Activity Listings
- Itinerary: North Jersey Section ACS, Elizabeth; Metals. Winfield Scott Hotel: dinner, meeting. Speech on metals [Filed under LP Travel Materials: 1932-1954: Box #1.001 Folder #1.7]
- Journal Article: Valence in Metals and Intermetallic Compounds, American Chemical Society, North Jersey Section, Elizabeth, New Jersey. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1949s.2]
- Letter from Fred V. Morgenstern to L RE: Thanks LP for his letter and states he has also written to the President of Oregon State College and hopes that members of the Society will take every possible action to bear on the College and the President. [Letter from LP to Fred V. Morgenstern March 11, 1949] [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: Ralph Spitzer: Academic Freedom and Passport Difficulties, 1942-1994: Box #2.034, Folder 34.2]
- Letter from Nathan L. Drake, Chairman, Committee on Membership Affairs, to Dr. Paul Condit. RE: Happy that he will serve as the Chairman pro tem. Thinks that Greusel should not be brought into the picture until the charges have been investigated. Is sending evidence. Would like as little publicity on the case as possible. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards 1938-1950: Box #14.008 Folder #8.12]
- Letter from Walter J. Murphy, Editor, Chemical and Engineering News to LP RE: Thanks for his letter and the enclosures, sends on to R. F. Gould for early publication in the “Letters to the Editor” section. [Letter from LP to Walter J. Murphy March 8, 1949] [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: Ralph Spitzer: Academic Freedom and Passport Difficulties, 1942-1994: Box #2.034, Folder 34.2]
- Letter from Wayne W. Hilty to LP RE: Acknowledges letter of March 8 and encloses letters. Says he will look into the matter and consult with Dr. Spitzer as to what course of action, if any can be taken. [Letter from LP to Wayne W. Hilty March 8, 1949] [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: Ralph Spitzer: Academic Freedom and Passport Difficulties, 1942-1994: Box #2.034, Folder 34.2]