1960-1963 314, Folder 314.3]  
  • Letter from Joan Harris, Secretary to LP, to Victor Reynolds, Cornell University Press, RE: Requests on behalf of LP six copies of The Nature of the Chemical Bond to be sent to him at Cal Tech.  [Filed under LP Books: 1960b5.5]
  • Letter from Joan R. Harris, Secretary to LP, to Wynne Thorne, Utah State University. RE: Informs him of LP’s plans for February 5. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box #1962s Folder #1962s.4]
  • Letter from LP to Señor Director de Diario El Sur. RE: Responds to a letter to the editor that made an incorrect statement about LP. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.178]
  • Letter from Owen Mortimer to LP RE: Tells LP that a Committee for Democratic Rights in the U.S.A. was formed in London to educate the British public about the attacks on civil rights and liberties in the U.S. Asks if LP could send a statement to them that they can use in their work. [Letter from LP to Mortimer February 2, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1] 
  • Letter from Walter N. Hughes to LP RE: Tells LP about the Gordon Research Conferences on metal in biology, and asks him to be the keynote speaker. [Letter from LP to Hughes January 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, G: Correspondence 1962-1965 Box 142, Folder 142.1] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “ Charla Dio Ava Pauling A Juventud” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.172]
  • Newspaper clipping: “El Consejo de Mujere Para La Paz Escuchara Charla de Sra. Pauling” La Patria [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.183]
  • Newspaper clipping: “El Hombre Destruye Un Mundo al qu Dios No Quiere Destruir” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.180]
  • Newspaper clipping: “El Hombre Ha Conquistado Tanto Poder que Ya Puede Destruírse a sí Mismo y a la Humanidad” Cronica [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.176]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Encarcelacion de Bertrand Russell” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.179]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Impacto de la Ciencia en el Hombre Actual y Futuro Trató Dr. Pauling” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.180]
  • Newspaper clipping: “La Universidad Inició su Búsqueda de la Incógnita Del Hombre a Través de su VII Excuela de Verona” Cronica  [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.176]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Solemne Inauguración De la Escuela de Verano” La Patria [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.175]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Tarea Para los Jóvenes” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.177]
  • Newspaper clipping; “Impacto de la Ciencia en Humanidad Actual y Futura Trató Dr. Pauling” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.180]

January 17  (Chile)
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter from Hans Tambs-Lyche to LP, RE: Tambs-Lyche has translated the Oslo Statement and the copies of it have been distributed to the Scandinavian participants.  The Statement along with some remarks were sent to the journal “Naturem.” [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.004, Folder #4.4]
  • Letter from Johan Bjorksten to LP RE: Asks if LP is going to attend the Gordon Research Conference on the Basic Chemistry of Aging and if he could give the final summarizing talk at the conference. [Letter from LP to Bjorksten January 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, G: Correspondence 1962-1965 Box 142, Folder 142.1] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “Análisis del Futuro del Hombre Hizo la Dra. Ava Helen Pauling” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.182]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Ava Pauling: “ཱQué Enorme Tragedia es que El Hombre Esté a Punto de Destruir el Mundo!” Cronica. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.184]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Con Brillante Exito Sigue Desarrollo da las Jornadas Internacionales de Verano” La Patria. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.181]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Educando a Nuestros Pueblos se Forjará el Futuro de América Latina” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.182]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Linus Pauling Invitado a Inaugurar Primera Conferencia Interamericana Sobre Defectos Congénitos en EE. UU.” Cronica. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.183]
  • Receipt from First Western Bank for a deposit of $267.67. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Biographical: Receipts: First Western Bank, 1959-1968: Box # 4.030 Folder #30.2] 

January 18  (Chile)
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: Chile [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter from Constance H. Lane to Cal Tech RE: Asks if prints of the LP films on the Nature of the Chemical Bond are available for rent or purchase. [Letter from Harris to Lane March 9, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, L: Correspondence 1961-1963 Box 232, Folder 232.2] 
  • Letter from David J. Smith to LP RE: Invites LP to participate in a symposium in October that will celebrate “Century 21,” the World’s Fair. [Letter from LP to Smith January 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3] 
  • Letter from Dr. Rafael T. Darricarrere to LP RE: Expresses his gratitude that LP and AHP attended the meeting at the Universidad de Concepcion, and sends a souvenir as an expression of his appreciation. [Filed under LP Correspondence, D: Correspondence 1960-1966 Box 99, Folder 99.3] 
  • Letter from Eugene Rabinowitch to LP RE: Asks LP about the correctness a quote attributed to him in an interview by Pravda on September 1, 1961 in which LP said that he understands what has forced the Soviet government to resume tests. [Letter from LP to Rabinowitch January 23, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3] 
  • Letter from John M. Novak to LP RE: Thanks LP for taking time to examine his pamphlets on the dynamic atom and returning them to him after finding nothing of significance or novelty in them . Says that prior to LP’s letter he had not been aware of anything remotely similar to his theory. Discusses patents and asks for information about similar theories. [Letter from LP to Novak January 23, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, N: Correspondence 1957-1964 Box 288, Folder 288.6]  
  • Letter from Paul Ander to LP RE: Invites LP to participate in Seton Hall University’s proposed lecture series in “Fundamental Areas of Science,” by presenting a lecture on chemistry and medicine. [Letter from LP to Ander January 29, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1] 
  • Letter from Verner Schomaker to LP RE: Tells LP that Dr. Jule Rabo will be visiting Cal Tech on January 23rd and that Dr. Rabo would like to meet LP and talk to LP about his ideas. Discusses Rabo’s background and interests. [Filed under LP Correspondence, Schomaker, Verner, 1936-1994 Box 359 Folder 359.1]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Consejo de Madres Para la Paz” La Patria. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.186]
  • Newspaper clipping: “El Consejo de Mujeres Para La Paz Se Reune Con Señora Ava Pauling” Cronica. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.186]
  • Newspaper clipping: “El vicerrector de la Universidad de Concepción...” La Patria. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.186]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Imperialismo y Federalisma: Tema de Actualidad Candente, Enfocado por el Norteamericano Tannenbaum” Cronica. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.190]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Incidentes Políticos en La Escuela de Verano” La Patria. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.189]
  • Newspaper clipping: “La Vieja Táctica de la “Copada”. El Sur [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.187]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Prision de Berntrand Russell” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.187]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Profesores Tannembaum y G. Burdeau Dieron Alta Jerarquía A Actos de Escuela de Verano” La Patria. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.189]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Reuniones en La Escuela de Verano” Cronica. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.190]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Rotary Club de Concepción...” La Patria. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.186]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Sistema Federal en América Para Lograr Progreso Común Propone Frank Tannenbaum” Cronica. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.185]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Universidad de Concepcion” unknown newspaper. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.183]
  • Newspaper clipping; “Comida” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.188]

January 19
  • Invoice from California Compensation & Fire Company to LP for $118.04. [Filed under LP Biographical: Check Registers, 1961-1963: Box #4.077 Folder #77.1] 
  • Letter from Benjamin Draper to LP RE: Tells LP that Dr. George Wells Beadle will be the guest scientist for “Science in Action” on January 29 and they are holding a dinner for him after the television show. Invites LP to the dinner, and asks LP to let him know if he will be able to attend. [Letter from LP to Draper January 23, 1962] [Filed under B: Individual Correspondence (Beach - Birge), Box 27 Folder  #27.2]
  • Letter from Frank R. Stermitz, Utah State University, to LP. RE: Asks for information to display in the Chemistry Department. [Letter from LP January 23, 1962] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box #1962s Folder #1962s.4] 
  • Letter from Henry Allen Moe to LP RE: Asks LP for his advice on the Chemistry and Biochemistry applicants for a Guggenheim Fellowship. Asks LP to return them as “Educational Material” and encloses the needed postage stamps. [Letter from Harris to Moe February 13, 1962 and Letter from Harris to Moe February 17, 1962]  [Filed under LP Science: (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1953-1975). Box #14.015, Folder #15.8]
  • Letter from John L. Margrave to LP RE: Says that he has heard that LP will be in the Madison area during March. Invites LP to present a lecture of the University of Wisconsin while he is in the area if possible. [Letter from LP to Margrave January 23, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1] 
  • Letter from K. L. Jones to LP RE: Invites LP to lecture at the University of Michigan’s Chapter of Sigma Xi in April. [Letter from Jones to LP March 6, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, U:  Correspondence 1936-1970 Box 421, Folder 421.20]
  • Letter from Robert W. Locke to LP RE: Discusses the topic and scope of the book The Molecular Control of Cellular Activity of which a copy was sent to LP a few weeks previously. Asks for LP’s comments on the book. [Filed under LP Correspondence, McGraw Hill and Co., 1936-1984 Box 253 Folder 253.10]
  • Letter from Stanley Schaefer, W. H. Freeman & Co., to LP RE: Thanks LP for cabling his proxy so quickly.  Informs that he will soon be coming south to visit.   [Filed under LP Books: 1955b.3]
  • Letter to LP from Richard P. Riegert, Director of Research, Sloan Research Industries, INC., RE: Respectfully invites LP to speak for the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Ceramic Society on ‘The Nature of the Chemical Bond – A Quarter Century Later.’ [Letter to Richard P. Riegert from LP, January 23, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence), #14.1]
  • Manuscript: ‘Speech of Thanks’ University of Concepcion. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box # 1962s Folder #1962s.2] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “Charla en el Liceo De Niñas Ofrece Ava Helen Pauling” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.191]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Dr. Pauling to be Speaker at Conference” Star News. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.191]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Universidad de Concepcion” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.191]
  • Telegram from Horace B. Davis to LP and AHp RE: Invites them to tea in the afternoon of March 6th while they are in Raleigh. Handwritten notes on back include dates and names of cities and people. [Letter from Harris to Davis January 29, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1]

January 20
  • Airline ticket: TWA, Santiago to Mexico City [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2] 
  • Letter from Albert Bussman to LP RE: Written in German. Says that he read No More War! and that is prompting the letter. Briefly discusses views on mankind that are more detailed in the attached article. Discusses LP’s idea for a World Peace Research Organization. [Filed under LP Correspondence, B: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 40, Folder 40.1]
  • Letter from Ian Campbell, State Geologist, to LP. RE: Informs him that water resources do not come within the purview of the Division in California. Informs him that water has its own Department. Sends a pamphlet from the Division of Water Resources. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence: Deer Flat Ranch, 1957-1969: Box #4.047 Folder #47.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Arne Tiselius RE: Tells Tiselius he was pleased to see his address in the New York Time about the possibilities for misuse of scientific discoveries. Talks about his recent trip to Moscow where he and AHP gave peace lectures and where he gave lectures about the theory of resonance. [Letter from Tiselius to LP February 24, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, T: Individual Correspondence (Thant - Toole) Box 407, Folder 407.5] 
  • Letter from Mrs. Donald Dick to LP RE: Tells LP that her son is a sophomore at CalTech and that her and her husband are interested in LP’s efforts toward peace. Says they would be delighted to have him over for lunch or dinner when he is in Madison for a lecture. [Letter from LP to Dick January 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, D: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1966 Box 99 Folder 99.3] 
  • Letter to LP from D. J. Aldrich, Licensed Land Surveyor, RE: Concerns the possibility of LP’s interest in seeling land adjoining the Los Padres National Forest. [Letter from LP to D. J. Aldrich, February 9, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence), #14.1] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “Cartas a “El Sur” “ El Sur [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.179]
  • Newspaper clipping: “La Democracia y su Espejo” El Sur. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.179]

January 21
  • Letter from George R. Hagens, Resources Agency of California, to LP. RE: Informs him that the area discussed in LP’s letter is not under their jurisdiction. Informs him that the letter he sent to the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission was appropriate.  [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence: LP, et al vs. Charles Valois, et al., 1962: Box #3.026 Folder #26.5]
  • Letter from Otto Nathan to LP RE: Says that he hopes LP and AHP had an interesting and fruitful visit in Eastern Europe. Tells LP that Carl Braden and Frank Wilkinson, victims of the House Un-American Activities Committee, are being released on Feb. 1. He is planning a reception dinner in New York for Wilkinson and asks LP to write a brief message of welcome for him. [Letter from LP to Nathan January 26, 1962] [Letter from LP to Wilkinson January 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, N: Individual Correspondence (Nader - Newbold) Box 276, Folder 276.3] 
  • Summary of travel: LP and AHP end trip to Chile on January 21st [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.3]

January 22

January 23
  • Itinerary [handwritten]: 1st Inter-American Conference on Congenital Defects, Statler Hotel, 9:45 AM-12:30 PM [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.003, Folder 3.2]
  • Letter from Devin A. Garrity, to Rhoda Boyko, Citizens Emergency Committee for Krebiozen. RE: Resents being urged to subscribe to The Minority of One. Outlines how the publication follows the straight communist line. Informs her that LP is as free as any other dedicated communist. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence: Devin A. Garrity, 1962: Box #3.057 Folder # 57.10]
  • Letter from George Switzer to LP RE: Says that LP has been elected a fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America, and extends his congratulations. [Letter from LP to Switzer February 19, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, C: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 76, Folder 76.2] 
  • Letter from Ian Campbell to LP RE: Tells LP that he is forwarding the Water Rights pamphlet under separate cover. Says he thinks it will cover all the detail LP will need. Calls his attention to one part of the pamphlet. [Filed under LP Correspondence, C: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 76, Folder 76.2] 
  • Letter from LP to Benjamin Draper RE: Tells Draper that he will not be able to attend the dinner next Monday. Asks Draper to express his regret to Dr. Beadle for not being able to attend for him. [Letter from Draper to LP January 19, 1962] [Filed under B: Individual Correspondence (Beach - Birge), Box 27 Folder  #27.2]
  • Letter from LP to Eugene Rabinowitch RE: Says that he did not at any time make the quoted statement and that the statements he made in Moscow are essentially the same as those made in the two enclosed reprints from Frontier. [Letter from Rabinowitch to LP January 18, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, R: Individual Correspondence (Rabinowitch - Randall) Box 326 Folder 326.1]               
  • Letter from LP to Frank R. Stermitz, Utah State University. RE: Informs him that reprints of his articles on the nature of the chemical bond are exhausted. Suggests he use the book ‘The Nature of the Chemical Bond’. Encloses reprints of three papers on chemical bonds in metals. Informs him of his education. Encloses a photograph. [Letter from Stermitz January 19, 1962] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box #1962s Folder #1962s.4] 
  • Letter from LP to John L. Margrave RE: Thanks Margrave for the invitation, but says he cannot accept because his lecture tour in March is being arranged entirely by the American Friends Service Committee and their plans do not leave him any free time. [Letter from Margrave to LP January 23, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1] 
  • Letter from LP to John M. Novak RE: Thanks Novak for the letter and enclosures. [Letter from Novak to LP January 18, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, N: Correspondence 1957-1964 Box 288, Folder 288.6]  
  • Letter from LP to Poul Anderson RE: Suggests his book No More War! to use as research for Anderson’s book. Discusses several ideas Anderson brought up in his letter. Tells Anderson that he will send some of his papers under separate cover. Points out a spelling problem in one of Anderson’s stories. [Letter from Poul Anderson to LP January 15, 1962] [Letter from LP to Poul Anderson January 26, 1962] [Filed under A: Individual Correspondence (Alexander - Adelotte), Box 6 Folder  #6.7]
  • Letter to Dr. Richard P. Riegart, Sloan Research Industries, from LP RE: Expresses his thanks for the invitation to speak for the American Ceramic Society and his sincere regret at having to decline. [Letter to LP from Dr. Richard P. Riegart, January 19, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence), #14.1] 
  • Newspaper clipping: “Laws Urge for Birth Defect Curb” Los Angeles Times. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.165]
  • Newspaper clipping: “Laws Urge to Curb Defects in Births” Star-News. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.165]
  • Notes: LP notes taken at the First Inter-American Conference on Congenital Defects, Los Angeles, California, January 23, 1962. [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: The Structure and Properties of Hemoglobin and the Nature of Sickle Cell Anemia, 1935-1978), Box #6.007, Folder #7.10]
  • Receipt from First Western Bank for a deposit of $90.00. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Biographical: Receipts: First Western Bank, 1959-1968: Box # 4.030 Folder #30.2] 
  • Telegram from Samuel S. Fishzohn to LP RE: Tells LP that social works admire LP’s work for peace and would be encouraged by a message from him to be read at the United Nations Plaza on January 27th when two thousand social workers will march in silent procession in order to call for all governments to stop nuclear disarmament and negotiate for world disarmament. Stanley Isaacs, will address the groups. [Offprint of Telegram from LP to Fishzohn January 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of articles by LP, 1961), Box #1962a, Folder #1962a.2]

January 24
  • Handwritten note from LP to himself, RE: After having dinner with the Paulings in their home, Freeman strongly criticized the other managing employees of his publishing company. LP disagrees with this criticism- he blames the decline of the company on Freeman himself, who has devoted much of his time to fighting the other members of his management. He says Freeman owes it to them to stop interfering. [Filed under LP Safe Contents, Drawer 2, Folder 2.009]
  • Letter from E. R. Ottmer to Verlag Chemie RE: Provides positive criticism of LP’s The Nature of the Chemical Bond.  Suggests changes to specific drawings in the book. [Letter from Kreuzhage to Ottmer January 29, 1962] [Filed under LP Books: 1960b5.8]
  • Letter from Editorial Staff of the Bulletin to LP RE: Says they are still waiting on LP’s article for the Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy. Asks that the manuscript be accompanied iwth two summaries. [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Correspondence, 1960-1963 314, Folder 314.3]  
  • Letter from Garry de Young to LP RE: Thanks LP for his kind encouragement and for the copy of No More War! Discusses being blacklisted from teaching due to his political and religious views and teaching sex education and how that has caused him to be unable to publish his own book. Asks if LP might be able to make some suggestions about getting it published. [Letter from LP to de Young January 2, 1962] [Letter from de Young to LP October 29, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, D: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1966 Box 99 Folder 99.3]
  • Letter from Mrs. C. Fontenot to LP RE: Asks if there is any tests that could be done to try and detect epilepsy before the disease actually sets in. [Letter from LP to Fontenot January 29, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6] 
  • Letter from Peal Ewald to LP and AHP, RE: Ewald would like to have more copies of the Oslo Statement.  Ewald thinks that about 100 copies would be needed and she is prepared to pay for the costs of the printing and mailing.   [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.004, Folder #4.4]
  • Letter from Pearl Ewald to LP RE: Asks if it would be possible to get 100 copies of the “Oslo Statement” for her peace group to hand out. Says they will probably need more in the future, and asks how many they might be able to get.  [Filed under LP Correspondence, E: Individual Correspondence (Enstrom - Eyster) Box 110, Folder 110.4]
  • Notecard W. Albert Noyes, Jr. to LP RE: A reminder that the Journal of the American Chemical Society has not received LP’s comments about Peters’ manuscript “The Population Analysis of Valence Bond Wave Functions” which was mailed to LP on January 2 for review. [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1950-1964), Box #14.006, Folder #6.5] 

January 25

January 26

January 27
  • Check from AHP to Anna Leskela for $38.49. [Filed under LP Biographical: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: First Western Bank, January 1962-December 1962: Box # 4.027 Folder #27.1] 

January 28
  • Letter from Kenneth Shaw to Elena Boder, cc: LP RE: Summarizes the main points of their phone conversation concerning the Sturgeon study. [Filed under LP Science: (Othomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1966), Box #11.089, Folder #89.14]
  • Letter from Mrs. Hoff to LP RE: Tells LP that in reading No More War she has been saddened by the absence of God. Praises God and what he has done for her life. [Letter from Hoff to LP January 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 168, Folder 168.2]
  • Newspaper clipping: Biochemists Voice Hope on Use of Enzymes in Genetic Disease” unknown newspaper. [Filed under LP Biographical: LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965: Box #6.008 Folder #8.193]
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Stability of a nuclei, pp. 274-275. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 23R]

January 29
  • Letter from Don Meyer to LP RE: Tells LP that he is active in trying to change policies of segregation along with other people. Asks if LP might be able to talk to him about the issue while LP is at North Carolina College if LP’s schedule will allow it. [Letter from LP to Meyer February 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1] 
  • Letter from Edwin Flatto to LP RE: Thanks him for the reprints, and asks for additional copies for him to mail out. Mentions his idea that nuclear war will not destroy humanity and that it might actually benefit humanity in some respects. [Letter from LP to Flatto January 1, 1962] [Letter from Harris to Flatto February 17, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6] 
  • Letter from Epsie Kinard to LP RE: Kinard tells LP that in the research department of House Beautiful Magazine they try to keep up with the latest thinking on the subject of preventative medicines. Asks if they could get a copy of LP’s paper that he presented at the first inter-American Conference on Congenital Defects. [Letter from Hopkins to Kinard February 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, H: Correspondence 1961-1962 Box 168, Folder 168.2] 
  • Letter from Francis Hoague, MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless, to Speiser, Quinn & O’Brien. RE: Informs him that LP will be in New York on February 28th. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence re: Pauling v. News Syndicate Co., Inc., 1961-1962: Box #3.020 Folder #20.1]
  • Letter from Jimmy Warsham to LP RE: Explains that his fiancé has sickle-cell anemia and that he has a few questions about the disease. Lists all of his questions, and asks if LP could provide any information related to the disease. [Letter from LP to Warsham February 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3]       
  • Letter from Joan Harris to Horace B. Davis RE: Tells Davis that LP and AHP’s trip to Raleigh is being scheduled entirely by the American Friends Service Committee and though they would like to come to tea, they cannot make that decision. [Telegram from Davis to LP and AHP January 19, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1] 
  • Letter from John H. Luft to LP RE: Confirms a telephone conversation that he had with LP on Jan. 25 about the possibility of LP giving a lecture or lecture series during the University of Washington School of Medicine’s summer lecture program, and gives more details about it. [Letter from LP to Luft February 26, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, W: Individual Correspondence, 1960-1962 Box 445 Folder 445.3] 
  • Letter from Kreuzhage, Verlag Chemie, to E. R. Ottmer RE: Written in German. Thanks Ottmer for his letter of positive criticism of LP’s book, The Nature of the Chemical Bond.  Informs that he will send a copy of the letter to LP. [Letter from Ottmer to Verlag Chemie January 24, 1962] [Filed under LP Books: 1960b5.8]
  • Letter from LP [Signed by Linda Hopkins] to Stanley Schaefer, W. H. Freeman & Co., RE: Sends Schaefer a letter in Spanish regarding the translation of General Chemistry in French or Spanish.  Suggests that Schaefer should  [Filed under LP Books: 1953b.2]
  • Letter from LP [signed by Linda Hopkins] to Dorothy Redlich RE: Tells her that after her visit he discussed the matter of authorship with Dr. Perry and Dr. Shaw. Says that the have assured him that Redlich will be one of the co-authors on the large paper and will be acknowledged on the small paper. Assures her that they will do all they can to help her in obtaining another position that appeals to her. [Filed under LP Correspondence, R: Correspondence, 1960-1963 Box 342 Folder 342.3]
  • Letter from LP [signed by Linda Hopkins] to Paul Ander RE: Thanks Ander for the invitation to lecture at Seton Hall University, but says he must decline the invitation due to his busy schedule. [Letter from Ander to LP January 18, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Correspondence, 1962-1963 Box 382 Folder 382.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Edith Morris RE: Tells her that they do not give any treatment to any patients in the California Institute of Technology and he does not think there is anything they can do for her. Says that emotions can interfere with digestion. Suggests that she think about the sorts of food that cause her trouble and try to develop a diet that would be helpful. [Letter from Morris to LP October 23, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence, M: Correspondence 1962-1964 Box 259, Folder 259.1] 
  • Letter from LP to Mrs. C. Fontenot RE: Says that though he doesn’t know much about epilepsy he does not think her son is under any greater risk of becoming epileptic because his father is one. Tells her that he doesn’t think there is any reliable tests for a trend toward epilepsy. [Letter from Fontenot to LP January 24, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6] 
  • Letter from LP to Mrs. E. H. Flood RE: Says that he is doubtful about Celiac Disease as a molecular disease and that little is known about Celiac. Tells her it might be worth while to have another test conducted to make sure her grandson doesn’t have cystic fibrosis. Says that if it is Celiac Disease he will most likely outgrow his present difficulty in time. [Letter from Flood to LP January 25, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, F: Correspondence, 1957 - 1966 Box 129, Folder 129.6] 
  • Letter from LP to Professor Niemann RE: Encloses a letter about an opening at Riverside for someone who is interested in proteins and enzymes. Says that maybe Niemann has someone to recommend and can answer the letter. [Filed under LP Correspondence, N: Individual Correspondence (Newman - Nowacki) Box 277, Folder 277.5] 
  • Letter from M. S. Longuet-Higgins RE: Says that he was told that either LP or one of LP’s students once did some work on the packing of spheres of unequal sizes. Asks for any references to published work in this field. [Letter from LP to Longuet-Higgins February 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, L: Correspondence 1961-1963 Box 232, Folder 232.2] 
  • Letter from R. M Featherstone, University of California Medical Center, to LP. RE: Looks forward to his visit. Has arranged a reception for him. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box #1962s Folder #1962s.5] 
  • Letter from Ray Hartsough to LP, RE: Hartsough is excited to have LP and AHP speaking during the week of March 11th through 18th.  Hartsough goes over the itinerary which has the tour starting in Philadelphia and ending in Syracuse.   [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Am), Box #4.009, Folder #9.4]
  • Letter from William O’Donnell to LP RE: O’Donnell and his wife are concerned about the effect of fallout on their children.   O’Donnell is considering moving to the southern hemisphere to escape the effects of fallout and asks for LP’s advice on the move or if there is another solution.    [Letter from LP February 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1962-1965: Box #7.008, Folder #8.10]

January 30
  • Bill from The Boroughs & Associates to LP for $118.04. [Filed under LP Biographical: Check Registers, 1961-1963: Box #4.077 Folder #77.1]
  • Letter from Linda Hopkins, Secretary to LP, to Wynne Thorne, Utah State University. RE: Informs him of LP’s travel plans. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box #1962s Folder #1962s.4] 
  • Letter from Raymond Defay to LP RE: Written in French. Invites LP to attend the 12th Solvay Congress in November and encloses a tentative program. Discusses a few of the presenters and the pay they would give LP for attending. [Letter from LP to Defay February 14, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, S: Organizational Correspondence (So - Su) Box 376 Folder 376.4]
  • Letter from Ruth Adams to LP, RE: Adams asks for a copy of LP’s address before the Conference on Congenital Defects.  [Letter from Joan Harris March 24, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1962-1965), Box #7.008, Folder #8.10]
  • Postcard from John K. Gray to LP RE: Talks about the origin of the writ of Habeas Corpus and trial by jury. Says that he thinks the UN should provide trial by international jury to try and prevent wars between countries. [Letter from Gray to LP February 5, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, G: Correspondence 1962-1965 Box 142, Folder 142.1] 

January 31
  • Contract Status Report: Contract Nonr-220 (33), Chemistry 43 Acct. 65071, Director of Research: LP, January 31, 1961. [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Memoranda, Notes and Assorted Materials re: “The Structure of Metals and Intermetallic Compounds”, Contract Nonr 220(33) (Chemistry 43), 1958-1963), Box #14.035, Folder #35.1]       
  • Contract Status Report: Contract Nonr-220 (38), Chemistry 49 Acct. 65070, Director of Research: Drs. R.B. Corey and LP, January 31, 1962. [Filed under LP Science: (Office of Naval Research: Correspondence, Memoranda, Notes and Assorted Materials re: “Structure and Properties of Proteins and Synthetic Polypeptides”, Contract Nonr 220(05) (Chemistry 32), 1951-1963), Box #14.032, Folder #32.2] 
  • Letter from Charles F. Krause, to Francis Hoague. RE: Informs him that February 28th will not work for the deposition. Asks him to get a new date from LP after March 10th. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence re: Pauling v. News Syndicate Co., Inc., 1961-1962: Box #3.020 Folder #20.1]
  • Letter from Clayton G. Loosli, University of Southern California, to LP. RE: Is grateful for his scholarly presentation on ‘The Molecular Basis of Genetic Defects’. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1962) Box # 1962s Folder #1962s.3] 
  • Letter from Francis Hoague, MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless, to LP. RE: Gives him his view of the role of the deponent. Gives advice to LP on how to participate in a deposition. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence re: Pauling v. News Syndicate Co., Inc., 1961-1962: Box #3.020 Folder #20.1]
  • Letter from Francis Hoague, MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless, to LP. RE: Hopes that his case will be tried in June. Informs him that it is important to have his deposition complete as soon as possible. Asks if March 7, 8, and 9 is feasible. [Filed under LP Biographical: Correspondence, Note to Self re: Pauling v. Bellingham Publishing Company, 1960-1963, 1965, 1978: Box # 3.001 Folder #1.8]
  • Letter from Gerard Piel to LP RE: Encloses a bulletin of press coverage of LP’s recent visit to Moscow. [Letter from LP to Piel February 23, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Individual Correspondence (Pettyjohn - Polanyi) Box 308, Folder 308.3] 
  • Letter from L. John Collins to LP, RE: Collins would like to invite LP to participate in the Conference in Accra from May 10th to the 17th.  The Conference is organized by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the President of Ghana.  Collins is enclosing the full details of the Conference and hopes that LP will be able to attend.   [Letter from LP February 28, 1962] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Conferences, 1949-1962), Box #2.010, Folder #10.10]
  • Letter from Robert L. Cosgriff to H. B. Bennett RE: Says that he was deeply disturbed to learn of the difficulties of LP and AHP encountered in Santiago due to the late arrival of their baggage. Tells Bennett that an investigation is now in progress and he will write when his review has been completed. [Letter from Cosgriff to Bennett February 27, 1962] [Filed under LP Correspondence, P: Correspondence, 1960-1963 314, Folder 314.3]  
  • Pay stub from CIT for LP for $1,650.00 [Filed under LP Biographical: Receipts, 1961-1962: Box #4.060 Folder #60.6]