Activity Listings
- Itinerary: Arrive in Paris at 12:20 PM, leave Paris at 8:00 PM [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder 1.11]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Sandburg, Secretary of the 13th International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry RE: Thanks him for his letter about publishing the plenary lectures of the Congress. Goes on to discuss his travel plans. Also discusses his upcoming lecture and some "figures." Also gives congratulations on the success of the "Congress." [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #379, Folder #1]
- Letter from LP to H. L. Byram, Tax Collector RE: lists a particular property in the Rancho Santa Anita as belonging to himself and AHP.
- Letter from LP to H.L. Byram, Tax Collector, County of Los Angeles RE: States that LP's property on Fairpoint Street in Pasadena, California is his, and goes on to list the measurements.
- Letter from LP to J. Timmermans, RE: LP thanks Timmermans for the two copies f the Rapports and Discussions of the Ninth Solvay conference and the photograph of the members. LP enjoyed his stay in Brussels and found the Congress to be invaluable. [Timmermans’ letter September 24, 1953] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.4]
- Letter from LP to M.M. Barzin, RE: LP mentioned Barzin to Processor Morgan Ward who was pleased to hear about Barzin. LP notes that he enjoyed his time in Brussels and is grateful to have been invited. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.4]
- Letter from LP to Prof. Silvio Bezzi RE: Thanks Mr. Bezzi for the invitation to stop over in Italy on their way to India. However, LP and AHP plan to stop over only in England to visit their son, and in Athens to see Greece, which they have never seen before. They hope to visit Italy in a couple of years. [Letter from Mr. Bezzi to LP September 18, 1953] [Filed under B: Correspondence 1953, Box #37, Folder #20]
- Letter from LP’s Secretary to Lester Kieft, RE: LP would like to leave the matter of transportation from Meadville to Lewisburg to Mr. Kieft. LP has already left for Israel and looks forward to seeing Kieft in Lewisburg. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.17]
- Letter from LP’s Secretary to Lewis Pino, RE: KO has accepted the invitation to speak on Wednesday the 11th and will postpone his errands in New York until Thursday. With these new circumstances LP will not need arrangements for Tuesday evening. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.16]
- Letter from the Executive Secretary of Gates and Crellin Laboratories to Dr. Pino RE: Writes about some last minute travel details. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1953s.16]
- Letter from the Executive Secretary of Gates and Crellin Laboratories to Professor Kirk RE: Would like him to make a plane reservation for LP to go to Philadelphia on Thursday morning. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1953s.16]