February 19, 1968
Dr. Linus Pauling, Jr.
3909 Round Top Drive
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Dear Linus:
I enclose a statement that I prepared recently about the fluoridation of supplies of water. It is my memory that several weeks ago I received a letter from the Health Officer of Honolulu, asking me about this matter, and I am afraid that I have lost the letter without having answered it. I do not know his name. Would you be willing to telephone the Health Officer, trying to find out whether in fact it was he who wrote to me, and if he did, to send him a copy of my statement, with a note of apology for the delay?
I am enclosing three copies of the statement. You may want to pass them on to more than one person.
I also enclose a copy of my paper on Orthomolecular Psychiatry. After working on it from time to time for two years, I got it into what seems to me to be satisfactory form. It has been accepted for publication in Science, and should be out in a couple of months. I hope that you are not dissatisfied with it.
Mama and I look forward to seeing you. We hope that you will stop by. We are not going to have a round up this year. We sold many of our cattle last year, including the old bull, and have kept only one young bull, one steer, and five heifers. There will be no calves this year.
Much love from,
Encls. (4)