Activity Listings
- Letter from Jana Junkermann, Secretary to LP, to Dr. Robert G. Heath, RE: Junkermann thanks Heath for his letter to LP and informs him that LP's paper will appear in Science within a few months. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 170, Folder# 170.2]
- Letter from LP to Miss Edna Johnson, Managing Editor for The Churchman, RE: Confirms a statement someone made about LP and AHP being in San Diego. Writes that he has not been active in the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions for the past year and that he does not expect to see Dr. Laucks in the near future. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 70, Folder# 70.8]
- Letter from LP to Professor Robert Olby, RE: Writes that he is free from May 15th on and will try to remember to bring his notes on DNA to La Jolla. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 295, Folder# 295.4]
- Letter from Pauline Ney [Pauling], to LP, RE: Pauline's boss bought a copy of No More War! and would like to have it autographed. Pauline also recent visited her sister Lucile and had a lovely visit, and comments on family. [Filed under LP Biographical: Personal & Family, Family Correspondence: Pauline Pauling [Stockton Ney Dunbar Emmett], 1934-1995, Box # 5.051, Folder # 51.14, Correspondence: Pauline Pauling, 1968.]
- Receipt: $7.27 Western Auto Associate Store. [Filed under LP Biographical Deer Flat Ranch: Bills, Receipts, Invoices, etc, 1960-1995, Box # 4.048, Folder # 48.1, Deer Flat Ranch: Bills, Receipts, Invoices, etc., 1960-1969.]
- Research Notebook of LP RE: Difference between p-bond and sp3 bond. p. 20. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 46R]