Activity Listings
- Letter from Erik Wahlgren, Chairman of Committee on Public Lectures, to LP, RE: Thanks LP for accepting their invitation to participate in the University of California Centennial Faculty Lecture Series for Spring 1968. Sends brochure "copy" for the series. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1968), Box# 1968s, Folder# 1968s.13]
- Letter from Henry Aroeste to LP, RE: Writes about possibly working with LP in the area of biophysical chemistry and gives a brief resume. Asks to set up a time to meet with LP. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 15, Folder# 15.3]
- Letter from Jana Junkermann, Secretary to LP, to Miss Sunila Khanna, RE: Junkermann writes that she has been unable to locate the papers from the State Bank of India. She explains that during LP's move from Big Sur, California, to La Jolla, California, the papers could have been misplaced or lost. She asks for a duplicate set of papers to be sent. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 182, Folder# 182.1]
- Letter from LP to Amos C. Barstow Murphy, RE: Writes that some of his lecture were postponed and that he has a heavy schedule in the upcoming months. [filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 261, Folder# 261.1]
- Letter from LP to Denis Fox, RE: LP writes that he looks forward to talking with Fox about the colored material in a gorgonian coral and about Jim Watson. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 120, Folder# 120.11]
- Letter from LP to Ira T. Land, RE: LP agrees with Phillip Callom stating he made $120 a month in April 1962 and how much he made in other years. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 234, Folder# 234.2].
- Letter from LP to Maria Magdiel, RE: Expresses interest in her letter to Bishop Pike. Writes that he does not have enough interest in the matter to take the time to look into it. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 261, Folder# 261.1]
- Letter from LP to Miss Thecla Bradshaw, RE: Apologizes for the delay in responding and gives permission for the printing of his shortened article. Notes errors in the article and gives the correct information. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 42, Folder# 42.2]
- Letter from LP to Mitsuko Takiguchi Iwanami Shorten Publisher RE: Informs him in response to his query in letter dated November 22, 1967 that the revised edition of LP's book General Chemistry will be published with in the next year. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 412 Folder 412.4]
- Letter from LP to Mr. George F. Bush, RE: Writes that he is interested in allowing Bush to write a biography on him although two other people have been working on one for many years. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 42, Folder# 42.2]
- Letter from LP to Mr. Ron Smith and Mr. Dick Elliott, RE: Writes about the electrical conductivity of water. [Handwritten letter from Ron Smith and Dick Elliott to LP] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 385, Folder 385.1]
- Letter from LP to Professor Barry Commoner, RE: Asks if Commoner has received his letter from a few months ago and if not, to let him know and he will find a carbon copy. Asks if Commoner has any statement on the matter of fluoridation. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 66, Folder# 66.12]
- Letter from LP to Professor Samuel P. Bessman, RE: Writes that he has found Bessman's letter of November 17 and apologizes for not having answered the letter and not accepting the invitation to give the Alpha Omega Alpha Lecture. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 42, Folder# 42.2]
- Letter from LP to Ray L. Anderson, RE: Responds to Anderson's letter of NaN, Sept and writes that he does not have time to devote to Anderson's effort. Gives the address of Dr. Mildred Goertzel and her husband Dr. Victor Goertzel who may have information for Anderson. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 15, Folder# 15.3]
- Letter from LP to Vera McCluggage, RE: Writes that he has not thought very much about the future uses of plasma. Sends a paper of his that was published in 1960. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 261, Folder# 261.1]
- Letter from Miss Eliss Jerard to LP, RE: Talks about her personal position about the effects of the fluoridation of
drinking water supply on people. Suggests that LP works on the problem of control of
pollution of the atmosphere and the environment generally by industrial plants rather than
the problem of the fluoridation of water. [Filed under LP Science: Box# 10.006, Folder# 6.4]
- Letter from Robert Bernhard to LP, RE: Writes for a short "memoir" from LP about what he was working on while James Watson was observing the structure of DNA. In The Double Helix, Watson states he was a "birdwatcher" on the subject of X-ray crystallography. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 42, Folder# 42.2]
- Research Notebook of LP RE: Alkali metals at 5 degrees K, p. 2. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 15R]
- Research Notebook of LP RE: Change in equation for Rn vsn, p. 3. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 15R]
- Research Notebook of LP RE: Metallic radii and bond-orbital strengths, p. 1. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 15R]