Activity Listings
- Check from LP to Gilbert Fulton for $45.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, January 1960-December 1961), Box #4.026, Folder #26.1] [Also filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Check Registers, 1957-1962), Box #4.076, Folder #76.3]
- Check from LP to Linderstrom-Lang Fund for $50.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, January1960-December 1961), Box #4.026, Folder #26.1] [Also filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Check Registers, 1957-1962), Box #4.076, Folder #76.3]
- Document: Recommendations adopted by the Arden House Conference to plan a strategy for peace. Reported by Clark B. Milliken [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1960) # 258.2]
- Letter from Abraham White, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, to LP. RE: Thanks him for giving the commencement address. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1960) Box # 1960s2 Folder #1960s2.3]
- Letter from Carl Marzani, Marzani & Munsell Publishers Inc., to Joan Harris, Secretary to LP, RE: Says they will allow LP a 50% discount on the purchase price of $1.85 for an order of 250-500 copies of No More War! Informs that there are not currently enough books to fill such a large order. Note from LP: "Please order 250 - here is check" [Letter from Harris to Marzani July 1, 1960] [Filed under LP Books: 1958b3.1]
- Letter from Donald Keys to [unknown], RE: Due to recent attempts to discredit the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, Keys believes that the Committee should restate the principles under which it operates. [Filed under LP Peace: (SANE, 1958-1966, 1982), Box #4.003, Folder #3.9]
- Letter from Dr. J. Lloyd Spaulding, Bethel College, to LP. RE: Thanks him for his conversation. Would like LP to keep them in mind for another season. [Letter from Spaulding May 12, 1960][Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2]
- Letter from Friedrich Helfferich, Shell Development Company, to LP RE: Encloses copies [written in German] of additions suggested for the third German edition of LP's General Chemistry. Describes his recent vacation to Utah and Arizona. [Filed under LP Books: 1953b.2]
- Letter from Hardy L. Olsen to Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health, cc: LP, RE: Encloses the renewal application for the continuation of grant H-3136, "Molecular Chemistry Applied to Biology and Medicine," so that their records may be complete. [Filed under LP Science: (United States Public Health Service: Assorted Grants, 1954-1964), Box #14.042, Folder #42.2]
- Letter from Isadore L. Sonnier, Robert E. Lee High School, to LP. RE: Invites him to be the guest speaker for the Louisiana Science Teachers' Association. [Letter from LP September 23, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (L: Correspondence, 1960) # 231.6]
- Letter from Joan R. Harris, Secretary to LP, to Georgia Sim. RE: Encloses galley proofs of his book The Nature of the Chemical Bond. [Letter from Sim May 18, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence, (S: Correspondence, 1960) #381.1]
- Letter from LP to Academician A. V. Topchiev. RE: Regrets that he and his wife have been prevented from coming to Moscow. Is arranging a visit at a later date. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Topchiev, Alexsandr) #408.1]
- Letter from LP to Fowler Harper, Yale University. RE: Would like to add his name to the list of men filing suit against Fulton Lewis Jr. [Letter from LP June 2, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1960) Box # 167 Folder #167.5]
- Letter from LP to P. H. Waldraff. RE: Encloses answers to most of the questions in the questionnaire. Enjoyed talking with him. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (W: Correspondence, 1960) #445.1]
- Letter from LP to Paul H. Lavietes. RE: Thanks him for sending a letter. Has written to Harper. [Letter from LP June 21, 1960, Letter from Lavietes May 15, 1960]] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1960) Box # 167 Folder #167.5]
- Letter from Lyndon B. Johnson, to John Kirk Gray. RE: Thanks him for his views on the Summit Conference. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (G: Correspondence, 1960) Box #141 Folder #141.4]
- Letter from Marcus D. Kogel, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, to LP. RE: Thanks him for a memorable commencement address. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1960) Box # 1960s2 Folder #1960s2.3]
- Letter from Mark G. Field, Harvard University, Russian Research Center, to LP. RE: Has read reports of LP's speech at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Would like to know LP's ideas about the Soviet Union medical system. Encloses a list of publications and a reprint. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (F: Correspondence, 1960) Box # 129 Folder # 129.4]
- Letter from Norman Thomas, to LP. RE: Asks what to do about a letter with scientific value. [Letter from LP June 4, 1959, June 16, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (T: Correspondence, 1960) #411.5]
- Memo from LP to Professor Swift. RE: Recommends the appointment of David Hutt as Research Assistant in Chemistry. [Filed under LP Correspondence, (S: Correspondence, 1960) #381.1]
- Memorandum from Joan to Bea. RE: Makes a statement about Dr. Lippman. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Lippman, Richard W.) # 217.5]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Cop Who Hosed Demonstrators Asks Out", People's World, June 2, 1960. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Civil Liberties-House Un-American Activities Committee, 1960-1961. (House Committee on Un-American Activities), Box #2.041, Folder #41.4]
- Stub for personal check made out to Nature subscription, one year to 27 June 1961. Amount £ 7/15/0. [Filed under LP Safe: Drawer #4, Folder #4.042]
- Term Paper, Ch121b, "Ozone," by David Tucker. [Filed under LP Biographical:(California Institute of Technology: Materials from Classes Taught by Linus Pauling, 1957-1963, 1975] Box# 1.015, Folder 15.10]