Activity Listings
- Billing Statement from New England Instrument Company, RE: $41.36 is owed by General Dynamics. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 310, Folder# 310.11]
- Check from AHP to Carnation Company: $15.38 [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Tax Documents, 1965-1972, Box # 4.003, Folder # 3.4, Personal Income tax, 1968.]
- Check from AHP to Channel Disposal Co. : $4.77 [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Tax Documents, 1965-1972, Box # 4.003, Folder # 3.4, Personal Income tax, 1968.]
- Check from AHP to Native Plant Society RE: $8.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.1]
- Check from AHP to Pacific Gas + Electric Co. : $13.42 [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Tax Documents, 1965-1972, Box # 4.003, Folder # 3.4, Personal Income tax, 1968.]
- Check from AHP to Pacific Telephone: $40.37 [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Tax Documents, 1965-1972, Box # 4.003, Folder # 3.4, Personal Income tax, 1968.]
- Letter from Katherine Emling to LP, RE: Emling writes to LP about her interest in the brain and its functions. [Filed under LP correspondence: Box# 113, Folder# 113.9]
- Letter from Mike Gehring to LP, RE: Gehring writes to LP for any detailed information about himself and his work which will go into a term paper. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 143, Folder# 143.3]
- Letter from Professor David J. MacDonald to LP, RE: Asks for a reprint of LP's paper "The Close-Packed-Spheron Theory and Nuclear Fission" and for permission to copy it by a photo-offset method for free distribution to his students. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 261, Folder# 261.1]
- Research Notebook of LP RE: Factors Affecting H-X Bond Lengths. p. 21-24. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 46R]
- Speech Reprint: Abortion Laws: The Cruel Fraudby Lana Clarke Phelan, Society for Humane Abortion, Inc. Phelan speaks about how abortion should be a matter of choice to the pregnant woman in question, and looked at as another medical procedure as opposed to an ethical issue. [Filed under AHP: Assorted Political Materials, 1964-1971, Box # 5.013, Folder # 13.16, Reprint: "Abortion Laws: The Cruel Fraud", address delivered by Lana Clarke Phelan at the California Conference on Abortion, February 10, 1968.]