Activity Listings
- Letter from Frank Halpern, Peace and Freedom Party, to Colleagum, RE: Halpern asks for monetary and vote support in the upcoming election against McCarthy. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia, University of California, San Diego, 1960, 1966-1969, 1970, 1978. Box # 1.037, Folder # 37.4 Departmental Correspondence: University of California, San Diego, 1968.]
- Card from Dr. Aida Sloan to Dr. Howard Sloan Memorial Foundation, RE: A contribution will be made to the Dr. Howard Sloan Memorial Foundation by Dr. Aida Sloan in the name of Linus Pauling. [Letter from LP to Dr. Aida Sloan 9, 1968] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 385, Folder 385.1]
- Itinerary: for Professor and Mrs. Pauling, to UCLA. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box #6.009 Folder #9.48]
- Letter from George T. Kaye to LP, RE: Kaye responds to a letter LP wrote to him on January 18, 1968 stating he was insulted LP would not comment on his letter from before. He states that he feels insulted by LP and is no longer an admirer of LP's work. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 203, Folder# 203.2]
- Letter from LP to Professor Bernd Matthias, RE: Increasing the critical temperature of superconductors. LP writes about the results he received from apply the theory of superconduction. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 244, Folder# 244.4]
- Letter from LP to Roger Howley, Cornell University Press RE: Has found an error in The Chemical Bond. [Filed under LP Books: (The Chemical Bond, by LP), Box #1967b, Folder #1967b.1]
- Letter from Leif K. Pratum to LP, RE: Tells LP that there is no legal reason that would interfere with LP's project and LP's proposal is enthusiastically received among Executive Committee. [Letter from LP to Duane Wyckoff, 9, 1968] [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Correspondence concerning orthomolecular psychiatry, 1962-1988, Box# 11.079, Folder# 79.2]
- Letter from Peter Pauling to LP. [Filed under LP Biographical: Personal & Family, Family Correspondence: Peter Jeffress Pauling, 1960-1974. Box # 5.044, Folder # 44.10, Correspondence: Peter Pauling, 1968.]
28 February 1968
Dear Daddy,
I am sorry not to get a letter to you on your birthday but belatedly wish you Happy Birthday and many more of them. I hope you are pleased with the Festschrift.
The Ag3Co(CN)4 paper arrived. It looks fine to me. You must be careful the drawings get in the right way up. Figure 2 came to me with “Pauling Fig 2” written on with the figure upside down. In principle, the comma should be removed between College and London in my address.
If it is easy, please send me a copy of Jim’s book. If not easy, do not worry.
Life goes on. My diffractometer is just now starting. We have scopolamine up and are trying to align it.
Much love,
- Receipt to Dr. Lauro Galzigna from LP, The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, RE: $1,600.00 Advance for travel expenses. [Filed under LP Biographical, Notebooks re: Pauling Family History and Financial Records, Box # 5.057, Folder # 57.2, Notebook: Real Property, Family History.]
- Schedule: 12 PM luncheon with the Bacteriology staff; 4 PM lecture [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.004, Folder 4.4]
- Typescript: Superconductivity. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: Box# 1968a, Folder# 1968a.5]