Activity Listings
- Credit card statement from the Richfield Oil Corporation to LP and AHP for $14.25. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1951-1962.), Box #4.060, Folder #60.1]
- Executive Memo No. 1 from Paul B. Johnson, Executive Director, Committee for Peaceful Alternatives, RE: Gives an itinerary, encloses a sermon and an action memo, and a national newsletter. [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups. (Co-Ev)), Box #4.011, Folder #11.1]
- Itinerary: Chemistry Workshop; Stillwater, Oklahoma [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.001 Folder 1.9]
- Receipt from the Union Oil Company of California to LP for $4.21. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1951-1962.), Box #4.060, Folder #60.1]