Activity Listings
- Check from AHP to Aletha Courtney for $44.05. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: Southern Commercial and Savings, September, 1950 - December, 1952.), Box #4.021, Folder #21.3]
- Check from AHP to Sue Perry for $20.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Bank Statements and Canceled Checks: Southern Commercial and Savings, September, 1950 - December, 1952.), Box #4.021, Folder #21.2]
- Letter from LP to Grace Kidney, RE: Informs her of his reprint orders. [Letter from Kidney to LP, December 11, 1951] [Filed under LP Science: (National Academy of Sciences, 1945-1951), Box #14.019, Folder #19.4]
- Letter from LP to Otto M. Smith, American Chemical Society, RE: States that he will not be able to attend the workshop this summer because he will be in Europe. [Letter from Smith to LP, December 5, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1951), #378.5]
- Letter from LP to W. H. Freeman, RE: Requests that a copy of College Chemistry be sent to Dr. Y. A. Safi in Iraq. [Filed under LP Books 1950b.3]
- Letter from Manuel Morales, Naval Medical Research Institute, to LP, RE: Says that Dr. Hiram E. Essex would like to introduce LP and Corey’s paper. [Letter from LP to Morales, December 17, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1951), #256.2]
- Letter from Melvin D. Schoenberg, Atomic Energy Project, University of California Los Angeles, to LP, RE: Inquires about the possibility of doing post-doctoral work at Caltech. Handwritten note: “Dr. Corey, Do you think that he could be used? NFLP?” [Memo from Corey to LP, December 1951] [Letter from LP to Schoenberg, January 16, 1952] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1951), #378.5]
- Letter from Randolph T. Major, Vice President and Scientific Director, Merck & Co, to LP, RE: Major appreciates LP’s kindness for inviting them to have lunch during his visit last month. They were happy to talk about oxypolygelatin and will give careful thought to the possibility of contributing to the work on this product. [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Oxypolygelatin Blood Plasma Substitute, 1945-1951), Box #6.003, Folder #3.3]
- Letter from Walter J. Murphy, Editor, Chemical and Engineering News, to LP, RE: Congratulates LP on receiving the first Gilbert Newton Lewis Medal of the California Section of the American Chemical Society. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1951s.19]
- Propositions submitted by William F. Sheehan, Jr., RE: Ph.D. Oral Examination for Professors Shoemaker, Badger, Bates, Christy, Niemann, and Swift. Handwritten notes on top of page. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: (CIT: Materials re: Teaching and Advising of Graduate Students by Linus Pauling, 1935-1963.), Box #1.016, Folder #16.2]
- Telegram from LP to W.T. Astbury, Department of Biomolecular Structure, University of Leeds, RE: States that he shall come on May 1. [Letter from LP to Astbury, December 17, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Astbury, William T., 1937-1961), #6.18]