Activity Listings
- Handwritten note from John Codington to LP, RE: Thanks LP for his October 25th letter and its enclosures. Tells LP that he has been successful in finding some articles in Russian journals and notes one in particular that wasn’t on LP’s list. Tells LP that he doesn’t feel the statement that he sent him accurately represents von Meyer’s evaluation of Butlerov’s work. Handwritten note: “To Dr. Bengelsdorf.” [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #1, Folder #1.032]
- Letter from Anton J. Carlson, Department of Physiology at the University of Chicago, to LP, RE: Discusses that the great enemy of the human race today is war and the threat of war. Explains that the differences among cultures will not lead to war if we do our best to understand and cooperate with people in all lands on the essentials for peace. Says that they hope for a full peace settlement in Korea and so he is sending LP a statement addressed to their Department of State. Asks LP to sign the statement if he agrees with the proposals it contains. Encloses a copy of the statement and a list of names to whom the letter is addressed. [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Appeals, 1940-1970.), Box #6.007, Folder # 7.4]
- Letter from C.A. Lowe, Chief Budget Officer, Division of Research Grants & Fellowships, National Institutes of Health, to R.B. Gilmore, cc: LP, RE: Acknowledges receipt of the report of expenditures for the first year of LP’s grant and explains that there is an outstanding amount of $606.08; requests that another report be sent when these funds are used. [Memo from Gilmore to LP September 7, 1951] [Filed under LP Science: (United States Public Health Service: “X-Ray Diffraction Investigations of the Structure of Protein Molecules”, grant RG 1987, [changed to H-2143 (Chemistry 1950)], 1948-1958), Box #14.041, Folder #41.1]
- Letter from F. Arndt to LP, RE: Discusses the possibility of LP visiting Turkey during his trip to India. [Letter from LP to Arndt, November 8, 1951] [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001, Folder #1.9]
- Letter from Irving Bengelsdorf to Dr. Kurt Mislow, New York University, RE: Tells him that they do not have any translation manuscripts available at the present time, but that one of them should be in the Journal of Chemical Education soon. Says that he just finished the translation of No. 2 and will send him a copy if they are made. Comments concerning each bibliographical reference. Admits that he doesn’t know anything about the arguments involved in the linguistic controversy concerning the legacy of N.Y. Marr. [Filed under LP Personal Safe, Drawer #1, Folder #1.032]
- Letter from K.M. Rudall to LP saying he will be happy to send more photographs meeting the requests of LP and Corey. [Letter from LP to Rudall, October 25, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (R: Correspondence, 1951), #344.16]
- Letter from LP to Henry M. Woodburn, Head of the Department of Chemistry, University of Buffalo, RE: Gives his recommendation for Sam Naiditch. [Letter from Woodburn to LP, October 25, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1951), #287.18]
- Letter from LP to N. A. Parkinson, Assistant to the Editor, Chemical and Engineering News, RE: Encloses his review of the book, Die Chemische Affinität, by Egon Wiberg. [Letters from Parkinson to LP, October 4, 1951 and October 9, 1951] [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1951a2.9]
- Letter from W. Albert Noyes, Editor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, RE: Agrees with LP that papers of this type should be published in a more specialized journal so that all of the data can be included. Discusses this matter further and states that he will follow the points that they agreed upon last July until a different decision is made. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Journal of the American Chemical Society), #191.1]
- Typescript, Correspondence: Review of Die Chemische Affinität, by Egon Wiberg, November 2, 1951. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: 1951a2.9]