Activity Listings
- Bank Book Entry: C.H. Brown. “Appraisement.” $100.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.039, Folder #39.1]
- Bank Book Entry: John H. Gamble. Calculations included. $750.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.039, Folder #39.1]
- Bank Book Entry: Wirin, Rissman, Okrand & Posner. “Legal services.” $450.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.039, Folder #39.1]
- Check from LP to Charles H. Brown RE: $100.00. [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP June 23, 1964] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.1]
- Check from LP to John H. Gamble RE: $750.00. [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP June 23, 1964] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.1]
- Check from LP to Wirin, Rissman, Okrand, and Posner RE: $450.00. [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP June 23, 1964] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.1]
- Letter from Charles J. Conrad to LP, RE: Conrad received the copy of LP's Nobel Lecture, "Science and Peace," today and trusts that LP has received his analysis of LP's speech to the students at California State Polytechnic College. Conrad's examination of the portion of LP's speech dealing with chemical and biological weapons concerns Conrad because he feels it is an inaccurate and misleading representation of U.S. activities in that field which will only serve to confuse the public. Conrad wants the American people to hear a full and frank discussion of chemical and biological warfare. He suggests that he and LP meet to present their respective views in a televised debate. Conrad would adjust his schedule to a time when LP is available. [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.015]
- Letter from Claudette Perier, Secretary to LP, to Dr. Waichiro Tagaki RE: Perier regrets that the reprint of Methylene and the Carbenes, is no longer available. [Letter from Tagaki to LP May 4, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence: T: Correspondence, 1964-1969: Box #412 Folder #412.1]
- Letter from Dr. Hiranmoy Ghoshal to LP RE: Ghoshal wants to nominate Dr. Sudhin Ghose for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Ghoshal describes some of Ghose’s works for LP and explains why he should deserve the Nobel Prize in Literature. Ghoshal is sending LP some of Ghose’s works. [Letter from LP to Ghoshal July 13, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Nobel Prize Nominations: Correspondence, 1940, 1942, 1948, 1958, 1960-1970: Box #280 Folder #280.7]
- Letter from Ernest De Mayola to LP RE: Encloses a manuscript of his theory on the atomic structure, which he asks LP to read and criticize. [Letter from LP to Mayola July 27, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence (D: Correspondence, 1960-1966), #99.5]
- Letter from Josef Zemann, Mineralogisch-Kristallographisches Institut der Universitat Gottingen to LP RE: Zemann invites LP to be a contributor for the “Maschatschki-Volume” of Tschermaks Mineralogische un Petrographische Mitteilungen. Zemann notes that the contribution can be on any mineralogical or crystallographic topic. [Letter from LP to Zemann June 16, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence M: Individual Correspondence (MacDougall - Mampell): Box #242 Folder #242.2]
- Letter from L.A. Balatti, The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, to Gustav Albrecht RE: Refers to the letter sent to him on June 10, 1964. Informs him that he will begin installing the telephone lines in three weeks. [Letter from Gustav Albrecht to L.A. Balatti, The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, June 10, 1964] [Filed under LP Biographical: Box # 4.047 Folder # 47.1]
- Letter from LP to Catherine S. Shelton RE: LP extends his sympathy to Shelton and sends under separate cover a copy of his book No More War and a copy of his Nobel lecture. LP discusses Shelton’s question about the possibility that her husband died of a disseminated malignant melanoma due to exposure to high energy radiation in the course of his work as a fallout expert. LP attached a note with his calculations. [Handwritten note in top right: “Req. For Opinion Radiation.”] [Letter from Shelton to LP: June 7, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence: S: Correspondence, 1964-1965: Box #383 Folder #383.1]
- Letter from LP to Donald J. Silberman, RE: After reading Silberman's letter and letters from Professor Blau and Moos, LP made several phone calls about the case of Tobias Schwartz. LP found no one who supported Dr. George E. Moore's action in not renewing Schwartz's traineeship. However, LP feels that the Schwartz case differs from that of Dr. Sporn, and LP does not think that he should write a letter to the University about Schwartz. Schwartz has been working for his Ph.D. for 6 years, a period which LP feels is too long. LP has talked to Schwartz's thesis advisors, Professor Snell and Professor Blau, who both said that if Schwartz worked hard, he could finish his thesis work by February, 1965. LP is sure that the HUAC hearings were responsible for Dr. Moore's actions and thinks that HUAC should be opposed, but he does not think that Schwartz's case is a very good one. It would probably be best for Schwartz's professors to assist him in getting a loan and encouraging him to finish his thesis by February. [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #2, Folder #2.013, Item #13.41d]
- Letter from LP to Dr. M. Jack Frumin, Coordinator of Research in the Department of Anesthesia at the Mount Sinai Hospital, RE: Thanks Frumin for inviting him to deliver the 1964 Eliasberg Memorial Lecture in Anesthesia and notes that he will be in Maine on November 24th. Asks if November 25th would be an acceptable date for this lecture and lists other possible dates. [Letter from Frumin to LP June 2, 196464, July 14, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence (F: Correspondence, 1957-1966), #129.8]
- Letter from LP to Dr. M.S. Arnoni, cc: W.H. Ferry and I.F. Laucks RE: Expresses his and AHP’s concern for Arnoni’s May 12th letter to Victor Perlo and May 28th letters to W.H. Ferry and LP. Points out to Arnoni statements in these letters which are not true. Recommends that Arnoni take appropriate action to clear up the situation by apologizing to the 32 signers which he insulted and to publish an account of the Triple Revolution. [Letter from Arnoni to LP June 24, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence (A: Individual Correspondence, Alexander-Aydelotte), Box #6, Folder #6.15]
- Letter from LP to Edward Reed RE: LP thanks Reed for the copies of his Nobel Lecture and informs him of his new address. [Typescript of Nobel Lecture December 11, 1964] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts of Articles by LP, 1963), Box #1963a2, Folder #1963a2.8]
- Letter from LP to Esther Everett Lape RE: LP points out that only people who are alive can be nominated for the Nobel Prize, thus it is not possible to nominate Eleanor Roosevelt. [Letters from Lape to LP May 28, 1964, June 24, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Nobel Prize Nominations: Correspondence, 1940, 1942, 1948, 1958, 1960-1970: Box #280 Folder #280.7]
- Letter from LP to Frank Kelly RE: Discusses LP’s various work environments and requests that Kelly arrange a small office for LP at the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions and the use of a secretary ranging from part time to full time. [Filed Under LP Biographical: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1960, 1963-1970, 1989: Box #1.036, Folder #36.3]
- Letter from LP to John Lear, Science Editor, The Saturday Review RE: LP suggests the word “calcareous” instead of “calcerous.” Explains where he thought the error was and gives an example of the calculations he was worried about. LP believes Lear misunderstood the meaning of “1% to 5% error” and therefore possibly made some incorrect calculations. Handwritten “fluoridation” in upper right-hand corner. [Letter from Lear to LP May 27, 1964] [Filed under LP Science: (Articles and correspondence re: the fluoridation of drinking water, 1938-1988), Box #10.006, Folder #6.4]
- Letter from LP to Mr. Stanley A. Feingold, Vice President of the Marysville Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers RE: Tells Feingold that he can not accept his invitation to speak at the American Society of Civil Engineers’ luncheon due to his busy schedule. [Letter from Feingold to LP June 9, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence (A: Correspondence, 1962-1965), #14.3]
- Letter from LP to Mr. Ted Ellsworth, University of California Institute of Industrial Relations, RE: Tells Ellsworth that he can not accept his invitation to speak about the Triple Revolution because he is going to be in Australia in October. Suggests that he asks Mr. W.H. Ferry or Dr. Irving F. Laucks, and provides him with their addresses. Handwritten note in top margin: “US Speaking engagement declined.” [Letter from Ellsworth to LP June 9, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence (E: Correspondence, 1960-1969), #113.5]
- Letter from LP to Mr. W.H. Ferry RE: Returns the May 28th letter written to Ferry and encloses a carbon copy of his letter to Arnoni and tells Ferry that he also sent a copy to Laucks. Tells Ferry that he leaves for Paris the following Wednesday and will move into his new house following his return on July 8th. [Filed under LP Correspondence (A: Individual Correspondence, Alexander-Aydelotte), #6.15]
- Letter from Richard Reed to LP RE: Reed hopes to be released from the hospital within a month and hopes to never be placed on thorazine again. Reed asks LP if he has any need for an assistant in chemistry or an assistant of any kind. Reed hopes to get the chance to meet LP in person when he is released. [Letter from LP to Reed June 16, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence: T: Correspondence, 1964-1969: Box #412 Folder #412.1]
- Letter from Robert Graham, Armorlite Lens Co., Inc., to LP RE: Tells LP that if he can provide him with a pair of lenses of the type whose development LP encouraged, if he gives him a copy of his eye prescription and frame specification. Notes that he would appreciate reading what LP has to say on the subject of negative eugenics. Asks LP to have one of his secretaries send him a list of publications on the subject. [Filed under LP Correspondence (G: Correspondence, 1962-1965), #142.3]
- Postcard [in French] from Émile Frainnet to LP RE: Asks LP to send him a reprint of “Methylene and the Carbenes,” by LP and Gustav Albrecht. [Letter from Perier to Frainnet June 16, 1964] [Filed under LP Correspondence (F: Correspondence, 1957-1966), #129.8]
- Program: “Internacionale der Kriegsdienstgegner”. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box #6.008 Folder #8.529]
- Receipt from First Western Bank to LP RE: “In-Mail Deposit Receipt.” $327.06. [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP June 23, 1964] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.1]
- Receipt from First Western Bank to LP RE: “Temporary Receipt In-Mail Deposit.” $327.06. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.2]
- Telegram from Albert Baez to LP RE: Informs LP that USA clearance was received and that they plan to shoot the film as scheduled. Asks LP to bring models and tells him that they can reimburse him for travel after he signs a contract. [Filed under LP Correspondence (B: Individual Correspondence, Badger-Bartlett), #23.2]
- Telegram from LP to Albert V. Baez, UNESCO. RE: Inform him that he arrives at 6:50am on Thursday on Pan Am 126. Asks him to make a hotel reservation for him. [Filed under LP Speeches: Speeches by LP, 1964: Box # 1964s Folder #1964s.24]
- Typescript [in German]: “Nachfolgend die Termine der Vortage und Veranstaltungen” [Filed under LP Speeches: Speeches by LP, 1964: Box #1964s Folder #1964s.25]